Chilly's Series 2  - Quick Review

Chilly's Series 2 - Quick Review

Film Camera Reviews

3 года назад

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@georgelewis365 - 03.03.2025 14:05

Is it 250ml or 500ml water bottle?

@pjmorgan - 23.05.2024 02:07

The one that arrived today is already dented 😢

@mr.dilkington - 14.01.2024 12:51

The problem with the rubber base is that it’s easy to knock over. If it’s a smooth base then it’s more likely to just slide with a knock.

@eva2s - 20.10.2023 17:47

Can someone please make a video on how to clean the cup? Do you have to disassemble it every time or just from time to time?

@moskyzz0 - 24.09.2023 23:58

is the bottle leaking? I've read many complains about people having this issue with series 2. can you confirm ?

@WOUUUTT - 14.02.2023 23:43

What size is the water bottle?

@SY_STAR - 12.11.2022 00:50

Thank you so much! I needed this! I've just bought myself the bundle in Whale! So, it's super cool to know you can twist the lid on the coffee cup to prevent leakage! So excited to get mine! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

@RabbitPowered - 16.10.2022 10:45

This is funny.... I realised you have a toyota mr2 which is what I have and I wanted to know whether they fit their console drinks holders!!! 🤣 Thanks!!

@HeyItsKora - 18.09.2022 11:14

Quick tip if you make these kinds of reviews, especially if you just have a top-down camera angle for the whole video: try get the frame of the shot right, as it is, it's overly zoomed in which makes the whole review feel very cramped and claustrophobic, and I don't think there was a single moment where we could see the entirety of the larger bottle in the shot, there was always part of it chopped off and out of the frame. Having the shot more zoomed out would mean you can be a lot free-er with moving around without having to worry so much about going out of the frame. Also one of the main reasons I was looking for reviews of Chillys bottles was to gauge the actual size/dimensions of the bottle when held in someone's hand for example, which is hard to do if all I can see is a top-down angle that feels like it's zoomed into about 140% of what it should be. A huge part of reviews like this is actually, very simply showing the product- you talked about it a lot, and showed all of the small details, but you omitted just showing the product (review channels often shoot b-roll while they go over talking points, which is a great way to show the product "in action"- (MKBHD is a king when it comes to this type of b-roll if you want inspiration!), in this case it could be a shot of the bottle on a desk or table, stood next to some common items for size reference, like an artsy shot of the bottle on a desk in front of a PC or Mac, next to a mouse, keyboard, smartphone etc, so we can see it properly next to items most people already own. Or it could be a shot of someone simply drinking from the bottle. Basically similar to what you did when showing the coffee cup with your coffee machine, only instead of just a portrait mode photo taken with your phone, you could actually stage a b-roll shot, set the coffee machine up somewhere where it'll look cool rather than the dirty kitchen counter next to other random stuff like a pot of marmite and a bag of bread haha (sorry i don't mean to be mean by saying 'dirty' kitchen counter, I'm trying to be honest and constructive, and it's kind of true, doing a review video and showing off the product on that kind of stage, where the product itself is still wet from when you presumably washed it, it doesn't look great, and it reflects badly on the overall quality of the video which is a shame because other aspects of the review are great. But yeah, then you could shoot the footage while coffee is pouring into the cup in slow motion or something to make a cool looking shot that feels creative and artistic, this kind of thing makes reviews and videos in general feel way more alive and 3-dimmensional, also feels way more professional, makes it look like your production value is way higher, when in fact, all it takes to go from "good" review, to "great" review, is a little creativity and extra time

@jakeharris76 - 11.08.2022 00:00

Did you have to put in the grey rubber band in the collar? Or was yours already there.

@radiocaf - 19.07.2022 04:03

The lid is the reason I went searching for a review. People were complaining that the old bottles would be too cold or too hot on the spout you drink from, which I see as a non-issue but hey-ho. Either way, thanks for the solid review, you really covered everything important! :)

@judefinnsorbie2009 - 08.07.2022 03:51

This has changed me life, I’ll never be chilly again x

@terrytibbs3336 - 04.07.2022 02:27

It’s actually a terrible mug. Leaks everywhere and very hard to clean. Terrible design , not actually fit for purpose.

@GothicKittyMadness - 15.06.2022 20:50

funny thing is... I came here for a review on a water bottle. I don't actually give a shit about your car.

@dandunning7731 - 23.05.2022 02:14

The Series 2 coffee cups are such a ballache to wash because you have to prise the top off with a knife to clean it.

@DVelez-wz3fe - 10.02.2022 19:25

Where are they made?

@krisjeneson5017 - 09.02.2022 23:37

great review, tarty interior ! BMW? 👍😆

@amybrooker5055 - 06.12.2021 16:24

Great review thank you! Just wondering the coffee cup could you put a soft drink in it and it will keep it cold like the larger bottle ?

@laurengreer3332 - 22.11.2021 16:56

Thanks for the video! Would you say the opening on the bottle is big enough for ice cubes?

@s.fernandes7560 - 19.10.2021 14:11

Thanks for the video, which volume ml did you get on each of them?

@samsheikh6007 - 26.08.2021 22:48

Thanks for a great informative video!

@Prokudak - 10.08.2021 10:02

How is easy is it to disassemble the cup lid for cleaning?

@olgastefou11 - 07.08.2021 23:23

Thanks for the review. I’m about to buy one. But I was wondering…does the hole for a straw? Cause I drink cold coffe, but always with a metallic straw

@DanielM96 - 04.08.2021 03:37

Very dissapointed in the insulation of the series 2 bottles, water temperature does not stay cold very long after a few hours it is basically room temperature, not tried hot water but I imagine it not staying hot very long either. Design is good but in terms of keeping the temperature it's not very good series 1 is better in that regard.

@DominicReyes - 29.07.2021 23:25

Avoid. I spent £58. Item was missing from my order. Customer support is awful. Been a week now and they are still ignoring my emails. Having to do PayPal dispute. Try calling their customer service number.. that will tell you everything you need to know….

@christinaing - 26.06.2021 15:10

Thanks for this. Very helpful!

@Skintagg - 23.06.2021 14:50

Hey, what about the sealing of the mug ? I like it but i’ll use it in my back pack while skating or cycling. TY ! :)

@mariosuagal - 17.06.2021 09:54

Thank you for your review 👍

@liamk2982 - 10.06.2021 23:00

How you finding the coffee cup for every day use? The hole looks quite small to drink from? No spills? Cheers

@Joop175 - 05.06.2021 17:58

Is it better than series 1?

@harrisonbrooks6151 - 28.05.2021 13:59

great video. very useful and informative

@Max-wg4si - 30.04.2021 21:53

Is that an mr2 ?😱

@lisadevries992 - 28.04.2021 13:13

I was wondering, now that the lid of the coffee cup isn't as stiff as it was, could you open it with one hand? I find it quite scary to let go of my steering wheel while driving to open up a cup.. ( I know you probably could as long as your on a straight piece of road, but still.. haha)

@AnotherDayAnotherWalk - 24.04.2021 17:28

Really helped make up my mind! Have just placed an order. Thank you 👍

@declanyoung1445 - 09.04.2021 05:22

Great vid 👍🏻 I’d also be interested to see a video on the Abarth!!

@chickennugget3325 - 08.04.2021 23:39

My coffee cup in blush pink, and my water bottle in peach arrived today. Honestly they are phenomenal! I locked my coffee cup, tipped my tea completely upside down and not a single leak 😂😂👍

@wishiwaslizbennet924 - 06.04.2021 10:55

I really enjoyed this review ^_^

@Kyle-mo7bd - 02.04.2021 03:56

Great review- just what I needed to see! Have you found the coffee cup to be leak-proof? Would you put coffee in it and then pop the cup into a rucksack? Would you not trust it?

@GeekExplorers - 01.04.2021 17:35

Thanks for the review, really useful especially as its not sponsored and thinking of getting the bottle, cheers.

@stevebyl88 - 01.04.2021 13:32

Thanks for the review. I couldn't find how the lid was constructed anywhere. I have a similar cup by Milu, but the screw lid protudes into the cup, so you can't fill it to the top. Judging from your review here, the Chilly's mug does not have that issue :)

@annageitona6018 - 31.03.2021 11:39

Hi! Nice video! Could you tell us from which site did you buy them?

@fatima-ds8sm - 31.03.2021 01:27

Thanks ! This has helped me .
