Portland Real Estate Agent: You can get a home with nothing down

Portland Real Estate Agent: You can get a home with nothing down

71 Просмотров

http://portlandlifestyleteam.blogspot.com/2016/03/how-can-you-pay-0-down-for-portland.html - Not everyone has to put 20% down to purchase a home. In fact, today we are going to talk about a program that requires a $0 down payment. We’re here with our preferred lender Peter Wease, who is going to discuss USDA loans with us. These loans, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are for homes outside of the city’s urban growth boundary. There are a few requirements you will have to meet to qualify, but when you do, you will be left with a $0 down payment. To see how you could qualify for this type of loan in Portland, watch this short video.

Selling your Portland home? Check out our free home value report: http://www.searchallproperties.com/propertyvaluation-plus-one/steveschwab/Portland

Buying a Portland home? Search all homes for sale: www.findportlandareahomesforsale.com

Steve Schwab
Portland Lifestyle Team
17933 NW Evergreen Pkwy
Suite 330
Beaverton, OR 97006
(503) 567-7437
[email protected]


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