USF Housing & Residential Tour

USF Housing & Residential Tour


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@Official_Suave - 01.12.2018 07:38

Wow this University is larger then anywhere I've every been to

@kennyscott1996 - 20.02.2019 17:42

Information is key. The campus looks great but since my student is not a bird or drone and already committed to the school these aerial shots are kind of a waste of my time. Narration and breaking down the many different halls could still be combined with the fancy drone footage to actually convey more than "this place is nice".
Let me get you started.
"This is Magnolia Hall." (Drone footage of Magnolia hall from many angles.) "It houses over 500 students in 250 2 student rooms." Each room has a kitchen and one bathroom and close access to a swimming pool outside. It was constructed in 1984 and has 250 parking spaces and a 5 bike racks. It is close to the Engineering buildings and ideal for Engineering undergraduate students. Inside each room are two beds in a share bedroom space." (Show still pictures or the inside).
That is how you make a video with information and show off your drone flying skills at the same time. Basic stuff.
