भगवान काल को कैसे CONTROL करते हैं ? || HG Amogh Lila Prabhu

भगवान काल को कैसे CONTROL करते हैं ? || HG Amogh Lila Prabhu

My Ashraya

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भगवान काल को कैसे CONTROL करते हैं ? || HG Amogh Lila Prabhu
00:07 Bhagwan Krishna expands into Mahakal's form
00:53 Gods like Narsimha, Vaman, and Ram are not influenced by Maya.
02:23 Understanding how to control Lord Kaal
03:27 भगवान काल को कैसे CONTROL करते हैं
05:04 Hare Krishna can control Bhagwan Kaal
05:45 Connecting with deities through chanting mantras
07:48 Prahlad questions about controlling time and sorrow
08:36 Bhagwan are not dependent on any policies or unethical behavior
09:56 Understanding Nimitta and Upadana in context of activation
10:37 Controlling Bhagwan Kaal using a stick to create a pot
12:14 Control Bhagwan Kaal through Activation
12:59 Control Bhagwan Kaal through understanding ultimate desire
14:47 Understanding the relationship between Prakriti and Purusha
15:51 Understanding control over time (काल)
17:29 भगवान काल कैसे कार्य करते हैं?
18:05 How to control Bhagwan Kaal
19:41 Controlling the power of Kaal
20:30 कर्म फल किसको कैसे कब कैसे मिलता है
22:11 Controlling Bhagwan Kaal's Influence through Karma
23:02 खूबसूरती की भेदी
24:29 Control your desires to live longer
25:18 Understanding how Maharana Pratap controlled his fate
27:05 Understanding the power and relativity of time
27:53 Understanding and controlling time through relativity
29:31 Controlling time and its impact on memory and intelligence.
30:32 क्षमता और नॉलेज के रिश्ते पर चर्चा
32:13 Devotees control the perception of time and beauty around Krishna
32:56 Understanding the confusion between devotees and God
34:29 हमें अपने अहंकार को तीन गुणों से कैसे नियंत्रित करना चाहिए?
35:21 Lord Krishna manifests in multiple forms simultaneously.
36:59 Discussion on identifying the number of souls in the room
38:04 Understanding the control of Bhagwan Kaal
39:30 Understanding the timeless power of Lord Shiva
40:21 Understanding spiritual time in Siddhant Ratnam
41:47 Time in spiritual world is both form and formless
42:27 भगवान काल को कैसे CONTROL करते हैं ?
44:05 Controlling the influence of Bhagwan Kaal
45:04 माया का गढ़ - काल कन्या डिस्ट्रॉय करने से बची नारद मुनि

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