Excellent video
ОтветитьEven Just the obligatory commentary bothers me.
I Just can't Focus on the Video without automatically Reading it, which isn't why i'm Here.
The painting in this video is cringe. No real painter cuts in around switch plates.
ОтветитьMy subscriber 2192 complete
ОтветитьСпасибо за советы, мне предстоит тоже стены покрасить
Ответить"Sometimes a patient chooses to laminate their prosthetic leg socket..." - just because you're disabled dosent mean you cant be a pervert.
ОтветитьThis was fantastic! . Looking forward to your next upload!
ОтветитьThey make me realize that manual labor is truly an art form.
ОтветитьThey make me realize that manual labor is truly an art form.
ОтветитьExcellent video, I really enjoyed this!
ОтветитьIf you look in the background, the guy with his toodler lawnmower mowed his side of the grass and left a clean separation between his and the neighbor's. WHO DOES THAT?!
ОтветитьYou could have laid ten brick by the time he was done playing with the mud
ОтветитьПриятно смотреть на 3 вещи: Огонь, Воду и Как работает другой человек
ОтветитьAbsolutely! Live edge wood, often mistaken as scraps or undesirable, holds incredible value and uniqueness. It's highly sought after for its natural, raw beauty, showcasing the organic edges of the wood. Crafting items like river tables from live edge wood has become an art form, commanding high prices in the market.
ОтветитьShame the person ruined those nice banisters with the horrible battleship grey paint.
ОтветитьEvery time I watch this, it reminds me of my 1st two or three of my favorite hobbies and ideas... Great video❤.
ОтветитьThe skills are truly admirable
ОтветитьWorkers with great skills
ОтветитьI love this satisfying video 😯
ОтветитьIs good
Ответить"If you're ever in need of some instant gratification, just watch the most satisfying videos!"
ОтветитьKanit aa
ОтветитьWhoever owned that car getting detailed should not be allowed to ever drive another vehicle again.
Ответитьman make the world a better place
Ответить"Applying the exact amount on the first try."
It says as he's redistributing it down the row.
I would fire the bricklayer in this video if he messed with the mud that much. Damn! that's annoying me.
ОтветитьI did auto detailing for nine months. Loved the work and always felt proud after a good job. But my boss hated that I took the time to do a good job. He just wanted a quick buck and had no interest in customer satisfaction. Could never work for corporate zombies like that.
ОтветитьVery nice
ОтветитьSome of these were great examples, and some of these were just fucking stupid.
ОтветитьДаже за чистку кроссовок большое спасибо. не говоря о другом
ОтветитьКак можно было перила закрасить серым!