People wouldn't waste days weeks months making up these maps for jest or to deceive. Not then.
ОтветитьThank you, Roger! It makes perfect sense that those sea monsters would be the parasites living inside Typhon and Quetzalcoatl. Many parasites living in humans are so small a microscope is needed while others can be a foot long in taller people. Research “ parasites are demons” and it completely relates to your work. That fish , Aries the god of war, was the god of the philistines/Atlanteans the sea people and is mentioned in the Bible as Dagon and Rehab the sea monster. Secular history matches the Bible but uses different names. Satan is Saturn /cronus/Typhon and Arch angel Michael is Jupiter/zeus and angel gabriel is mercury/hermes.
ОтветитьAsk yourself how much gold do we have in our bodys. Then look where the gold is found..
ОтветитьI’d love a timeline of when all of these events in the past happened, to get it ordered in my mind. Where people living near decaying corpses after the war of the Gods until the great flood transitioned them? Also, it seems as if something catastrophic happened in the mid 1800s which created a boom in asylums and a lot of orphans (trains). The world fairs seem iffy. Tunnels all over the world, of unexplainable intricacy for the time or reasons they claim were dug eg Derinkuyu. History is so broken, altered and fabricated by those in high positions, it may never be figured out. We’ve seen recently how countries can coordinate to control the people and the narrative.
Ответитьthe giant claw below florida is insane.
ОтветитьI want to add something to this comment.
If Earth's gravity were to double everything would be condensed, the same amount of material squeezed, compressed into a smaller space. If Gravity on Earth were half of what it is today everything would expand. I mention that because later in my comment it is relevant.
There have been different resets and it seems the powers that be at the time take liberties to create a fraudulent account.
Some societies and cultures preserve history the best they can but for whatever they are the exception rather than the rule and as generations go by we get to a point when we've collected enough information we realize it doesn't add up or make sense and we try to figure out what happened. We are in an era of figuring out what happened now largely because technology has allowed us to research on a global scale and share information and discoveries. (keep reading)
It's clear, that there are forces and faculties that do not want us to know the truth or the real history and a monumental effort has gone into hiding the truth. WHY? That's a good question that might have multiple answers but rest assured one will be to protect power, wealth and control.
From what I've concluded the ancient world was nothing like the world we know today. The environment, the atmosphere, gravity, oxygen CO2, and the very fundamentals of life as we know them were different including the size of Earth.
How could Earth's size have been different? For the same reason, I listed above. If Gravity Itself Was Half Of Earth's Gravity Today Everything Would Expanded Maybe By 50%.
Think about the world being twice the size. All of a sudden having Giants and enormous creatures make more sense. It doesn't answer all the questions but things like the Planets being closer to Earth and closer together and other things ancients documented could be a result of the universe itself being different.
Something happened that changed everything we know and it's why it's been so difficult to understand.
Everything includes the COSMOS. Something of such GIGANTIC PROPORTION HAPPENED and we don't know what but we do know things changed from what the ancients documented to what we know today.
We're surrounded by the history of a different world, a world that could not exist in today's world given our atmosphere, oxygen levels, gravity, and fundamental chemistry but it did exist before our world changed.
The ancient Sumerian King's List was in the Museum In Iraq. In 2003 it was looted. The Kings List Tells Us Of People Living For Thousands Of Years, The Bible Tells Us Of People Living For Several Hundred Years. These things might sound impossible but as far as I'm concerned and I'm not alone, not by a long shot this was reality in their world here on Earth.
Imagine the knowledge and wisdom a person would have with all that experience. It's beyond imagination and could be why something happened we can't understand or explain why Earth and life on Earth is so radically different now.
The Gods Were Real, they could shapeshift into anything they perceived from a tiny flea to a gigantic monster or a rock at will. I think we'd be fools to think they no longer exist. I think they are among us and have been all along in various shapes forms and lives.
I also think they are communicating with certain people and most likely controlling things to some extent but how much they can do is anyone's guess.
It's important to remember the Gods are not GOD, they are not the creator but they are indeed powerful beyond anything we have or are capable of. AND,,,
Before you write me off as a complete nutcase, think about what Roger has discovered and what Mudfossil University has revealed, I also suggest another site called "My Lunch Break".
We are but ants in a compost pit
ОтветитьScience has become a cult largely under the control of moneyed interests. All about controlling minds, suppressing heresies.
ОтветитьA creature that big has no food. How was it supposed to live?
ОтветитьAwesome Roger thanks
ОтветитьRoger, I just want to tell you that your YT channel is Number 1. No one even runs a close second to you.
ОтветитьThey can't see it because their autism won't allow it, it's the honest truth!
ОтветитьOh, I believe.
ОтветитьI'm wondering if your related to thing from the Adams family cause all we ever see is hands I respect your work but if you'd use more consistent resources and explain them more um like a teacher with a script using science based language with comparisons side by side and slower and one subject at a time . Get rid of the feather stop laughing at the sex organs that are mud fossils. And personally I think your on some specific drug you drift off topic a lot make a script and follow it pict topics with different ah topic headings lay it out in organizing fashion use Dr Walter browns hydro plate theory early on. After showing us actual biology of our body's now in a living state then plant biology then transverse biology and the science of that then show us pictures of the mostly in tact. Mud fossils regular size. Then show them the Giants then the trees then the foot prints and remind us of the hydro plate theory again and study that fully and imagine the magnitude of that year and the aftermath of that flood then the fossil they are trees or Wales that are multi layered in the fossil record talk less about the dragons and mountains that are mud fossils use that to tempt people to wonder more show them the soft tissue from t Rex and the proof's that Dino's flying swimming and on land that have been recorded since then don't make such a none believable presentation don't say you're crazy and saying you're mud fossils UN. It devalues your hard work making people discard your truth I am in agreement with you and am trying to help you with these ideas they'll be more likely to want to hear more and we'll all get to The truth faster hopefully good luck and keep learning and teaching us
Ответить😂 Gulf of friendship 🥰
ОтветитьGot a sea turtle on the beach near me, it’s the size of a house
ОтветитьFunny how life works... coincidentally 😊
ОтветитьIf mainstream "scientists", "geologists", etc admitted that land formations are ancient giant creatures, they would have to concede that everything else about the world we were conditioned to believe are also lies and fabrications
ОтветитьDear Roger, you are not crazy, but for me a genius. I believe you 1000000% and have been following you for several years and I am delighted with your research and evidence. Only a person with a wide open mind can accept all of this. Everything we know is a lie and that is why we must erase everything old from our minds to make room for the new and true.
ОтветитьYou are holding a torch for the rest of us.
ОтветитьLol - Now you're making me think of H. P. Lovecraft... - he wasn't altogether wrong either, just because he was more sensitive to things than others.
ОтветитьI love the work You do, Sir.
ОтветитьYou should look in British Columbia natal peak looks like coal bed has reptile skin features pretty incredible
Ответить👍🏻good stuff
ОтветитьGrazie amico
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьHe’s just another blow-hard.
ОтветитьGenesis tells us that the fallen angels mated with Eve’s daughters and created the Nephelim GIANTS of old., and genetically altered human / animal cross-breeds. So, Did God create the DINOSAURS?, or were they a genetically ALTERED LIZARD altered by the fallen angels?
ОтветитьNowadays we just call them fat chicks.
ОтветитьDang you blew my mind with that one. The monsters of oldl,were the parasites and bacteria inside the titans . 🤯🤯
ОтветитьSo what if those titans flew here to were we currently live ,from another part of the realm. Like those crazy large flat earth maps that never seem to end.
ОтветитьMFU! 💜thanks Professor you feed my soul that seeks the truth 🙏👏🔥
ОтветитьIf you look at Africa, it looks like a giant skull.
ОтветитьI think your vids are BS but I love them anyway. Always learn something neat. Thanks for what you do.
Ответитьall this came to light in part by google earth,,Roger,you have a following of students that grows larger all the time,so keep teaching and new finds keeps students interested. I think the rocky mts are a huge creature,but the entire earth is a dead creature,,and maybe the entire universe..keep teaching until it gets someones will go down in history as one of the other famous explorers.
ОтветитьI would like you Roger to comment on what I see and hopefully you will see it too.
Here we go, if you study the U.S.A. and think of Florida as an ear of a Dragon ( creature ) with its head basically looking towards Canada. Use his ear as a reference for size. His head and snout is pretty easy to see and once you see it you will never unsee it. Its hard to think that for as many people who have ever looked at the map of North America that its taken until now for someone《 me 》 to actually see the bigger picture. Basically the entire North America is this one creature .
100% no doubt about it.
I think there was another Dragon eating Quexuqilotil if you look at the back of its tail.
ОтветитьThere were many dragons everywhere and also other large animals which were made by the wicked angels and so God had to do the flood to stop them all attacking each other and eating each other and people too. Also, there were Giant people who were cannibals too and if you look at My Lunch Break you can see the catacombs everywhere in the earth under the large buildings that the wicked angels made for their children who were giants male and female with six fingers and six toes.
ОтветитьHi Roger. Elias here from Cyprus. If you go and search for parasites in dragons on Google you will find out they are identical to those you showed.
Yes you’re both right we’ve been lied to so excessively that your BOTH rite ..
The Earth is way bigger we are trapped in the middle there is a Ocean . there is a different gravity inside the Earth. and outside. this is how the inner ocean stays inside The Earth go look up the last George Noory and guessed he explains well the different gravities Roger we love you thank you for all your hard work please don’t listen to the haters they are just fearful . LOVE conquers all it’s a law OF THE MOS HIGH . ;) all is being reveled .
Edit .. And guest . Not guessed lol
ОтветитьRoger fabulous, when I got around better in Texas the Edward’s Plato below the Cretaceous layer I found many armor layered creatures. I also found palm wood and many many other things. Great show .
Ответить1775 Bible. Sea monsters
ОтветитьLove your content!! Once you see it, you can't unsee it!! I've told everyone about you!! I hope the world wakes up!!
Ответить"You keep saying what they say... you're never gonna get there." Couldn't say it better myself!❤
ОтветитьI found that dragon wrapped around the ship and it was 14,450 kilometers long from nose to tail. I found Krakens entire body I also found a large dead fossilised fish Novaya Zemlya, Iceland was known as the stingray with the island on its back, they all died in the same event.
Ответитьalways great info thank you