"Not Enough Experience, You're a Rookie" | An Unlikely Sub

"Not Enough Experience, You're a Rookie" | An Unlikely Sub

The McKibbin Brothers

4 года назад

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@angelodavid7576 - 10.04.2021 13:52

always an inspiration!!

@luizations - 10.04.2021 17:19

Primo tempo di larry creus

@maxanderson3733 - 12.04.2021 04:51

I wish I was more like you. When I’m told I don’t have enough experience for MMA cuz I can’t help but agree. Experience is easily one of the best tools an athlete can have but it definitely shouldn’t be the end I’ll be all. Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith. Even if it costs you a few points or even an entire match

@Blackheart712 - 15.04.2021 02:47

Amazing story 👍....enjoyed every sesond ❤

@honusblanco1259 - 16.04.2021 03:09

Great storytelling!

@jimmic41656 - 16.04.2021 15:43

Very nice story telling. It reminded me of a level of emotions in sport I could only find on a VolleyBall playground.
I enjoyed the video :-)

@JohnSmith-kn9iy - 21.04.2021 10:43

I was always told I was the better setter in hs but this same issue is what stopped me from playing because of experience. Now I graduated 2020 on covid never getting my chance and covid taking away future chances 😔

@clashy.content9239 - 24.04.2021 07:00

What does primo tiempo mean

@kai350 - 29.04.2021 02:28

This was a crazy story!!!! Love it

@GCWen - 01.05.2021 06:05

Amazing story! From personal experience, the scariest thing an experienced player can face is an extremely hungry new player on the team, regardless of the sport.

@BomberTVx - 18.05.2021 20:02

I am a middle blocker

@jacobbassam6616 - 23.05.2021 04:21

Wow. That play. Dang it

@PochoNieves - 25.05.2021 23:26

My whole volleyball career being 5'8" and walking into teams saying I'm an OP or OH... it never got old but always made me HUNGRY to prove them wrong...

@mukk1yt168 - 26.05.2021 01:48

Ma meni je drago da ima Balkana
I am happy that theres balkan players playing for such a big team and i am proud about that

@giorgiobaldo3153 - 27.05.2021 17:39

viva l'Italia aaaa

@sanchez9552 - 27.05.2021 18:04

I dream of my happy volleyball ending as finally meeting someone who truly loves me, and who can play volleyball too. Like now fun would it be to have a family that all plays volleyball? Seems so awesome to me. So far, I just keep attracting sociopaths, narcissists, or guys that are over 40 and want me to do Starwars Cosplay photoshoots with them....smh.:D lol
Perhaps that is all that is left, when you don't want to date a devout Catholic in New Mexico... lol!

@helenamarie33 - 24.06.2021 08:51

Love it! Awesome story 👊

@girliepopcornpiggy7003 - 29.06.2021 00:07

Very inspirational.

@diegobutbrando1877 - 29.06.2021 09:03

Facts I got no experience lol

@Manakyn - 05.07.2021 04:27

So the moral of the story is to set Larry Creus, right?

@co0kii - 01.08.2021 20:25

I KNEW I had heard the name Facundo Conte prior to seeing the Argentinian team play during the Olympics… took me until now to realise it was from this video haha

@chasedireito9621 - 16.08.2021 23:42

im a middle, and when u said u could set the middles better, i got so hyped.

@hannahtschetter5215 - 18.08.2021 08:10

Another Great story Rile! LOVED it. Aunty Jamie

@davidfrazee1011 - 19.08.2021 09:02

Wow. This was an amazing story. Please do more brother! we love it

@The_Paddle_Smith - 21.08.2021 05:39

I love that you just saw a special player and just spam him the ball

@nertzyyy - 23.08.2021 00:17

I think of all your short docs, this one was my favorite. The way you described that game where you finally got your shot, sounded like it came from an episode of Haikyu! But seriously, it was awesome. Being only 5’7”, I constantly look to competition and videos of yours for motivation, so thank you!!

@michaelwoodruff2549 - 27.08.2021 16:51

more volleyball less talk...... make a podcast for these things...storytime should be there.

@zengen5913 - 28.08.2021 07:57

Poor outside hitters lol

@realfahan - 28.08.2021 13:01

That middle is definitely Hinata. The middle ace.

@weiqianglim5638 - 09.09.2021 13:20

What you said in the last part about experience, just made me realized that it is because one doesn't have the experience and that is why they are more susceptible to trying new stuff. Imagine having all the experience, and you only do things focused on the experience you gain, you'll keep telling yourself that things have to go a certain way and when someone questions you for your decisions you answer them "Oh I'm doing it like this because of my experience" ><

@lloydtoledo1181 - 11.09.2021 12:00

You look like kageyama from Haikyuu!! Trying his best to be best and better than Oikawa.
Love your vids man❤️.

@jamalkhan9021 - 15.09.2021 14:22


@ichigoparfaitgatomaranai - 19.09.2021 06:45

Bruh you basically played with the real life Italian Hinata

@jalo1977 - 06.10.2021 22:51

You are a Great Setter and Man!!! Btw you know what DeGiorgi did as a trainer after 1mo of taking Italian national team this year...

@Uglydisease - 07.10.2021 22:25

This story must've left a mark on De Giorgi's approach, as he won this year's european championship with a team with average age of 24 yo. The youngest team in that tournament. Even better, the game was turned around by a sub.

@Blake85HK - 13.10.2021 02:35

Ciao Riley!!
Bellissimo video ricco di storia!
Della tua parte di storia qui in Italia!😲
(Ti scrivo in italiano apposta !😉)

Vi seguo da un paio di mesi essendomi appasionato di Beach Volley i vostri video e format mi piacciono un sacco!

Un saluto da Torino 🔥🔥🤘🏼🤘🏼♥️

@user-iu1ru1qz7u - 21.11.2021 07:19

The paradox isn't real because what they say isn't what they mean. The no experience line is usually boss/coach lingo for "I don't think you're good enough". If you're lucky, you get a chance to prove them wrong.

@Juan-dw5fv - 21.11.2021 18:34

You played with Facundo Conte? Thats dope, we called him "El heredero" haha

@biciclistaus - 15.01.2022 01:33

Bravo bel lavoro! Galli commentary in Italian is so much fun to listen, being a Middle Blocker himself he was ecstatic to see you playing that way all the time. Il campionato Italiano is still the best in the world but now that I live here in US I have to say that the whole thing that Volley ends at College is a huge waste of talent both in the Man and Women volley

@w1nther930 - 15.04.2022 19:42

My friend once had this experience in school. We have school football against other schools and my one friend wanted to join but my teacher told him "you aren't really good and experienced enough". I felt pretty bad for him (side note i didn't participate because i just didn't want to) and he wasn't even considered a main sub. My friend has a really powerful shot and anyone not used to playing football gets intimidated by its speed and he usually scores 5-7 goals in breaktimes. I've never had this experience myself but i felt pretty bad but i can guess why my teacher said so and when someone who doesn't even play football but is athelticly talented gets a spot on the team (he has insane defense which is why he got on) it must hurt. I can understand why my teacher said so though
1. My friend is kind of a hothead who lets things get to him easily (he litterally said if he got knocked over by a person, next chance he got he would floor him) which is a dumb mindset.
2. He is too arrogant. Many of the players on the team are arrogant but my friend has the "carry" mindset and goes for solo plays more than optimal passing
3. His lack of overall skill. The only thing about my friend is that he has a powerful shot and can dribble a little but he isn't good at passing which often leads to steals and that powerful shot is most of the time a 40% hit rate. He hits very hard but he can't really control it.
Still in a team game its fine to put him in since there are others on the court. When he fails they back him up. Thats the one thing my teacher didn't take into consideration and honestly i think he should have let my friend play rather than go for the "he has talent to do so but just needs more training" rather than go for someone who wants to win more than others do

@silhuette2227 - 02.05.2022 06:55

yow. spamming in real life...

@g19houl007 - 05.05.2022 19:46

any tips on how to set middle?

@dilegocopy1161 - 28.09.2022 03:33

Lmao this is the exact sample of "if it aint broke dont fix it"

@DeianGiNet - 27.11.2022 23:17

I am hooked :) where is the next episode?

@OzzyTragic - 13.07.2023 03:00

Amazing to rewatch this and realise that Tine Urnaut is one of the outsides and Fefe De Giorgi was Riley's coach.

@Ollowayn - 05.09.2023 15:12

Amazing story and story telling. What a comeback too!

@LarryCreus - 26.02.2021 01:26

Good idea, set to Larry Creus, he was the best. Sign by Larry Creus. Hahahahah
