Discover the chilling story of Gilles de Rais, the infamous 15th-century French nobleman arrested on September 10, 1440, for accusations of black magic and murder. Allegedly involved in dark rituals to summon the demon Baron, de Rais sought wealth and power through a sinister pact. Was this once-revered knight truly consumed by the occult? Dive into one of history’s darkest mysteries. #OccultHistory #GillesDeRais #DemonPacts #DarkMagic #BlackMagic #EsotericKnowledge
#Occult #Demonology #BlackMagic #GillesDeRais #MedievalHistory #DarkHistory #Alchemy #Mysticism #Esoteric #Witchcraft #Necromancy #HistoricalMysteries #TrueCrime