Wow, that says it all - and said nicely with no offense given and non taken. That young man looks like he will go away and think on those things.
ОтветитьPastor Nonsense. What a lot of rubbish he spouts.😊
ОтветитьThere is no god....Nietzsche killed God. Big bang started it all, Neophys I vs 63 makes that clear. Ha ha 😂 ⚛️ This pastor talks a lot but says nothing that proves he does know that God is dead.
ОтветитьA very famous scripture “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Yes God loves humans, but then says you will perish if you don’t believe in him. Hell is translated in the Bible as Hades, Sheol & Gehenna, Hades & Sheol being the common grave, Gehenna was a burning rubbish dump outside the walls of Jerusalem, denoting eternal destruction or perish. The word ‘tormentor’ in Greek was used to describe a jailer, the Bible does not say God torments people in hell for not believing, but says they will perish.. eternal destruction, those who believe in him eternal life. The choice is yours, but all choices have consequences.
ОтветитьThought religion said the earth is only around 12,000 years old.....
ОтветитьWhy must we just believe? Or just have faith?
I’m ready to believe. I just need something to happen to me personally that I can not deny. Example: ghost, alien, Jesus , anything.. I’ve never experienced anything .
I know what everyone will say: You don’t have faith so you will never experience anything. I guess I wait.
Why must we just believe? Or just have faith?
I’m ready to believe. I just need something to happen to me personally that I can not deny. Example: ghost, alien, Jesus , anything.. I’ve never experienced anything .
I know what everyone will say: You don’t have faith so you will never experience anything. I guess I wait.
99% of humans no matter what they believe have hell wrong.
Get the facts, it's not some fiery caves with a bunch of demons walking around with pitchforks and horns and everything's on fire!
It's so simple it'll blow your mind. Do the research.
The word hell sheol and Hades means a "hole in the ground" that's all, they dig a hole they put you in the ground bury your body in there and your soul dies with it! That's hell not somewhere to go and suffer eternally! Get your facts straight.
Ask and I will explain "fire and brimstone" in the "lake of fire"
It's being misinterpreted and so complicated it's difficult to understand. The funny thing is, the truth is so simple and easy to understand, it blew my mind when I found out and I am certain of it now, when before it was all speculation.
The "big bang" has been recently debunked. Look it up.
ОтветитьBut if you don't believe in God you go to hell, so where is the free will if you have to be controlled by fear of going to hell. Is it evil to control someone with fear?
ОтветитьI am a Christian and don't think the atheist was "Cocky". In fact he was very respectful both in his debating and his concession at the end of it.
Perhaps you should change the title to "Well Prepared" Atheist from "Cocky".
ОтветитьSo here's a question that I've asked many times and well got in a lot of arguments. Or should I say one-sided arguments I don't participate in them I just asked the question. We said God came down from the heavens. To me the heavens are up in the sky. Who's not to say that God is an alien. Beings that have way more intelligence levels in advanced electronics than we do. This would give him all the power he needed to do what he had done. It's just a question or a thought. Remember I've been given a choice whether to believe in him or not. So don't jump down my throat with anything I'm just asking the question. None of us was around back then. In written scriptures could have someone else's thoughts and feelings and exaggerations added drama we know how that works. Doesn't make him any less than what he is It just means we don't know exactly who he is. So what do you think could it be from another planet another solar system with far greater advanced technologies than we've ever seen. And because the people from Earth back then didn't have the intelligence to know well enough what was going on they considered him a god?.!
ОтветитьThe world is divided into my belief and your belief and from there all arguments start.
ОтветитьGod is a tenth dimensional being at least. A tenth dimensional being would have sovereignty over those below. Sounds like a god to me.
ОтветитьCarter in no way demonstrated being cockey. Confident in his beliefs? Sure. But he allowed the Evangelist to speak without interrupting and was willing to truly listen to an opposing viewpoint. I don't know if he changed his perspective on anything discussed, but his approach was admirable.
ОтветитьThis is an informative, calm examination of some big questions. There's no definitive answer, though. If God is in a sort of other dimension, then how did that dimension originate? The answer simply pushes the question one step back. How does a timeless entity--a thing for which time doesn't exist--effect changes such as beginnings and ends in time itself?
ОтветитьYou cant prove or disprove God. This argument seems pointless.
ОтветитьLots of assumptions made in this video. Tiresome, once again.
ОтветитьTwo men speaking without interrupting each other’s statements, rather carefully listening and understanding. 🙌
ОтветитьOkay, show me your proof for god. A book? Is that it? Just a book? Written two thousand years ago. Seriously?! And that's it? No booming voice from above? No appearances to confirm once and for all that he exists? No? Just a book? An all powerful deity would give off massive amounts of energy. I can see and feel the Sun. No one can see or feel god..... Speaks volumes.
ОтветитьIt's important to show that causation happens within a framework of time, and that time itself had a beginning, therefore there must be a first uncaused cause.
ОтветитьThe guy who labeled the video is arrogant
ОтветитьCarter is not coki
ОтветитьThere are over 3000 recognized gods, why do you believe yours is better ?
ОтветитьHallelujah........that young man is His. Carter came to the realisation of Jesus. No denying 🎉❤❤🎉🎉❤❤🎉🎉
ОтветитьNo one god created it self. I am i am what i want to be i am
ОтветитьI never once thought the young man was cocky. He stood confidently on what he believed respectfully. Change the title, it makes you sound arrogant, and arrogance is what gets man in trouble in the first place.
ОтветитьGod is the worst family planner of all time. He is over 13 billion years older than his son who out of a billion trillion planets in our universe just happened to be born on our planet. What did God do to kill 13 billion years of time waiting for his son.? Solitaire?
ОтветитьScience bit was cool but then the imaginary friend was mentioned and then it became fiction.
ОтветитьIs incredible that in the 21 century some people still believe in nonsense full of lies humanity needs to overcome faith to survive
Ответить"We can't justify morality". What a crock.
ОтветитьDoes this mean if you go to hell and don't like it you can change your mind and go to heaven and live on fluffy pillows?😁
ОтветитьHere’s the issue. There are over 10,000 religions in the world and they all claim to have the true god. That means that any religion has 0.01% of being correct. Those odds are negligible which means that religion is made up by mankind. It’s a big hoax because people can’t handle death being final.
Ответитьthank you Dr Frank for hitting the bull's eye with this solid line: God will keep sending you love notes and flowers but will never force you into his presence and if you keep rejecting, ultimately he will leave you to your own desires wherever you wish to be viz away from his presence! Awesome! God bless you and strengthen you, keep passing on that strength to us defenders servants of Almighty so that those desiring the truth may be reached and saved with the Word!
ОтветитьYou are an eternal being given a choice in this realm. There is light and darkness life and death forward backward up and down pull and push. GOD the Father is light love compassion mercy kindness charity Good truth meakness humility patient strength enduring. The opposition is darkness hate indifference merciless cruelty greed evil lies haughtiness and a lover of ones self with no remorse and the darkness shall be cast down into the pit and the light shall reign. where does Jesus come in? As a sacrifice the cleanse and take upon him to pay debts of sin to cleanse the filthy and unholy (you and I through repentance)to become children and heirs of our fathers holy etsate which is the realm of light Gods Kingdom. but deny the lamb (Ya ever wonder why God asked Abraham to sacrifice Issac his only hard to accuire son and Jonah spent 3 days in that massive fish and every account in the tanahk) and ye shall be cast down in that final day to take darkness and its realm to be your bride. Glory be to the Father in the name of my beloved Master Jeshua AMEN
ОтветитьStarted cocky and self-righteous, and left humbled and thinking. Good exchange.
ОтветитьVow! He says God is beyond time, space and matter and yet calls the God 'HIM', and that HE loves you and he wants o be with 'HIM. That is crazy confusion with words and language with no meaning. How can you know all this about something that is beyond time, space and matter? Big loophole Mr.
ОтветитьPeople create their own gods. They manifest through the strength in faith and belief. And that includes ALL gods since the dawn of human evolution.
ОтветитьIt is hard to explain the theory of God to someone who doesn't believe in God. Sometimes he or she has to go through craps in life in order to experience the existense of God. I am one of those people. If someone ask me now if God exists, i say OH YEAH. Because when i was at the lowest point of my life 15 years ago, someone asked me to read the Bible. As I flipped through every page, tears started to shed. While I was trying to deal with & overcome the sin that I had committed, I could feel that God was walking together with me, holding my hand. I am a free person now, forgiven of my sin. Been a born again Christian since then & i will say GOD is great!!!!
ОтветитьWho is this pastor?
ОтветитьI can’t believe that was an actual conversation without anyname-calling.
ОтветитьWho created God less than nothingness did.
ОтветитьThere are no false assumptions, that’s why they’re assumptions