Gta 4 prologue gta 5
ОтветитьThis same thing happens if you mod the game and look back at Michael's body in ending B after he falls to his death.
Ответить"IM STANDIN-"
immideantly gets knocked out
To be fair eyes don’t close when you die, they open
ОтветитьDang, Micheal stood up quick
Ответитьhe’s standing and he’s standing. so whos standing
ОтветитьBrad was probably close to death hence he’s just gazing
ОтветитьIs GTA isn’t it stupid?
ОтветитьDead people can have open eyes
ОтветитьThe devs are just lazy and don't think of closing the characters' eyes like animals, and when you kill npcs
ОтветитьAlso if you do this outside the prologue four story mode in general sometimes he will stand up after he's dead because it's a glitch
ОтветитьLikely because in real life when someone dies, their eyes stay open!
ОтветитьI was waiting for the end of that sentence to be "You die in real life"
ОтветитьTrevor: you faked your injury, Michael😡
ОтветитьTrevor: "I'm standing" shouldn't Michael be saying that
ОтветитьThese are bugs, not features. 🤡
ОтветитьBrad didnt die. He is a double agent. He faked his death and took the bullet just like michael did.
Nobody noticed its not really brad in the coffin in ludendorf.
wild that i have still not finished my playthrough of this i always just end up driving around for a while and logging right off
ОтветитьThey stand up because the mission is being reloaded and replied also sometimes people die with their eyes open
ОтветитьHaving lived in Yankton, where this supposedly takes place, this doesn't look like Yankton S.D. at all. Yankton is not that rural and far more buildings would be visible.
Also, the second (IIRC) season of Fargo had a scene in Vermilion, S.D. a 30 minute drive from Yankton, which had a rest stop with a stand of evergreen trees, and no fields. There is no rest stop even close to there, no stands of evergreens, and you can't spit without hitting two fields.
Interesting side note about Yankton, back in 1998 the DEA declared Yankton (county) as the county that had the most illegal drugs per capita in the USA. David Letterman even announced it on his show while making a joke in his monologue.
Because when you die you dont actually close your eyes and stick your tounge out 😭
ОтветитьI think they kept them like that so you can't shoot them
ОтветитьHow is Brad blinking?
ОтветитьWhen people die, they sometimes have there eyes open. They don't magically close. It's actually s decent challenge to close your fallen friends eyes.
ОтветитьDoes he not know whrn sby dies irl there eyes still open
ОтветитьMichael looks like Shane Gillis
Ответитьwhat that is so flawed... cmon rackstarve
ОтветитьPlot Twist: Brad was alive too and he was accidently burried alive
ОтветитьOr it could just be the basic game engine
ОтветитьMichael played the NPC animation when ally is shot so it's just a bug
ОтветитьWhen someone dies their eyes stay open 🤦🏻 .. yall watch too many movies 😂
ОтветитьWe call those glitches sir
ОтветитьI’m pretty sure that Michael didn’t actually get shot and Dave purposly missed
ОтветитьMichael managed to survive
ОтветитьYou don't fall asleep when you get shot. With brad I kinda get it but even then when you die your muscles don't relax right away.
Ответитьtheir eyes are open when they sleep/saves the game, so what is the point?
ОтветитьMe- people die with their eyes open sometimes😂😂😂
ОтветитьWhen person dies it doesn't mean they would close their eyes, monkey
ОтветитьI never understood why michael
1- was shot, if this was a deal with davey
2- doesn't have any scar on his chest
am i wrong to say that trevors story of brad waking up handcuffed to a hospital gourney , having to break him outta the clink cause of it would of made gta5 so so much better story wise…
ОтветитьWhat! Michael never died?! I haven’t gotten to that part yet what the hell!!!
ОтветитьMicheal more erect than me on a Sunday morning
ОтветитьPeople usually die with there eyes open especially when they’re shot
Ответитьmerely pretending
ОтветитьFun fact you can blow up Micheal if you use cheats
ОтветитьEven if u die or not he’s still giving away his death