Will my shaky hands end my woodworking career? (A very personal video)

Will my shaky hands end my woodworking career? (A very personal video)

Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton)

6 лет назад

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@short6691 - 12.09.2022 12:25

Thanks for sharing! I had not noticed.

@woody1320 - 12.09.2022 19:45

Been watching you for several years and just now saw this. I seem to have a very mild case of this as well and as I age it's getting worse as well, my left hand is worse then my right.

@lincolndickerson1293 - 23.09.2022 04:13

I know you made this a while ago. I appreciate knowing you are okay. Thanks. Though I only come into your life occasionally often you seem like an old friend.

@allan640 - 25.09.2022 04:11

I had a problem similar to that, but it was due to a blood sugar problem. Fixing small parts on computers and stuff what I found I could do was wrap my wrists and or upper arms extremally tights for compression not to cut off blood. That mid to high arm tight compression for short periods eliminated the issue. BUT my blood sugar problem worked out by it's self but you might try that. It might not work, it might. But the doc said that putting compression on those muscles that control the fingers and stuff might have damped the shaky effect it hand. I eventually found some elastic wrap that worked, but to start my tests I (and I would not recommend this) used rope. I also could see those muscles in my arms twitching, but thankfully I grew out of it mostly, but maybe something like that could help you some. Also, don't wear them for more than 10 or 15 minutes that tight, or your hands will start to get weak, and then it itches like hell when you take it off and your upper arms are pock marked from where the wrap pressed on the skin lol. I should also add, that my doctor recommended not to do that, but he also told me to quit smoking (and I don't smoke)

@markg3305 - 13.10.2022 20:42

My dad has always struggled with this! He's always got poked on for it also. To this day i Still don't know a better craftsman than he is

@jghseraier - 27.10.2022 21:42

I'm really late to this party, but I want to thank you for this video. I'm 63 and have dealt with essential tremors most of my life, like you. It caused me to give up small-scale modeling. I've taken to woodworking. I have considered giving up on it because of the tremors. But after watching this video, I am encouraged to stay at it. My workshop is the living room in my one-bedroom apartment. I am slowly moving to all hand tools, for noise reasons. I've learned a lot from your videos.

@tomsears2471 - 14.11.2022 18:44

I love this video. Not sure what to say other than keep doing what you do. The Stumpy Nubs nation has your back. Thank you for this video.

@CrazyManwich - 18.12.2022 00:27

I thought maybe it was from a bad wood working accident and that is why you set out to make these videos. Either way shaky hands doesn’t make one a risk. Can’t tell you how many shaky handed elderly people I have seen do tasks requiring fine motor skills with beautiful results.

@CrazyManwich - 18.12.2022 00:27

I thought maybe it was from a bad wood working accident and that is why you set out to make these videos. Either way shaky hands doesn’t make one a risk. Can’t tell you how many shaky handed elderly people I have seen do tasks requiring fine motor skills with beautiful results.

@Engtissueman - 18.12.2022 02:25

My wife has had familial tremors which may be the same condition under another name. She told me she could never be a brain surgeon, but handles life's tasks without problems. It shows up most when she is eating and I see her spoon or fork shaking. She is 72 and still going strong. Hang in there. I really enjoy your videos having learned a lot.

@shedmanx3640 - 18.12.2022 02:25

I have the same problem although have to be extremely careful around power tools like the bandsaw as my hands will involuntarily jump and I have a few scars from that. But as said elsewhere in the comments, it’s great for sanding which I do a lot of when carving wooden spoons and other wood carvings. Keep going mate. It’s the only way I know to keep it under control.

@edwinmccowan7433 - 18.12.2022 02:34

Sir I noticed way back that you had ET, as I have had it since age 28, I am now in my late 70's. I got my from my father, I went through Swedish Hospital in Seattle and qualified for any of the three ways they can cure it. However when told because I had a previous heart attack and stroke there was no guarantee that I wouldn't have another during treatment, so I opted to just live with it, in my case I can still do some woodworking but can not do oil painting.

@57RGilbert - 18.12.2022 02:47

Thank you. I once took jewelry classes from a silversmith who did exquisite work-- and still does-- but his hands shook. It was remarkable to watch how he could turn wire and small bits of metal into absolutely gorgeous works of miniature art. A friend, born without hands, painted and wrote with her feet. The lesson is that one's handiwork is only hampered by one's desire.

@pomonabill220 - 18.12.2022 08:34

I know this is a late comment, but thank you for explaining your affliction, if that is the correct word.
I have noticed this, and knew you were NOT a drinker, but thought it might be Parkinson's. I have never heard of Essentila tremor before but that is interesting and glad you are able to handle it in your work.

@m.r.3912 - 18.12.2022 09:14

Glad, that you could work around of this issue. I know a case, where a professional timpani player has to quit his job at the opera house because of his shaky hand went too bad to further play the timpani.

@jrkrahn9717 - 18.12.2022 13:54

If you hadn’t told me about your shaky hands I wouldn’t have known about it. I’ve never noticed.

@Rivenworld - 18.12.2022 15:05

Thoughts and payers are with you my friend, very good of you to explain but in all truth, you shouldn't have to. All the best.

@darrelmiddleton - 18.12.2022 17:36

So I saw this video when it was first released, I meant to comment then but I guess I forgot to. I also suffer from essential tremors, and have my entire life as well. Over the years I have tried various medications, my latest is primidone and it has been pretty effective so far. I wish you the best of luck with it, and keep up the great work.

@lesharrison4213 - 18.12.2022 19:26

Stumpy.... Thank you for posting this video.. I have exactly the same symptoms with my hands. I have had it for decades and I have received those comments like "man you really need to take a drink". Now that I am almost 80, I do have to steady a tool on the work surface to make an accurate cut. Sometimes I hold the tool, like a chisel, with one hand and place the blade on the line with the other. Those viewers that make snide comments should think before they hit that post button, they may also find their hands shaking later in life.

Again, many thanks for posting this excellent description of a natural issue that many of us experience!

Les H.

@elroySF - 21.12.2022 17:31

Thanks for sharing. I've had the same thing since I was a little kid - and I play piano (not well, it must be said). Essential tremors suck! Two things I've noticed have the biggest affect: sleep and alcohol. If I've had a bad night's sleep, it's much worse. Back when I used to have a glass of wine or two with dinner, my symptoms would be worse the next day. I don't drink at all anymore, which has helped...I don't know...maybe 10% or 20%. But sleep is the big one! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for all of the great videos. You've inspired me to stop watching videos and actually start building things!

@kentrichardson9070 - 21.12.2022 20:30

My first wife’s hands would shake to. She is an extremely talented artist and could paint or draw a straight line freehand in any direction, it left me dumbfounded. I’m glad our daughter inherited most of her good qualities and very few of my bad qualities,except my short stature. Love your content. Cheers.

@doughenderson4345 - 21.12.2022 21:43

Thanks for being so candid .. I was wondering - honestly, but not my business.

@moonbow7957 - 22.12.2022 03:19

Hey fellas I'm a saw mill grader & use Nikola Tesla's violet ray, they call it a quack device......wonder why......everyone I know loves it & no joke!

@rgsiiiya - 22.12.2022 04:51

My sympathies! I also have what they called "Benign Tremers" when I was diagnosed (probably before you were born :-) )
Also seems to be genetic as my grandmother had it, my mom had it, I have it, one of my daughters has it.
Mostly, it's not an issue and usually able to work around it.

@JonnyDIY - 22.01.2023 12:37

My Dad has em bad and my Uncle too and he's an avid woodworker, doesnt stop him at all he's always making something.
PS- Beautiful artwork you created. I actually live in the lil California town Nipomo, where The Migrant Mother photo was taken 💕👍

@Sithraldor - 30.01.2023 05:58

Thanks for sharing

@TimandPax - 03.02.2023 01:16

Hi James, I figured out you have ET or 12 shots of espresso in your cup😄 I have Parkinson’s and the only time my tremors calm down is when I am woodworking. Thanks for sharing.

@rjtjtckt3998 - 14.02.2023 20:55


@LitoGeorge - 14.03.2023 00:21

Respect James, keep at it mate. Really great 👍

@somebody3322 - 02.04.2023 04:17

Literally never noticed until after you mentioned it. So while it may be very noticeable to some, it's mild enough that I over looked it.

@robertloken8613 - 13.04.2023 23:34

Just came across this old video, Isuffer from the same issue and being in my late 60’s I find it sometimes to be more pronounced and had the same questions, will I be able to continue some of my hobbies, thanks for sharing this and giving me a little ease of mind. Got mine from my father. Keep those vids coming, great entertainment and source of knowledge.

@jimowens381 - 07.09.2023 16:53

I know this an older video but I just ran across it. I too have essential tremor and have had a shake since I was a small child, I'm 68 now. It has gotten progressively worse as I have gotten older. In the last year, it seems as if it has really accelerated, frustrating even me. There are some treatments, mainly medication. But there is one now that is non-invasive and permanent. It is called focused ultrasound. You might want to check it out because I guarantee the tremor will get worse. Good luck and God bless!

@philiplloyd7282 - 11.09.2023 00:12

Glad the shakes are nothing serious. Thanks for everything you've taught us on the other other side of the pond.

@mmoncur - 22.10.2023 07:25

I've had essential tremor since I was a kid too (older than you now). I've been binge watching your older videos for a while as I got back into woodworking and I recognized that tremor in the close-ups. It actually was inspiring to me as I sometimes wonder if I can handle things, so every time I see you shake a bit while doing expert work it tells me I can do it too.

For those that might wonder, it's pretty easy to develop techniques for working precisely despite shaky hands. I have done pen and ink drawing and very precise soldering and it can be frustrating -- especially if I have a shakier than normal day -- but I can do it. If something is impossible (like precisely aiming a long drill bit while reaching my arm in the air) I just get someone to help.

@Tremorwoodworks - 15.12.2023 05:21

It's great that you brought this to light as we "shakers" don't get the same awareness that Parkinson's has garnered. I'm primarily a woodturner, and like you mine started at a young age and has progressed slowly. I'm now 68 and still doing well.

@packetlevel - 24.12.2023 03:56

Awesome Art! Too bad some focus on something very small, and miss what's really big. Thanks for sharing - most all of us have something or other that's 'non-standard'.

@benjhind - 27.01.2024 06:21

Glad this isn't holding you back. We all deal with health issues eventually, sorry that you started young.

@gvernau - 10.04.2024 06:28

You might want to check out a new medical procedure called Focused Ultrasound for treating Essential Tremor. I just had the first treatment in December and it is amazing, from shaky to steady in hours. Basically non- invasive brain surgery. If you are a candidate it's a miracle.

@brianfreeman8290 - 08.09.2024 18:51

I have Essential Tremors. Thank you so much for this.

@GazzaBoo - 08.09.2024 23:19

If it gets worse, you can change your channel name to ShakyNubs to poke fun at yourself.

@markloegering8700 - 09.09.2024 02:50

I never noticed. Just keep up the great work!

@bentonjackson8698 - 09.09.2024 03:46

I have an essential tremor as well. It's explained to me that it's a tremor that has no other serious cause. My aunt, grandmother, and brother all have it, so that makes it a "familial tremor". I gave up painting warhammer miniatures a long time ago when I first noticed it. My current hobby is pottery. I've noticed that squeezing things really sets it off- like slip trailing. I just don't do that! And yeah, supporting my hands is the way to go. It's also bad when I've been exercising, particularly weight lifting.

@grantjohnston6152 - 09.09.2024 04:16

Like so many other viewers, we are here for your content... We love the way you cover so many different areas of woodworking, your humor, your expertise, your familiar voice... Thank you!

@Blauvogel123 - 09.09.2024 11:32

bah, dont worry. I've seen REALLY shaky surgeons who still did a really good job.

@poppamad979 - 12.09.2024 02:52

Thanks for sharing this. I have a similar condition and at 60, it gets a bit worse each year. Like you, it doesn't stop me, but watching you with a chisel trying to chop dovetails felt way too close to home for me. I am the lucky one. I have three brothers that all shake much worse than I do, but then again, I am the baby and maybe my turn is coming. I also had a grandmother that shook pretty bad, so you are probably right, it has to be something genetic. Long story short, it is good when you share so others can not feel so all alone. Love your channel and appreciate all your good content.

@steveshapland8846 - 17.09.2024 04:31

You're in good company, Katherine Hepburn for one. My sister is another.

@jaredbingham229 - 27.09.2024 00:31

Ive noticed with muscle fatigue mine gets much worse, i cant sign my name after running a weed trimmer

@stevedixon4037 - 01.03.2025 21:17

I am 77 years old and have essential tremor and a slight case of Parkenson's disease. My tremor was so severe that surgery was necessary. At Ohio State University I recieved a Deep Brain Stimulator for the right side of my body. The tremor went away completely leaving only a slight tremor in the left hand. Anyone suffering from movement issuess should check with a major league hospital and have the DBS surgery performed as soon as possible. It was not a big deal. I really enjoy your hand tool videos. Thanks Steve

@StumpyNubs - 08.04.2018 17:17

Thanks for all the comments, I read them all! I'm touched to see all the support, and surprised how many other woodworkers deal with the same problem!
