Code Splitting Made Simple

Code Splitting Made Simple

Jack Herrington

3 года назад

45,909 Просмотров

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@shreyasshahu1423 - 18.09.2024 15:26


@umairasad3896 - 25.07.2024 19:34

I am really impressed by your theme.
What theme are you using?

@ytPEDROjoao - 27.01.2024 19:27


@Antoshkiv1 - 06.09.2023 17:12

Great video!

@hasi90s - 18.05.2023 02:54

Who the hell will add button for users to click that button and load the stuff , sorry to say but the start of your video is ridiculous and misleading you should be straightforward in teaching something and anyone searching for code splitting is not a starter of react he/she is searching for code splitting because he/she has developed app now optimizing it mind it

@danishansari5746 - 29.04.2023 17:46

There is an issue with React Lazy loading is that when ever we deploy the code the chunk file names are getting changed because of that the user gets the blank page. User will have to refresh the page or our may be have some code that will automatically refresh that page

Hey Jack for React Lazy loading is there way to keep chunk names same and not to write extra code for auto reloading when ever the code is deployed and user is able to use latest code

@oussamasadiki7377 - 04.04.2023 23:23

how about Vite?

@vengateshvaidyanathang550 - 02.03.2023 12:35

Good video.. Can you tell us the vscode plug-ins you are using as a pro dev

@DarkShadow00972 - 07.02.2023 08:16

Hi jack u automatically getting lot of intellisense which extension r u using?

@christopheanfry - 03.01.2023 23:55

Very Interesting video a lot of things to learn. I’m late with the comments but now that we see a lot of use of vite, is module federation still up to date and do you recommend it? I hear also about monorepo with nextjs is it working the same way? Thanks for your help and happy new year

@SahilRajput03 - 07.12.2022 12:15

such an amazing video!!

@anasouardini - 27.11.2022 09:19

do I need to do this when using Vite?

@RachidBoudjelida - 21.10.2022 15:09

damn I have been doing react for little over 3 years now, but every video I learn something new

@appuser - 22.09.2022 12:32

Very interesting. I wonder how/if this has changed much since January. Thanks Jack, this helped me a lot!

@kalyan4255 - 18.07.2022 15:01

Very Informative Video! Please keep doing more videos

@PickleRiiiiiiick - 25.06.2022 14:47

Fantastic. I'm curious how this will work with Vite.

@gamingmobility8734 - 13.06.2022 21:05

I was trying to find a way to use Nextjs to have both a website, and a dashboard for the sites admins. I couldn't find a way to keep it separate anywhere. After going to the admin route forcing login and authentication then using this loadable component did the trick! Thank you!

@rishabhjain5135 - 13.06.2022 17:09

hi ,
nice tutorial.
have a question - when to use this dynamic loading of components. Is there is any specific criteria for this or we can use whenever we want??

@waqasrana5734 - 29.05.2022 22:23

you the gem
i really thought that i can not do any thing.
my collegues are doing exciting things and i don't know how to learn them
then what luck to have you
thank you love you .

@waqasrana5734 - 29.05.2022 22:08

thanks <3

@vulcs - 29.05.2022 11:26

The problem are bundles, ESM solves this

@jaybhatt6775 - 20.05.2022 09:38


@shike769 - 09.05.2022 21:16

I have nothing to say than Amazing, blow my mind away 🤯

@ahmedrapira7610 - 18.04.2022 21:33

thnx <3 <3

@kirillpavlovskii8342 - 03.03.2022 09:12

Great , thanks

@igotbit9454 - 16.02.2022 02:49

Yes! loved this talk. not talked about much out there.

@geneartista9714 - 11.02.2022 20:14

Awesome as always but I wanna know it`s best use case on a project

@walidklai2417 - 08.02.2022 22:38

The best React channel, Period. Thank you Jack .

@MediumSizeNoob - 07.02.2022 08:46

Great one Sir! Can you share the theme and font you are using?

@大盗江南 - 06.02.2022 03:57

Hi Jack, thx so much for this great video. but i have a little suggest :) The title doesn't correspond to the content. and this is for advanced level.
i thought this is a tuto for splitting complex code. plz correct me if im wrong.

thx again for all those wonderful videos.

@Mark_MKII - 05.02.2022 07:27

I’ve been doing front-end dev for a quite a while, and finally have the opportunity to more forward-thinking work. Some of your explanations really clear up ambiguous concepts that are rarely expressed clearly.

(A friendly note about the intellisense tooltips that seem a little overly aggressive in showing their lovely help text - they often obscure the code you’re trying to show, and in really bad cases instill a feeling of inexplicable anxiety)

@BarryMichaelDoyle - 04.02.2022 15:14

I've seriously learnt a lot from this! Is there a TS example of the `loadComponent` function that you've created?

@theworld5937 - 30.01.2022 05:02

You are one of the best teachers of React. So much clearer than many others. Your font size is perfect and large enough and love the split screens.

Don't think I can ever approach your level of mastery of React no matter how many years. Some people just think logically and some are more right brained.

Thanks for your tutorials and I am a subscriber.

@DuyTran-ss4lu - 28.01.2022 09:42


@haicoders737 - 28.01.2022 09:41

very nice video, btw , what kind of font and theme do you use in vscode

@Ahmed-cy4jp - 21.01.2022 18:08

What’s your VSCODE theme?

@aminedaimallah310 - 19.01.2022 00:59

nice tutorial, i just have a question, is this what it's called Serverless Components? i mean the last part of the video

@nakulnagariya7736 - 18.01.2022 19:13

Amazing, thanks Jack

@guilhermegirardi - 18.01.2022 11:56

Awesome video!
Regards from Brasil!

@SIRISH1990 - 17.01.2022 16:59

Jack, thanks for all the stuff you do.
can you also do a tutorial for securing electron app with keycloack.

@igor_cojocaru - 16.01.2022 14:03

Cool! Thank you

@fadi7819 - 16.01.2022 02:01

What is this font he is using in vs code ?

@jasonthorpe3470 - 15.01.2022 20:06

If you want to store a React.FC in a useState, you don't need a fancy wrapper class -- just need to wrap it in an anonymous function, as in `const [myComponent, setMyComponent()] = useState( () => () => <div>Loading</div>); setMyComponent(() => () => <div>My component has arrived</div>) ` The reason this broke your first example in the "manually wrapping async loaded react components" section is that setState allows you to lazily set the state (i.e. in case the default value is expensive to calculate) so it lets you set the state (either initially or later with the provided setter) by giving it a function that will eventually return the state -- which it will only call once (e.g. so the initial state doesn't get calculated durning every render cycle). Plus `setState( () => MyComponent)` is much easier to remember than `setState(myFancyComponentWrapperForFunctionalComponenttMangedWithUseState(MyComponent))`

@mani8586 - 14.01.2022 21:12

Again TOP Content from the way you explain the content so easily

@rjmunt - 14.01.2022 12:43

I might need to rewatch but why rewired in one app and craco in the other?

@angelprieto2001 - 13.01.2022 19:58

Thank you very much Sir, as always an amazing job!

@MrEffg - 13.01.2022 10:55

Thank you, Jack! Top content in calm manner as always! I wonder how could one leverage module federation in monorepo app or are there best practices on how to share code in monorepo app between packages (without bit . dev)
