How to Launch a Really Big App Idea

How to Launch a Really Big App Idea

App Masters

6 лет назад

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@terryabassi1927 - 26.03.2018 13:17

Great advice

@OverpassApps - 26.03.2018 22:36

I get a lot of clients looking for the "uber" model of business. I try to tell them that they are fighting a war on two fronts... they need the sellers and buyers at the same time. I think starting small is great advice-- that's what Facebook did by starting at one university. It is probably the most popular model I hear lately... "Uber for xxxx". Glad you are feeling better, Steve. Great video.

@sajyamaha - 29.08.2020 19:57

just curious , what is wrong in launching world-wide ? what if your idea is a hit in Africa and some other tech giants notice it and steal the idea and launch their own version world-wide ?

@joshuarosa6769 - 15.01.2021 21:08

I’ve got a big idea app that I think will be huge. I would love to get your input.

@purawalker2537 - 26.07.2024 14:57

Appreciate the advice man, app is in development.
