The suit is beautiful
ОтветитьOver Compulsive Disorder is a mental condition and it isn't all to do with cleanliness as people think it is. So it is not hipocritical of her to wear a poor form of self protection from covid 19 as her anxiety seems to be associated with housing and the fear of living where others have previously lived. If you observe this clip you see that she touches the rail to walk up the stairs, this is odd because a germaphobe would not do that. What I'm trying to say is that OCD is a complex disorder and outsiders can't give their opinions and criticisms because it is simply unfair.
Ответитьthis is so beyond.
ОтветитьIt’s spelled MIELE not MELE 😂
ОтветитьI have the same problem.i still live with my parents and thats one of the reasons.ppl think im spoiled for wanting to live in a new house.but rant is more expensive and on the other hand living in a place where other ppl lived,even if it will be deep cleansed still disguest me.just thinking about it now.triggers me
ОтветитьYou have 3 million dollar to spend but you ask for free blinds???? She is either just wasting their time and doesn’t have 3 million or she is just weird
ОтветитьOCD 👏🏻is 👏🏻not 👏🏻something 👏🏻you 👏🏻plan. When you have an OCD episode, you believe that you will drop dead for no reason if you do not do it (no that is not an exaggeration or joke). Stop spreading mis-information. Where did people even get the theory OCD is cleaning/organisation/hygiene related? I have numerical OCD, ADHD, ASD, and it so so hard to deal with, but it makes it even harder when someone finds out about the OCD and proceeds to say something like "oh I think we all have a bit of OCD in us" NO!
ОтветитьToo bad she cant enjoy victorian houses..... maybe she’ll faint at the door....
ОтветитьI can't eat food and drink water inside a hotel room knowing there were people before me and I can't eat food for weeks when I changed to new house. Is this normal?
ОтветитьI have OCD and would prefer to live close to people who likes to clean and loves clean environment.
But I think living close to this type of person in any case would be a problem🤷
I would be Andrea put 200 dollar camera on do whenever someone would go to roof space she would know 100percent
ОтветитьAs someone with OCD, while I can kind of understand where she's coming from, holy hell what a privilege to be able to ask for that. I don't have enough money to go out of my way to live somewhere where I'm the first one there lmao
ОтветитьShe has 3 million dollars for a house????? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 who has that kind of money to spend on a new place just cause of OCD? Who is her daddy or what is her job? HOOOOOOW?
ОтветитьTheir masks are so stupid ! Is this so called anti-covid? They inhail all the dust with air with all the germs , viruses and so on. I have no doubts that such a laughtable shit could be invented in the States only
ОтветитьThat's not OCD 🙄
ОтветитьGirl, why not just build your own house?
ОтветитьOh the penthouse is nice but if she is usually alone, I can see why that would be scary cuz you never know who suddenly goes through the public staircase.
ОтветитьShe can't live this world alone. She needs help more than being segregating from everybody
ОтветитьNY looks miserable
ОтветитьYea but doesn’t wear mask right
ОтветитьShe also has dead skin cells, hair and germs like anybody else 😜
ОтветитьI believe it’s just nothing but squeamishness.
ОтветитьCan please someone explain, since university is free in my country. How does she make so much money working at the university? Is this the result of private university? Is it normal to buy a 3 Mio usd place with a job at a university? Why don't they lower tuition for the students and then pay an average salary?
ОтветитьShe ever stayed in a hotel?
ОтветитьBro. OCD is an actual serious disorder. Stop romanticizing and trivializing it, it's a multifaceted, DEBILITATING issue. An individual having OBSESSIVE HYPOCHONDRIAC tendencies DOES NOT automatically make them sufferers of OCD, and in any case, you can't call someone VERY OCD. Wtf is this honestly. Would you call a seemingly malnourished or small-framed person as "VERY CANCER" ? THAT'S HOW ABSURD THIS IS.
Ответить'It's so gross '
Just a typical bimbo who have way too much money. No it's not OCD.
she is human or what
Ответитьlive on mars no one has been there yet,plenty of room out there
ОтветитьSo she didn’t actually tell y’all that she was diagnose with OCD you guys just labelled her that and wrote it in a caption? That’s beyond unacceptable
Ответитьplease take this video down or change the title cause it’s misleading. OCD isnt like this
ОтветитьCan we stop juts throwing around Mental Diagnoses like “OCD” when we’re talking about personality traits/germaphobes. Even if this client has OCD “Very OCD” is SO dismissive of the real struggles of people living with this diagnosis and just being used as click-bait. .
ОтветитьA million dollars for that cramped place? Yeah its nice and has everything it needs but c'mon now.
ОтветитьMy parents bought my house when it was just built but that's because they were getting married and they wanted a house and this one was good and I mean just built like no furniture they and to put carpet etc in. But I've lived in the house my whole life so and the concept of living in a house after other ppl is kinda weird to me. Like I'm not shutting it down or anything or not wanting to live in places after othe reply like her but at the same time I do feel a little weird but oh well I'd get over it
ОтветитьNot all of us can afford to live where ‘no one has lived before’. That’s why you CLEAN a place before you move in.
ОтветитьThen go live in UrAnus (pun intended). You’re the only person that will be living there. That’s for sure!
ОтветитьWorking for nyu sounds like a great gig
ОтветитьWow I'm glad I don't live in america
ОтветитьBut damm that pent house is beautiful but a bit small though
ОтветитьI can relate to this sooo much ! I am really uncomfortable with the idea of someone living in a place before me and using the same toilets, showers or kitchen as a stranger.
ОтветитьThis is me. I always have to live in new builds where no one has lived.
ОтветитьSTOP👏🏻STIGMATIZING👏🏻OCD you can’t be “very ocd” you can have Obsessive Compulsive disorder
ОтветитьShe must not have sex
ОтветитьRich people OCD. I don't want house with hair in it.
Poor People OCD. I do not want food with hair on it.
I never understood the anxiety riddled New Yorker. How do you live in such a congested city and be so phobic of other people seeing you, or having been in your house before you lived there. It seems put on.
Ответитьthese prices are 'nothing' compared to sydney nsw - even in lockdown... has this woman heard of 'cleaning' - of course she has if she 'suffers' from OCD - or is she just self-indulgent...
ОтветитьI feel her when she talks about people who have lived there before, OCD. Asians mostly prefer a whole new house too
ОтветитьYou can always board up those big ass windows if you don't feel the urge to participate in those fiery but mostly peaceful protests.
ОтветитьI think I’ve have ocd too 🤣I m quite sensitive about people