Cross Training Trials

55 лет назад

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http://www.timcolemanx.com It's extreme enduro's worst kept secret - almost all the top riders are former trials champions. Tim Coleman is no exception and has represented Australia three times at the Trials Des Nations, basically the Olympics of international trials riding. Tim says trials riding is all about precision with balance, throttle and clutch control, whilst getting your bike up some epic obstacles. And be warned, it’s incredibly addictive! Tim Coleman offers enduro coaching, riding clinics and moto shows with trials tricks and stunt riding. Tim's Trials Riding Clinic is designed to assist trials riders of all levels to improve their existing skills, learn new tricks and inject the playfulness and joy into their riding. The Enduro Riding Clinic with Tim Coleman is designed to assist enduro riders of all levels to improve their existing skills, learn new tricks and inject the playfulness and joy into their riding. Tim has spent the past few years adapting his trials skills to enduro, which has led to stunt riding in movies, international coaching and his own stunt shows in Australia. Trials riders can entertain themselves for hours with just one or two obstacles, practising existing techniques or learning new ones that they can then transfer to the dirt bike. Have a look at some of the best extreme Enduro riders in action like Graham Jarvis, Jonny Walker, Chris Birch and Taddy Blazusiak. They are all former trials champions who have won extreme Enduro events by applying their trials training to Dirt riding. It's these skills that make top extreme enduro riders such a formidable force when the terrain gets tough. They ride in a way that is so smooth and effortless that you often can't see how fast or good they are until they fly past struggling riders or sail up near vertical slopes.

If you want to take your skills to the next level, think about getting a trials bike, and get some balance into your life! Cross training is the application of Trials-based skills to Dirt riding, and it's got solid backing from the world's top riders: According to Graham Jarvis, "going fast is the easy bit. It’s going slowly that will help you develop control. Simple riding exercises which are actually difficult to perform can give you a lot of control." Like to know more? Learn how to apply trials skills like this with our free training vids from Cross Training Enduro Skills. Challenged by the rest of trials wizards at Trial des Nations six times gave an increddible opportunity to Tim to learn from the best in the sport and to incorporate many tricks into his own riding style. Tim Coleman continued to push his limits by everyday trials practice and by participating in as many trials competition as possible. Victories started to line up. Just in 2015 Coleman claimed Indoor X Trial and Victorian Trial championships. In 2014 Tim Coleman decided to get on an enduro bike only to quickly realize that this type of riding was also very appealing to him.

Trials website: http://wdtc.org.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/167905573420579
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ6Lrqmphte_EJv-vjzj5gg
Enduro website: https://www.crosstrainingenduro.com
#trialstraining #trialstechniques #timcoleman

This video uses music loops kindly allowed by www.looperman.com
We would also like to thank the following for use of their Creative Commons music in other videos:
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Music: https://audionautix.com/
Music by Tobu: https://tobu.io
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
Music: https://soundimage.org
Let us know if we used your music in other vids but forgot to credit you!


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