Toyota Sienna AWD - Rear Viscous Coupler

Toyota Sienna AWD - Rear Viscous Coupler

South Main Auto LLC

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@markochman75 - 08.03.2025 04:48

They were both wrapped in Toyota bags? OEM.

@markochman75 - 08.03.2025 04:47

Mr. O, if you’re saying that the dealership will only sell the entire coupler, and dust plate, how were you able to get the OEM bearing, and dust plate?

@markochman75 - 08.03.2025 04:47

Mr. O, if you’re saying that the dealership will only sell the entire coupler, and dust plate, how were you able to get the OEM bearing, and dust plate?

@markochman75 - 08.03.2025 04:21

Great job Mr. O👍 wish you were in CT.?

@williamryan2137 - 05.03.2025 20:40

Can buy the entire differential for around $900. Replaced mine a few months ago and everything is great. Did it in the driveway with a few jack stands. Took about 4 hours.

@KeaganPayne-c3k - 05.03.2025 17:47


@erik9685 - 02.03.2025 17:17

Does the use of copper anti-seize/lubricating compound help prevent corrosion on threads in aluminum housing with steel bolts? Not sure if i am wording this correctly. I am of the understanding that there is a
corrosive process when steel threaded bolts go into parts made of aluminum. Not sure if the term "Galvanic corrosion" applies to this.

@brianbirtcher431 - 28.02.2025 03:36

What's the purpose of a vicious coupler

@ronwade2206 - 28.02.2025 03:04

I PDId a ton of these when new in Flagstaff at McCoy Motors toyota/GMC dealership. Toyota told us these were not serviceable or repairable.

@ruckus724 - 28.02.2025 01:44

The answer is no it doesn’t need to be that tight. Just buff if. A polished surface will slide better and the heat will expand it.
Love watching you have the same struggles I do.

@chasebunger1811 - 24.02.2025 17:09

Thanks! Between this and a couple other videos I was able to do this job successfully. Saved me a bundle!

@lakepersaud8397 - 22.02.2025 20:34

Awesome video. I tried ordering that part bearing from Toyota but they were trying to convince me that its the wrong part. I end up ordering 3 different bearings and will take it to my mechanic and see what works. I sent Toyota this video because they don' see that bearing as a separate part.

@JAYHARRIS85 - 20.02.2025 19:43

i absolutely LOVE folks who will think and do the work,,, for a work around solution! might just be me, but it seems like these car companies are making it harder and more expensive for us, on purpose.

@GatesRapes - 20.02.2025 14:25

My 11 Venza had that bearing going bad - I bought a replacement off eBay , fit was exact , stopped the roaring , but clutch doesn't engage during wheelspin , just rebuild your OEM , Throw a new pinion seal in while your in there.

@thomasleblanc4228 - 17.02.2025 06:52

It's a crime for Toyota to charge $2000 for that part, and that it went out at 80k miles when these vehicles will go 400k miles or more on the engine. Goodyear wanted to charge me $300 to change a thermostat on my IROC. They said the book says $250 to remove the throttle body assy, and 2 and a half hours labor. I took it home, removed the three bolts for throttle body, and two for the thermostat housing. Took 5 minutes total. 😊

@edgarforsythe8539 - 15.02.2025 16:21

😊how about using the old bearing to install the seal

@AHeuvelman-su8ji - 12.02.2025 07:52

U vloekt, weet u wel dat dit verschrikkelijk is?

@terrymitchell7714 - 12.02.2025 05:07

So much for non-serviceable parts Nice Job

@trespass2085 - 10.02.2025 03:17

great job on junk engineering by toyota

@joelash5914 - 09.02.2025 17:51

Nice job Eric

@alcerz984 - 07.02.2025 02:27

How does he not have a huge backlog of cars waiting to be repaired in his parking lot?

@josevaldez918 - 01.02.2025 17:08

If safety was first you would be wearing safety glasses I spent 26 years teaching my students to always wear safety glasses, you have good content good show love your videos say safe

@CraigGrant-sh3in - 31.01.2025 23:37

Unit made of Chineseium cost $275-$300. Good ones run over $500. Im guessing Eric rebuilt and installed for probably less than $300. The whole dif which a dealer probably would have dug the owner for run about $900.

@John-rf4sv - 31.01.2025 11:38


@DannySteCroix - 31.01.2025 04:25

This guy is great! A lot of knowledge. Good job. Thanks for the video?

@nrvsauto8990 - 30.01.2025 05:41

How is it, you post a video and shortly after I have to perform a similar repair?

@muskiefishing9219 - 29.01.2025 04:27

Good work. But don't you think you should have put some silicon on the bearing in place of the O ring to keep water and dirt out.of the housing? Just my observation.

@gregferreira8309 - 28.01.2025 23:23

To salvage any adhesive in a tube use the rubber sleeves they sell for such use. Next time, I suggest putting the drive shaft on the assembly and then installing the assembly to the housing. Excellent repair

@My2ndtimearound - 28.01.2025 14:36

Good idea marking with your paint marker.
Saves expensive errors.

@gregadondad - 28.01.2025 01:03

Concern .. other bearing had an o ring, new one not. Leaks??? Lock tight on new outer bearing surface would seal it .. all be it permanent.

@anthonydargenio3536 - 27.01.2025 16:56

Harbor freight has a great press for 99 bucks I used mine once worth every penny just sayin

@cosmicallyderived - 27.01.2025 09:04

Eric O saving the day again!

@stevenf6161 - 27.01.2025 00:10

No grease on seal lip?

@Robert-k7m - 26.01.2025 22:33

Gr8 vid again! 😇👍

@md-crab7379 - 26.01.2025 04:58

Seems the same as a rav4

@MatthewWest-vf1oe - 25.01.2025 17:11

Thanks so much for this video! I just saved $2900 over the dealership's recommendation to replace the whole unit. Completed the work in about 5 hours. Would have been much faster if i Had a lift. Runs like a dream now.

@Teporame - 24.01.2025 00:36

I had what I thought was a differential noise, like an airplane noise. I did rebuilt the coupler and changed the big bearing and the dust flange, to no avail. The noise persisted so I sold the RAV4 to the dealer, they did not noticed it. So my conclusion is that the cause was somewhere at the front end, maybe the transfer case or the transmission. Who knows…

@michaelmerta8956 - 23.01.2025 21:02

Metric Bearing number is outside, inside and wide or deep of bearing.
Measure with vernier caliper and look it up in bearing catalogue

@rayclarine793 - 23.01.2025 02:48

Good work mate keep up the good work

@chuckmarch5552 - 23.01.2025 00:55

Im a 75 yr old retired engineer who has done my own repairs for years. Last Thanksgiving, IBlew my main(120 amp) fuse on my camry trying tocheck out the abs light,before leaving for Oregon . Called dealer to see how much they would charge me since i screwed it up already. Quoted me $360 p&l. Whoa! Thats a lot. Went to p&p and got a replacement fuse out of a junker for $5. Called my mobile mech. to fix it. Took 45min. to fix it. Charged me $80. Saved 275 and didnt have to wait for 2 days or pay for a tow. Dealers are crazy. Who is dumb enough to use them?

@richardnunn1958 - 23.01.2025 00:48

Hey Eric another mechanic here but you are on a whole other level truly a master it's a honor to watch you diag and repair awesome bro

@jeff06trx - 22.01.2025 19:50

Most likely what made that bearing go bad is the crosiotion that was on the outside of the bearing. It's like there is an extra shim or 2 in there putting extra preload on the bearing.

@LEX_I33 - 22.01.2025 07:29


@DarrellCatt - 22.01.2025 06:46

lol. 13yrs in muffler shop...we had a wall of tubes expanded to fit those pesky dust sheilds...worked great as seal drivers too...

@jimsalmi6898 - 21.01.2025 19:39

Toyota just wants to pull and replace without thinking. More $$$$$$

@BigLui2909 - 21.01.2025 05:18

Everybody it's a 9'er!! 😂 Love this guy

@BleuCollarFndryMTL - 21.01.2025 01:56

Great video, i like it when you do the unserviceable problem.

@ronniechambley6341 - 19.01.2025 20:32

Harbor freight has cheap 20t press.
