Mastering Authelia Installation ft. NGINX Proxy Manager

Mastering Authelia Installation ft. NGINX Proxy Manager


3 года назад

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@lancejenkinson - 05.03.2023 20:52

Hey, as of March 2023 can't seem to get past the Redis install on 6.11.x. Getting permission denied in the logs for the Redis docker. Tried following a forum post about using install command for folder prior to install but still not working. In fact, seems to have created a redis folder somewhere else on the server I can't find. Can you provide updated instructions with the change in non-root dockers?

@jhmc93 - 24.01.2023 17:01

having a lot of problems when starting mine:
getting follow errors:
- authentication_backend: you must ensure either the 'file' or 'ldap' authentication backend is configured"

"Configuration: access control: 'default_policy' option 'deny' is invalid: when no rules are specified it must be 'two_factor' or 'one_factor'"
Configuration: storage: configuration for a 'local', 'mysql' or 'postgres' database must be provided"
"Configuration: storage: option 'encryption_key' is required"
notifier: you must ensure either the 'smtp' or 'filesystem' notifier is configured"

@Shaq2k - 31.07.2022 14:07

Nice job. But.. when reaching overseer, you will still need to log in there as well? No single sign-on?

@cooksterni - 15.07.2022 23:04

my config file is asking for a storage encryption_key but I can't see it being mentioned here? The template from the website looks a good bit different to the one you use.

@officialismailshah - 15.05.2022 09:30

Awesome and unique content..... ❤️❤️❤️❤️

@abderrahmanes323 - 17.03.2022 19:02

Thank you so much for all your content, big thank to all the team

@sterling3371 - 29.01.2022 14:29

no dice. i commented out the ldap but still getting fatal ldap error 200.

@shanerscott1981 - 19.01.2022 12:58

Where is the link to the current config files?

@TRANCEP0RT - 07.01.2022 22:32

Do you plan to make a video about setting up LDAP for Authelia and Windows auth? Thats a project i want to implement since ages ago, but i never found a combination of tutorials and (free, selfhosted) software for that.

@dhmarkley - 30.12.2021 20:05

First let me say i love your channel! Second, I have tried this guide 3 times now from scratch and i can't get it to start up. It keeps saying Provide JWT secret. I have gone though the video countless times and still get the same result. I know it will end up being a user error since i am new to docker and unraid, it's just frustrating. One sugestion for future videos if i may, use the same configuration file that you provide (not truncated). It makes it confusing when half the config options are not shown on your screen. (for a Noob at least) Thanks for the great content and i will keep plugging along until i figure it out.

@SoNeeK85TD - 04.11.2021 15:42

This whole channel is a wealth of excellent, clear cut, thought out, well presented information. Keep up the good work mate!

@RagaiMeena - 01.11.2021 02:20

you are amazing

@boriss282 - 31.08.2021 20:57

Thanks for cool video ,but i dont have any config file after created docker ?!?

@Torpeg - 21.08.2021 07:49

How would I put a virtual machine or another machine behind NGINX/authelia?
I have HASSIO installed as a virtual machine on unraid. I want to expose it behind authelia. I plan to move it to a proxmox installation eventually although it will keep the same IP. Is this possible?

@pants-on-fire - 14.08.2021 10:15

Thank you for the awesome video and docker template!

I just want to add on in case there may be others like me who are using the linuxserver/swag docker to handle the reverse proxying instead of Nginx Proxy Manager. Besides uncommenting the "include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf;" and "include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf;" lines in each of the .conf files you wish to protect using Authelia, you also need to ensure 2 more things:
1. In your authelia's configuration.yml file, the value for "server.path" should not be left blank, rather it should be "authelia".
2. Ensure that the container name for your Authelia instance is "authelia" instead of "Authelia" if you're using this wonderful docker template from Ibracorp; or in the appdata directory for SWAG, edit "/config/nginx/authelia-server.conf" so that all instances of "set $upstream_authelia authelia;" says "set $upstream_authelia Authelia;" instead.

@MrJWMutant - 14.08.2021 04:20

The config you are editing in the video is different to the config.template on the github. Are you using the default config or the one from github?

@JuniorReveron - 06.07.2021 23:31

This was Awesome I got this working like a charm, I love the pace you use and how you explain things.

@homerogonzalez2909 - 03.07.2021 04:57

hey ibracorp when i try to start authelia i get a "Error malformed yaml: line 228: did not find expected key" thats the "file" part of the config.yml i have tried different passwords and hash's i have put the plain text password in the password field and left it blank like in your video but nothing seems to work. any ideas?

@carltonwbrooks - 17.06.2021 22:50

Finally got it working, the one thing that messed me up was the yml code. In other yml/yaml coding I have done if anything that you use contains a non alpha character you need to use (") quotes. Almost all my passwords do and that took me hours to figure out. Something about forest and trees. LOL

@roeilevi9912 - 14.06.2021 03:18

hey, thanks for the video. ive tried to implement this in my server, but when i try to access radarr it asks me to connect and after i put in the username+password is just says "Authenticated" and doesnt move on to radarr. i tried to re-install, re-configure all configs that you added to the guide and nothing.. can anyone help me fix thix? :(

@sparten9999 - 27.05.2021 19:02

how were you able to just open the config in windows. always tells me i need permission

@amlucent - 27.04.2021 03:00

question for you, what do I need to change in the Protected Endpoint.conf to point to a non-container item.. say another address on my local network? What do I replace CONTAINERNAME with?

@amlucent - 27.04.2021 02:53

Using this video and your other freeIPA one, I banged my head against a wall attempting to authenticate this from my AD domain for a couple days. I couldnt figure out why it wouldnt work. Finally I commented out the additional_users and additional_groups entries and BAM! What I discovered is if all your users and groups are in the OU=Users and OU=Groups OUs respectively (As I suspect many home labs are) it will just silently fail if you point the "additional" entries to those same OUs. Gotta just comment it out. Thought I would share and save someone else heart ache

@noorberty - 23.04.2021 12:00

Thank you, but how can I use authelia with nextcloud, hassio, bitwarden android apps?

@grandinhosting4281 - 22.04.2021 13:31

Hi Thx a lot for the overview for Authelia. I just have one issue will this install. The argon2id part does not work. I did change the name and did all the things u said we needed to change but it will not start Authelia. Any idea´s??

@marcosnajera5651 - 17.04.2021 01:35

Thanks for the guide btw! Very useful! 🙂

@marcosnajera5651 - 17.04.2021 01:35

Anyone else having an issue with radarr and sonarr not sending data back to the host once connected? I.e. saving settings or trying to download new media on the domain does nothing on the host side?

I have other dockers that run with no problems (overseerrr, SABnzbd, nextcloud, etc.).

@lukeyboiable - 16.04.2021 05:38

I don't think you could comprehend how helpful this was!

@SeanAnthony - 15.04.2021 20:43

I finally attempted this awesome tutorial. However I must be the only one that failed at it. When I log into Authelia to authenticate Jackett I get a 403 error. Any clues as why this is happening? I did pick a plain text word and used the HASH generator.

@CliffKarlsson - 12.04.2021 18:41

I have set up two "proxies" one fore overseer and one for guacamole. I configuration.yml I have only entries for domain and policy:one_factor. If I go to my overseerr domain i get to log in using authelia. But ig I close the overseerr window and try to go to my overseerr domain again I get a authelia message saying that I am already logged in and only gives me the option to logout. If I want to access overseerr again I have to click logout, wait for the login page to show. I then need to close that window and enter my overseerr domain again. Is there something I have missed ?

@hawks5196 - 08.04.2021 16:40

Bro.... how do you not have more subscribers? These videos are gold! Not only got me set up but now I understand the process along the way! Seriously can't thank you enough

@alexanderjenkins - 29.03.2021 17:34

Is it possible that you could help me get two-factor fixed? It states "There was a problem initiating the registration process" whenever I try to use it.

@marshy.. - 20.03.2021 00:57

Can't seem to edit the config.yml authelia creates.
Every other container I can edit anything in, including mariadb which was just installed.
Windows saying I don't have read permission, to exclusively that folder.

@sebastianeliassen3658 - 18.03.2021 22:41

i have got authelia up and running after your great video. now i have a problem with getting api key from the different services i have to bypass it. lets say sonarr i want a more secure login, but i would want the api key from sonarr to work with other applications. how would i do this? i dont really understand how to set that up.

@SeanAnthony - 10.03.2021 17:27

I have a question about MariaDB, I see Authelia requires a database but so does Nextcloud and Nginx how does that work? Can there be multiple database in the one MariaDB container and these DBs handle difference applications? If so, can you do a video on that if time permits? Great tutorial I trying to follow along and have a similar setup for my HomeLab. Going forward I will ask question at your email addy above. Again thank you for all your hard work on the videos. They are truly helpful!

@xisop - 09.03.2021 19:35

Nice. In the first 10 minutes I was like "nah, don't need this.."
Later on I was like "hmm.. Interesting 🤔"
Now I'm like "f*c|< yeah. Want this"

Thanks for the video 😘

@godarayudhvir - 06.03.2021 17:16

Finally i can now have 2FA 😋

@narutogamer - 06.03.2021 03:50

great video, I didn't manage to make it work with only your github and now i'm stuck with mariadb, I put password in it but adminer can't connect to it and when I connect to mariadb container, and try mysql or mysql -u root -p mypassword, it just says access denied using password YES.
Version of MariaDB mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.4.18-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2. It's not the first time it does this to me with mysql

@FCKUclan - 04.03.2021 21:09

When you setup adminer, shouldn't it be better to just give the docker net ip:port instead your LAN port?

@DestinyKey13 - 16.02.2021 17:42

Greetings from Australia! Followed this as close as possible but can't get Authelia to start. Logs give "Unable to initialize SQL database: Error 1045: Access denied for user 'authelia'@'' (using password: YES)". Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

@elcoyote189 - 08.02.2021 01:03

Hello All Great guide. I do have an issue where its not redirecting to Overserr. I follow d the guide to the letter, When I log in it does show the Hi Marvin! Authenticated but it does not redirect

@mariobraun7568 - 07.02.2021 11:52

Thanks for the awesome video.
I would be interested in how you setup FreeIPA
