“It was ashumed”??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Learn to speak English dude.
The word is assumed not ashumed. 😂😂😂
The stupidity of man.
ОтветитьClimate change is a scam to tax people out of their money. All of their climate claims have been debunked by other scientists.
ОтветитьThanks for the video
ОтветитьI'm unsubscribing
ОтветитьMonkey wars 🦧🐒
ОтветитьI love mysteries I don't find learning boring or tiring at all it gives me energy
ОтветитьReally well done video, I was just looking for something light to zone out to, while😊 cleaning my apartment...
But Nope! ¹
ОтветитьI am not particularly a religious man, and I studied physics and probability and statistics. You quote the wrong study of the Holy Shroud of Turin. TWO earlier studies have concluded strongly that the man in the image, is a very close and unique match to the story of Jesus Christ. There are uniqueness to it, not typical of Roman crucifixion - like his crown of thorns, leaving bleeding marks, and a bleeding puncture on his side. Your source is very very short on science. He're what they used: using UV light analysis, geographical origin of the pollen found entrapped in the shroud (the vast majority came, indeed, from the middle east, much fewer from Italy/France), Judaic traditional choice (including what's forbidden to mix) of threads made of flaxseed, wool, cotton, etc. This was confirmed to be a traditional Judaic shroud, also in length and width. Then, for any scientist, there are obvious questions. 1) how was a PERFECT two dimensional image
imprinted by a three-dimensional object? Try this yourself all you may; apply make up to your entire face, cover your face, eyelids, mouth, nose, side of the nose, etc. Apply a cloth to your face, make it touch (and contact with the make up) all features of your face. Remove the cloth and look at it. So, how was it done? Yet, the blood is O type, it is a real body, a real face. 2) for Pete' sake WHAT was powerful enough to make this image? No, it wasn't imprinted with some dye. It was surmised to be left by some form of very potent radiation (which could explain the 2D imprint, a little like making a photocopy of your hands - except that the light is not emanating from the outside, but from the body/soul OUTWARD). Never make the mistake of thinking Religion and Science cannot co-exist peacefully and pragmatically.
** Re; Carbon 14 dating. Amazingly, the sample of the cloth was taken only in one corner of the cloth (Church's restriction). So the 5 samples sent to 5 Carbon dating labs turned results ranging from around 800-1500AD If I remember well. They deducted an average date, which was a mistake. Then a Librarian and her husband, neither being scientists, wrote to the lead researcher and pleaded this could not be right, since the cloth had been singed during a fire circa 1500 - hence it's blackened geometrical spots; it was folded several times (it is 14 feet long). One of these corner had also been singed. Then, it was "repaired" circa 1500, with contemporary threads. Making an average of newer and some much older threads a real mess in Carbon Dating. The lead researcher AGREED and amended their earlier claims with this "uncertainty factor". Cheers!
1 bloodline loin
ОтветитьWell done, Orban.
ОтветитьWe need to reevaluate the government. We have come too far for the old ways. Computers changed us. We don't need congress fat cats anymore.
ОтветитьDisliking every 6sec advertisements videos.
ОтветитьAll the bulbs were unscrewed. That was all they're done to make it. Look like she was abducted and ran away. Or she was abducted, she didn't just walk out and unscrew. All the light bulbs at ridiculous
ОтветитьThen who unscrewed all the light bulbs for f sakes
ОтветитьI wonder if I could get false teeth like the chimps!
ОтветитьHeard screams fro hell is cap
ОтветитьThe black hole footage is actually the test they did to “see” dark matter.
ОтветитьAs far as I'm concerned, the answer to "where do we fit into the the puzzle of nature"? Is, WE DON'T. IF IT DON'T FIT DON'T FORCE IT. FORCE IT IN AND EVENTUALLY IT WILL FORCE YOU OUT!
ОтветитьYou are a liar and deceiver.
Ответить"I'm constantly amazed by the depth of knowledge and expertise you share through your videos. Thank you for being a constant source of enlightenment.
Noah's Flood worldwide whipped them out
ОтветитьIt is not uncommon for dominant males to kill other cubs even if they're theirs, sad but humans don't fully understand the way of the wild
ОтветитьOnce again....I am done with this fraud channel.
Ответить7min30sec Apprentice HAMAS, i am trying to releave the stress induced by the horrors of Oct07th.. kdag PlymouthUK
ОтветитьIf anyone want to actually watch and not use these videos to sleep, 1.25x is 🔑
ОтветитьWhat is strange about humans is they will lie to our existence, to things we know nothing about.
It has been said that humans were a hybrid from primates not evolved from them.
Admitting this means we have to admit to intelligence in our universe.
If we evolved from chimps, then why do we still have chimps?
absolutely too irritating to watch more commercial then content
ОтветитьIf great white sharks are coming north I'm going south fug dat
ОтветитьHoly shit I can zoom in to these pictures. Ummmm, I can travel into these images . I'm so excited
ОтветитьIt makes me not even want to finish watching the video whem somebody starts talking about we evolved from prime ates, this is just rediculous, why are there still apes the, and why do we not see any in the transformation phase and when does evolution stop and where does it begin, they cant say because its not true. Yall are all going to hell because of some ignorant man telling yall something that aint true, they lnow this the whole time theyre deceiving yall, they know theres a GOD and they do everything to hide it.
ОтветитьDid i just hear him say, increased carbon is affecting the raised island rainforest detrimentally? Without that carbon there would be NO forest. Is this guy for real? That is the most absurd thing i have heard on the net. ALL life on this planet is carbon based. Plants need carbon to grow and thrive!!!!! Brain cells are dying watching this shyte!!!!!
ОтветитьNot riveting enough.
ОтветитьAs others have said, the video is relaxing and good for insomnia. Partly because of the soothing voice, partly because the material is so boring and has very little to do with 'mysteries to blow your mind'.
ОтветитьI was told the kola bore hole was capped because the drilling tool snapped and couldn't be retrieved.
ОтветитьThis is compelling! If you want to dive deeper, a similar book is my top suggestion. "The Silent Bridge: Echoes of the Unspoken Past" by Emma Wick
ОтветитьMan the dreams you have falling asleep listening to these!!! Woooooh
ОтветитьI'm good with the dead animal stories...ugh🙏🐾
Ответитьtortured in "hell" really? nice inflection.
Ответить58 blew my mind!
Ответитьhell is a spiritual place so what they heard was not people screaming, just their imagination!
ОтветитьBlame the Chinese for the drastic reduction in Shark numbers from recent years. Don't buy shark fin soup. They have to flavour it with chicken stock because the fins have no flavour. SAVE THE SHARK!! We need them to keep the oceans healthy. SHARK FIN SOUP IS BAD FOR THE PLANET AS WELL AS THE SHARKS!
ОтветитьBlack holes aren't holes either.