What's Left of New Amsterdam? (And the Origins of the USA)

What's Left of New Amsterdam? (And the Origins of the USA)

Geography Geek

3 года назад

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@Eben948 - 05.09.2024 10:41

Fun facts from the "Netherlands–United States relations" page on Wikipedia:
* The Dutch/US alliance has been continuous since 1776 and is considered one of the oldest continual bilateral alliances in the western world
* In 1982 Reagan called it "the longest unbroken, peaceful relationship that we have had with any other nation"
* In 2011 Obama stated "we have no stronger ally than the Netherlands"

@UmQasaann - 27.08.2024 08:43

New York City? No. Lenapehoking? Yes.

@ElgrandeRick810817 - 20.08.2024 17:25

Also the nickname for americans -> Yankees, could be from Jan / Kees. Which are very common Dutch names. It is thought that the English called the New york settlers that name as probably a lot of them where named either Jan or Kees. Cookie for certain is from the Dutch Koekje and not from biscuit. And it also no coincidence that Santa Claus almost sounds the same as the Dutch Sinterklaas.

@floridaboigaming6961 - 18.08.2024 16:50

I’m really pissed that Fort Amsterdam isn’t still there, but it makes total sense why it isn’t

@Mindsi - 14.08.2024 11:09

Be interesting to dig down a bit🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

@GanzotheSecond - 14.08.2024 10:56

if the dutch brought us capitalism we should be blaming them, not thanking them lol

@SAYNOTOCENSORSHIP-z6z - 12.08.2024 23:37

There was also a separate Dutch colony in Pennsylvania, a closed off religious fundamentalist community called Mennonite, consisting of only 13 men and their wives and children. The Anglophone colonists externally labeled it as "Germantown" .

It was these men who penned the first public shaming of the Anglophone colonials for participation in African slavery. Which was explicitly forbidden in their fundamentalist Dutch Protestant traditions. They are the authors of the 1688 Germantown Petition against African slavery, the first abolitionist document in history.

@SAYNOTOCENSORSHIP-z6z - 12.08.2024 22:38

The pre-Anglophone colonies in the East Coast, in addition to the Quaker colony. Had a radically differing relationship to Indigenous people than had the Puritans, the Pilgrims, and the Virginia Company.

Land tracts defining colonial borders regarding where one would be allowed to settle were handled before settlement had occurred. This is the case of Dutch New Amsterdam, Swedish Delaware, and William Penn's experimental state. All of whom were much more ethnically diverse than the Puritan colonies.

The first group of Latinos, Italians , and Jews, in what would be modern New York came as defectors to the Dutch in New Amsterdam during the Dutch-Portuguese Wars, from Brazil. This is before English settlement of New York.

@saburosakai9129 - 09.08.2024 10:12

Vallum , latino .

@takker9705 - 08.08.2024 15:50

Born and raised in Beverwijk I am very pleased to see it mentioned.
Only 50000 habitants small.

@simonparent7644 - 08.08.2024 15:22

...and it's Dutch West Indies Company, not Dutch West India!

@lucasrem - 06.08.2024 11:50

We did stay, NYC !
The Dutch

@SpitPridorohnayaTrava - 06.08.2024 09:16

Bowling green metro station better to rename to New Amsterdam

@accountmward - 06.08.2024 01:51

Did you tell about the the Dutch Rode Eiland?

@funwithFred - 03.08.2024 06:42

There's an old Dutch farm you can see at the tip of Manhattan they keep as an historical site.

@janvandendungen1928 - 01.08.2024 18:02

De Waal is a river in Holland

@janvandendungen1928 - 01.08.2024 18:01

The Bullring in Birmingham (UK) also has a Bull

@googleboy7530 - 01.08.2024 13:51

U.S. America and the Americas in general has such an interesting and sad history.

@thewildbunchASD - 01.08.2024 13:25

Wall street could have different origins but Walloon is'nt one... It could come from the river Waal, which is actually the Rhine river in Germany and Switzerland. Another possibility would be that wall street came from Wallen. Which where the streets besides the canals in the dead center of Amsterdam. We have oudezijds achterburgwal, nieuwezijds achterburgwal, nieuwezijds voorburgwal, kloveniersburgwal, zwanenburgwal etc... Many of these streets are still occupying the remnants of the red light district AKA de wallen or Walletjes. The original stock markets where there and the current one is actually still at the same place right in the middle of our various wallen streets, right where the river Amstel was dammed so the city could control imports, so they created the stock market right there and also created a stock market on the old city limits of New Amsterdam, where they build a rampard eventually to control trade with the natives and farmers outside city limits and of course to keep natives out. Those Wallen in New Amsterdam easily into Wall Street after The English took over. Also because by then there was the actuall wall, but in Dutch a wall is "een muur" or better "stadsmuur". So the English did not translate that but took the original name which was most likely muurwal or achterwal or something and just named it after the actual city wall right there.

@tubulzr - 30.07.2024 17:44

Great video (coming from 'Old' Amsterdam). I've read that a form of Dutch (Jersey Dutch) was spoken in the Hudson area, until the 1920's.
Manhattan became English after the 2nd Dutch-English war (treaty of Breda) and was traded for modern day Suriname and an island in the Indonesian archipelago.

@eotikurac - 30.07.2024 14:37

no matter how you twist it, tolerance is weakness

@theobolt250 - 30.07.2024 09:54

The culture of the Dutch and English in those days was just as now quite similar. There was nothing to erase. It blended! And that blend? Became American culture!

@ltvanburen8555 - 30.07.2024 08:09

Great video!🌻

@mariocisneros911 - 29.07.2024 06:01

Dutch is Deutch , German.

@josephrogers5337 - 28.07.2024 17:18

My ancestors came to New Netherlands in 1624.

@victorvandenbelt2179 - 28.07.2024 10:16

“The Dutch invented modern capitalism…” Unfortunately. Modern capitalism is what is wrong with the world. More, more, more destroyed native Americans and is now destroying the planet. Sure, tolerance is nice. But it is mostly a tool for making more profit. It is good to know more about our history. But it is also progress to view history in a different perspective; not just from the dominant Side.
I am Dutch, by the way.

@joanhuffman2166 - 28.07.2024 05:58

I have two branches of my family that go back to the Dutch colony. In both cases no one married outside of the Dutch community until the first generation born after the American Revolution.

@JohnJB-et1cw - 28.07.2024 00:16

Waal is a river in the Netherlands. Many streets in the Netherlands are called after rivers. In Amsterdam and Utrecht you can also find a Waalstraat.

@Clint-zs4rq - 24.07.2024 14:36

This country wasn't founded on tolerance. You are obviously a product of the U.S. public school system and woke leftists.

@MrRezRising - 23.07.2024 17:05

Good video. Two items that should have been mentioned were overlooked.
Remains of the Lovelace Tavern (owned by Governor Lovelace) from the late 1600s were unearthed in the 1970s and are on full display here.
The other is...why no mention of Russell Shorto's The Island at the Center of the World ? We both know that's where 90% of this video came from. Why not give Russell his due? 🙂🙂🙂

@j.b.3825 - 23.07.2024 08:43

The sculptor of the Charging Bull was brilliant Sicilian artist Arturo DiModica who had a studio on Crosby Street for decades. There was also a huge sculpture of a bronze pony pulling its own tail in front of a cafe in West Broadway and Houston throughout the 80s and 90s (for all my Gen X New Yorkers out there).

The story was that he couldn’t get the permits to erect a sculpture at the Bowling Green location, so he decided to just move it into place at that location one night without notifying anyone. As he told it, the people making the decisions didn’t know art and anyway they’d love it when they saw it. It was a celebration of American and New Yorker economic fortitude, which he admired. He rolled with the rich art crowd of 80s NYC. He “admired creative powerful forces” which was why he loved working in NYC.

@eljedama - 22.07.2024 22:26

What about Fort Nassau near Albany, NY?

@PaulBrower-bw4jw - 22.07.2024 20:43

1, The street plan.
2. A multi-ethnic community which never was particularly Dutch. This pattern has held since then. The Dutch assimilated the (French and Walloon) Huguenots, but the English eventually assimilated the Dutch. It is an oddity that New Amsterdam had people with Spanish surnames -- but those were Jews who had fled the Inquisition and were welcome in a Dutch colony for their hostility to Holland's arch-nemesis Spain.

@deniswatts4574 - 20.07.2024 15:34

But to be serious, this was excellent...I really enjoyed it.

@deniswatts4574 - 20.07.2024 15:33

Beaver and beer....ah, to be in my 20s again😂

@toadwine7654 - 19.07.2024 12:03

freedom of religion huh? seems more was lost than just bowling green XD

@psvhangoveral - 17.07.2024 18:20

Birmigham England has a Bull also

@Quadr44t - 11.07.2024 00:06

Ah crap! this explains why the american socioeconomic system is slowly approached in the Netherlands. I never understood the amount of fascination NL holds with america... But this video explains a lot.

@lingo4048 - 06.06.2024 00:22

La Nouvelle-Angoulême

@nonical1429 - 22.05.2024 08:12

Holy glaze

@erik.3 - 20.05.2024 16:35

Pollepel eiland in de Hudson rivier

@feliciasteffitanaya4588 - 15.04.2024 14:06

Netherland from a far: My son is a superpower now. If New Netherland doesn't recognize me as its mother, at least my son is prosperous now.
-(flashback at the late 17th century)-
Britain: Yankee, Surrender Now!
Dutch Settlers: (don't care. WOC neglected them)
Netherland: I'm off.
(Several years later)
Netherland : (showing with strong armanda) its my land brittain
Brittain: Wanna fight heh?
Netherland woin the second anglo ducth war. hence Brittain moved away and think of a way to regain New Netherland as its colony. Then Brittish thought I have Suriname (not so good colony)
Brittain: Netherland, lets exchange new netherland with Suriname. There's a sugar plantation there.
Netherland: Agreed. (thought Suriname is more profitable but no)
New Netherland become part of 13 colonies hence its Brittish colony while the dutch build a new colony, Dutch Guinea (suriname is part of it)
---(100 years later, American revolution war)--
Brittain: No ammunition, guns artilleries are allowed to be sent and sold to 13 colonies. Netherland, send the ammunition, guns and artellery to me, I need help to discipline 13 colonies.
Netherland: (break the law) nope. I am netral (proceed to trade guns, ammunition and artellry to 13 colonies)
Brittish: NEtherland, you betrayed me.
13 colonies declared themselves as United Sates of America. French, Spain and Russia also helped USA.

@hystoryan - 13.04.2024 16:53

Albany has a Cannon from 1630 from the West India company. Think that's the oldest thing left from the Dutch. Then there's a 1652 House in Brooklyn and a 1663 house (just before the English took over) in the Hudson Valley NY.
