Stop implying this is a legit Trailer. Not interested in this sh1te
ОтветитьThat's why they call him THE GREAT GALACTUS CGI or not that's what he's supposed to look like.
ОтветитьWow, this aged well....
ОтветитьAI crap
Ответитьcan't wait for this movie this trailer looks amazing 😍😍
ОтветитьMost believable part was marvel making silver surfer a female. Would been more believable if you showed clips from her lesbian love scene that has nothing to do with the plot or character.
ОтветитьA.I. is in the VCR stage right now. Eventually it'll be unrecognizable
ОтветитьThis AI bullsh!t is getting out of hand 🤣🤣🤣💀
ОтветитьHouse loan
ОтветитьLic insurance company
ОтветитьHAHAHAHA I THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE GOOD. Bring back the old silver surfer tho
ОтветитьA bunch of azz hole led by Maxwell Lord !!! What a grand pa !!!
ОтветитьA bunch of azz hole led by Maxwell Lord !!! What a grand pa !!!
ОтветитьWe need a video game series
ОтветитьAI is killing entertainment
ОтветитьIf they make the silver surfer a woman, I will not ever watch this.
ОтветитьSay hello to my YT blacklist.
ОтветитьSometime ago peooke had de decency to place - Fan made - warning, if this is not official... As we suspect, the account Should be banned
ОтветитьI can’t see Pedro pascal as Reed Richards
ОтветитьCmon man shave the stache for some respect to the fans.
Ответить👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
ОтветитьThis is painful, is this real? I can’t tell
ОтветитьWhere tf is the real trailer ?????I seen so many Ai trailers I can’t tell wats real or not 😂
ОтветитьIt looks really good for fan made, i know some time went into this one. From the few pictures we've gotten and the leak, the real movie will probably look a lot like this i the first act. Im currently getting into CGI and after effects at the same time , and im telling you, this trailer took some work, i think i see a few shots where each character is sort of a 2d animated card but in a 3d space, like the clip with Galactus in the windows, things head looks up, the other 3 are moving.
That particular part could be all AI but I dont think so. That scene was leaked, i think the big face was remade in AI, probably each card, but then the cards are animated.
Idk, i could be wrong, but i think its impressive, it looks accurate to what we know so far.
At this moment the last sequence of the film is being filmed in Spain at the congress palace (Oviedo)😄😄😄
ОтветитьThis channel is garbage lol
ОтветитьHA! I fell for it. I was like "Holy crap Pedro pascal got lean and jacked, he looks like a bodybuilder". I was looking at him sitting in the chair like, no way. Good music though.
ОтветитьSo many AI Shots
ОтветитьWtf is this?
ОтветитьAnother woke movie by Marvel , thanks , but no thanks .
Ответитьwhat the hell is even that...???? seems like a first class puke-festival.. get screen culture off the internet please
ОтветитьAI generated garbage!
ОтветитьZu viel KI 😢
ОтветитьMan that looked stupid. AI nonsense.
ОтветитьDer größte Scheiß ever. Absolut billig gemacht. Da sind die anderen 4 Teile besser
ОтветитьFirst trailer released;
A. January
B. February
C. March
D. April
E. May
F. June
G. None of the above
AI just got out of hand 😅
ОтветитьI miss when fakers had to cobble these things together from other movies.
ОтветитьI hope that's not a real trailer
ОтветитьJudgement day is arriving
ОтветитьMore AI generated trash 🥱😵💫😖
ОтветитьOtra vez la misma pelicula con otros actores deben hacer nuevaa peliculas
ОтветитьMarvel Studios should sue this channel.
ОтветитьI know it might just be me, but so much CGI or AI seems to be used more than practical effects. My devices have AI, and I am still trying to remove it. So call me old fashioned.
Ответитьthey were telling the truth.. these robots will someday take our jobs
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