What I wish I'd known BEFORE moving to MEXICO

What I wish I'd known BEFORE moving to MEXICO

Alex Wittman

1 год назад

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@chonkyb3134 - 31.12.2023 22:49

I just can’t get over the lack of sanitation in Mexico; toilet tissue is put in the trash can versus flushing it down the toilet!

@Wilfredos_ - 31.12.2023 22:51

Love❤you guys, I am very happy to see you enjoying yourself in Guadalajara. Good vibes heading your way🥂Happy New Year🎊🎊🎊‼️

@christopherarkills8912 - 31.12.2023 23:09

Great video! Happy New Year! 🎉

@rhyslud - 01.01.2024 00:02

Some great points. We plan to airBnb for 3 to 4 months. One month each in different parts of Guadalajara. I'm not sure if I should include Lake Chapala. It seems a bit sleepy My dad will be there. Im going in January to look for a care home for him.
When we DO find our place we've already decided to go unfurnished.

@davebacon6194 - 01.01.2024 00:38

Good points, as usual!😊

@janeberryman3581 - 01.01.2024 02:10

Nice to see you👋

@evelyncruz5677 - 01.01.2024 02:45

Hi Alex. I love your new video! I don’t mean to embarrass you, but I need to tell you that I love your haircut! Wow!!!

@31147 - 01.01.2024 03:17

Off to Guadalajara this March !

@PabloCruz-rn7vw - 01.01.2024 03:45

Alex, I followed you since you lived in Queretaro, you have beautiful eyes.

@RigiLiquid945 - 01.01.2024 03:53

Happy New Year!

@Mexicobeanpole - 01.01.2024 04:33

Oh, you made it to our town. We love Lakeside. We moved here in May of 2023. We are now permanent card carrying residents after 20 years of traveling all over Mexico.
We thought Chapala was going to be our jumping off spot, we prefer Chapala over Ajijic, but we love it so much here we think we will start looking to buy when our one year lease ends.

@Mexicobeanpole - 01.01.2024 04:40

You said in an earlier video how expensive it is to furnish an apartment in Mexico, which I didn’t agree.
We pay approx 20% more rent per month for a furnished house that doesn’t even match our taste and individual comforts. That means paying $1000 as opposed to $800.
We constantly see deals to be had on Amazon Mexico, local estate sales, facebook marketplace, and consignment shops in our area.
Our next home we will either buy and furnish or rent an unfinished house and have fun looking for our furnishings.
It’s much cheaper to furnish yourself in the long run.

@jaquettajones - 01.01.2024 04:54

I thought Queretaro has an international airport - why not fly out of there?

@donyaschuk6538 - 01.01.2024 05:41

Love your work. Thank you so much for this. Happy new year!

@DavidCoxDallas - 01.01.2024 05:55

Happy new year!!

@ziffel77 - 01.01.2024 11:58

3 more sleeps til I am in PV for 3 or 4 months. And yeah... I didn't do enough SPEAKing spanish.

@dianadiehl - 01.01.2024 17:51

I don't know what it's like in other areas of Mexico, but in Baja no one has furnaces or insulation in their houses. The houses are cinder block constuction, which has an R-factor of about 1-2. That means that if it is 47 ° outside on a cold winter night it is 47° inside the house or maybe 50° if you are lucky and the wind is blowing the right way.

Those gorgeous casas with big open floor plans and tall ceilings don't heat well with a space heater.

Also, space heaters are usually propane, often with a little tank that actually sits inside your room and no exhaust for dangerous carbon monoxide to exit. A window needs to stay open for safety. Keeping warm is managed with activity, blankets, and layers of clothing plus lots of hot tea.

I and my dogs shivered through 3 cold winters in an otherwise beautiful place by the ocean. It's probably not so bad if you are a bit younger, but as we age our tolerance for cold decreases. At 70 preventing hypothermia is a challenge. WHO recommendations for those over 65 is a minimum temperature of 68 degrees. I was not prepared.

@anniesshenanigans3815 - 01.01.2024 20:50

beautiful. But the requirements are too high.

@mdrichards - 01.01.2024 21:15

Having to do that bus ride from Mexico City to Queretaro isn't terrible... but not having to do it is amazing.

@adriandelatorre8341 - 02.01.2024 00:15

Happy New Year! 2024

@CharliePowell-dy1tl - 02.01.2024 02:57

I’m packing to drive to Riberas now from Idaho. I avoid Ajijic because there’s too many people, it’s loud, dogs barking and the traffic is bad. It’s hard to find a place in Mexico that doesn’t have dogs barking. I found a cabin between Riberas and Chapala with no neighbors. Just 4 days of driving! See you soon, maybe.

@eftsoulpath333 - 02.01.2024 04:15

. I went to Ajjic thinking I might like to live there because it’s got such a huge Expat community. So I figured it must be a wonderful place. However, I found it small and crowded with no good place to walk or swim. No jungles to hike in. A very short boardwalk. I need a beach I need an ocean., I respect that this place works for some people, but if you need a beach and an open place to walk, Ajijic is not for you❤

@auntielu4394 - 02.01.2024 06:23

When you first get your rental make a list of immediate needs for each room. A bed, bathroom toiletries, kitchen essentials to cook, etc. Think about what you do daily from the moment you wake up. No need to buy everything all at once if you’re on a budget.

@j.m.b5441 - 02.01.2024 08:03

Mexico? No thanks

@alalesc3796 - 02.01.2024 10:01

Great video! But why r u always taking about the bad things about Mexico?! The rest-of latin America r even worse in general!😢

@christopherbranski1720 - 03.01.2024 10:22

Mexico is indeed huge, to give one an idea the landmass here the flight time from Mexico City to Merida is the same length as the flights I used to take from Madison, WI to Dallas

@2GringosOnTheGulf - 04.01.2024 01:25

Great video thanks for sharing. ✌️

@genaroignot3332 - 04.01.2024 06:18

Hola Alex saludos

@genaroignot3332 - 04.01.2024 06:18

Como estas?

@genaroignot3332 - 04.01.2024 06:19

Se perdieron mucho!!

@genaroignot3332 - 04.01.2024 06:19

Feliz año.

@jshaffer189 - 04.01.2024 10:46

love your videos

@warrentrout - 08.01.2024 14:50

If you can't afford Mexico, you have a big problem

@georgejetson9801 - 10.01.2024 23:30

I'm considering that area. That airbnb is gorgeous but found it very expensive.

@pamelalueschen1062 - 13.01.2024 03:28

Thanks Alex. Great video.

@jerrycallender7604 - 15.01.2024 23:28

New subscriber sending greetings from Tucson, Arizona.
I'm in the process of selling my house with the intent of moving to Ajijic..
Thanks for your videos.

@jaliscoguanajuatotravelsan5679 - 17.01.2024 05:38

Very good video. Thanks. Great info for the viewers.

@alvaroberrielcantellano8189 - 21.01.2024 08:20

You should visit Puerto Vallarta,..Puerto vallarta is 100% fantastic

@1vagabundo962 - 21.01.2024 20:50

I wonder! What does Trump thinks of the Gringo immigrants moving and invading México?

@1vagabundo962 - 21.01.2024 20:59

How many TRUMP supporters immigrants are moving into Mexico? They're not welcome in Mexico. They can keep they're money .

@LasGemelasZalez - 29.01.2024 00:50

Love your videos

@raymcsloy8125 - 21.04.2024 17:44

Always love your videos! This one is very informative and interesting. Glad i found you guys again!!! Cheers!

@nanrobbins2916 - 14.06.2024 08:02

Living happily in Ajijic for 24 years now and cannot imagine living anywhere else.

@sequelman8997 - 21.10.2024 22:46

Why didn't you use the Queretaro International Airport instead of taking a bus to Mexico city to fly back to the uS?

@shawn2380 - 09.01.2025 19:51

No one near the water? Hmmm.. I am guessing becuase it is nasty and polluted like most of Mexico. Not hating.

@donald8354 - 16.02.2025 20:52

I wonder what is sales tax in Mexico ?

@mdoane62 - 08.03.2025 04:34

Hi Alex, we are planning to move to Mexico in the next six months. Are you willing to share the name of the Airbnb that you highlighted in this video?
