American reacts to 11 German words AMERICANS USE all the time!

American reacts to 11 German words AMERICANS USE all the time!

Ryan Wass

1 месяц назад

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@fredy8296 - 29.07.2024 02:39

Where is schmutz?

@mcinen67 - 29.07.2024 13:21

The 8.8 cm FlaK was an effective German anti-aircraft gun during World War II. The German soldiers discovered that the cannon could be used against enemy tanks as well and therefore German engineers designed a tank with the FlaK 88 as primary weapon, the famous Tiger armored tank.

@yanz7768 - 29.07.2024 17:25

Actually all american/english words are basically german. English is a combination of german and french when what we call Great Britain wasn't even colonised...

@EmjacKReload3d - 29.07.2024 23:01

In Germany we also use "nix", it's just short for "nichts". But it's fascinating how many German words somehow made it over to the US.

@TheRealJesusChristus - 30.07.2024 17:11

Nix is also used a lot in speech and sms. Its just not spelled right

@Drake8501 - 30.07.2024 22:49

I plaid Madden NFL on PS 1 , the only way to learn the Football Rules in Germany , and I made them Blitz to Victory.

@Drake8501 - 30.07.2024 22:51

Schlepp??? No not realy

@Allarium - 31.07.2024 11:47

I speak german but i never heard Schlepp

@Allarium - 31.07.2024 11:50

German Gang

@simsatelier - 31.07.2024 13:30

I am German and have never heard the word Schlepp,
probably the word schlapp is meant, which means that you don't feel quite strong because of exhaustion.

@Grovion - 31.07.2024 17:06

In germany we don't use the word Über like americans do at all. We only use it as the german version of above. "The lamp hangs above the ground" translates to "Die Lampe hängt über dem Boden". But we never ever use it as prefix with another noun. The Nazis left scourched earth with this kind of use with their Übermensch (über human) philosophy. For germans the word über as a prefix is forever associated with nazi crimes.

Also: Nix is not changed by the americans from nichts to nix. Nix is the german informal and shorter version of nichts that germans use all the time.

@TopSecret-bq8qm - 01.08.2024 02:21

Nobody is Saying Schlepp in germany. WTF ? U can day schleppen but Schlepp? Idk

@TopSecret-bq8qm - 01.08.2024 02:23

Karabiner is also a gun

@atlantisatlantis3864 - 01.08.2024 20:52

I have never heard "Schlepp" in Germany neither in UK or USA.
Sehr probably means the Word "schleppen" which means to carry something heavy.

@atlantisatlantis3864 - 01.08.2024 20:55

Kitch never heard this in UK neither in USA

@vennejosch - 01.08.2024 22:01

Blitz means lightning

@herb6677 - 01.08.2024 22:18

Calling a Neanderthaler stupid is stupid. They survived for 300.000 years, something modern men will most probably never be able to achieve.

@Ethan_Hunt-AUT - 01.08.2024 23:00

we also say "nix da", which would stand for "sicher nicht" (certainly not) - and we also spell it that way (in Austria)

@barbarahoffmann1777 - 03.08.2024 01:04

The video you reacted to isn't from Feli ;-)

@franzliszt8957 - 05.08.2024 00:52

Kaput in English comes from German, yes, but it ultimately comes from the French "être capot".

@loreley3126 - 05.08.2024 09:30

Blitzkrieg= quick/short attack , like a lightning ⚡️ is short…it was not meant to be long …

@loreley3126 - 05.08.2024 09:37

Some other German words: Wind= wind, Haus= house (sounds the same), Gras =grass (very similar), Sturm=storm (very similar), Maus = mouse(sounds the same), kalt= cold (still similar), hart= hard, fein=fine (sound the same), Mann= man (still similar), und=and (very similar)… Eis=ice (sounds the same), stopp= stop … and many more… 🙂

@ThaRealVadez - 05.08.2024 16:14

didnt you already react to this?

@s0rrex - 05.08.2024 20:53

Its funny, how i as a german, just accpet it, when people said doppelgänger or kaputt, without even thinking about the facts, that they are using german words xD

@astellios1748 - 06.08.2024 00:54

Language is part of culture and culture is there to be shared, so that humans can understand each other.
The German language can be both very precise and very lyrical. Good for art and engineering.

@cosokabe8147 - 06.08.2024 02:34

Where is the zeitgeist wanderlust and glockenspiel ...

@Premo550 - 06.08.2024 02:59

Blitz we say in general for lightening.And for flashlight in a Fotokamera.I am surprised that you use it for war.

@DirkMetall - 06.08.2024 22:50

Nix is German slang, like „ nuthin‘“

@noggrin1908 - 07.08.2024 09:58

I have never heard or used the word in that form before
"Ich SCHLEPPE schwere Sachen" (I'm carrying massive/heavy things)
"Ich muss immer die schweren Sachen SCHLEPPEN" (I always have to carry the massive/heavy things)
That's what you say when you want to emphasize carrying something heavy

"Ich habe jemanden im Schlepptau"
That's what you say when you have someone with you that you have to bring with you, even if it was actually planned differently, like your child, for example

@noggrin1908 - 07.08.2024 10:16

One thing that we Germans think comes from the States...
We use this for the mobile phone
I'm not even sure where it came from that we adopted it here and standardized it

I have a question about communication
Here we use e.g. WhatsApp if we want to write something to each other, I heard that you “still” use SMS
This should be part of your mobile phone tariffs
We hardly use SMS at all. When someone talks about SMS, they say things like: Are you still living in the past?
So to the question...
Do you really primarily use SMS and not apps like WhatsApp?
WhatsApp should generally be relatively unknown to you?!?

@udderbird1808 - 09.08.2024 10:48

The word "Karabiner" originates from the French word "carabine," meaning "carbine," a type of short, lightweight rifle used by cavalry. The modern carabiner hook got its name because it was initially used to quickly and securely attach these carbines to saddles or belts.

@anjar.2096 - 10.08.2024 00:51

As a child we sometimes said after an exhausting day: "Kaputti ist die Mutti und schlappi ist der Papi". "Kaput is mommy and floppy/limp is daddy" would be the translation. It was always fun to find funny rhimes.

@whiteknight3255 - 10.08.2024 12:19

„Schlepp“ is a word that doesnt exists in German, what she means is „schleppen“. We can carry something to somewhere or she can say I have the big cupboard „geschleppt“.

@MikesVoyagesAndDrives - 10.08.2024 15:18

In German, a "Karabiner" is also a long weapon, an army rifle.

"Über" also means above.

In colloquial language, we also often say nix instead of " nichts" (nothing)

@ascaniusvotan2319 - 11.08.2024 12:44

am I the 100th person pointing out that Déja-vu is french? :D

@ascaniusvotan2319 - 11.08.2024 12:47

Karabiner is also not German, it is a french loan word in German.

@ascaniusvotan2319 - 11.08.2024 12:52

uber is just "over" like many other words:

over = english
super = latin
hyper = hellenic
uber = german

they even share the same etymological root.

@brucenatelee - 12.08.2024 08:19

"So we have to give them back at some point." Why did that make me laugh? I swear I ain't that simple.

@brucenatelee - 12.08.2024 08:23

I think I usually hear the phrase "Stay kaputt."

@maikmischke7785 - 12.08.2024 10:56

in german it is schleppen

@AlexGreen1991 - 12.08.2024 23:08

Germans also say "Nix", but it's more part of some dialects or slang.

@sheepyx814 - 14.08.2024 18:46

alles cap

@lexmole - 19.08.2024 02:32

"The German language must be something fun to speak" ... Well, give it a try, I'd love to see you having fun learning German. 🤭

@HappyBeezerStudios - 24.08.2024 18:48

There is also another Karabiner in german, which is just like the english equivalent used for a shorter rifle, and ultimately comes from french and was used to refer to specific rifle cavalry.

@HappyBeezerStudios - 24.08.2024 18:50

Flak made it's why to the US like so many german things: WWII

@Netbase2000 - 03.09.2024 13:33

Hahhaa. True. You have to give them back at some point! 😅

@Netbase2000 - 03.09.2024 13:34

We use kaputt for Exhaustion too. That's not in america

@Netbase2000 - 03.09.2024 13:38

Not a good choice of words of her tbh. Should've explained 2word-words too

@ClintOstholz - 05.09.2024 22:24

There`s another word like Flak in German: Pak. It means "Panzerabwehrkanone", which literally translates to "tank defense cannon", which is an Anti-tank-gun.
