Did you take your orchids out of their original substrate? It is often moss that creates an environment of too much moisture and not enough drainage. Repot in orchid bark and it will help! 🙂
ОтветитьThe holes in the conch shells are there because that's how you remove the conch.
ОтветитьDe bonne idées bien le tabouret super très bien bz Evelyne belgique
ОтветитьI could spend multiple days browsing the rooms of the village shop.
ОтветитьGive them one to two ice cubes once a week, hopefully that will help.
ОтветитьPrecious Scripture. The shoes!!!! And the pretty ottoman was a great score!
ОтветитьYou can put rolling pins in wine racks
ОтветитьLoved the two pictures of the kids. Great for fall time & when I looked them up they came up as musical boxes. So looks like someone turned them into pictures ??? that vintage gold mirror in the beginning I found something just about like that at a garage sale this summer for my daughter. Paid $20 for it & felt like I stole it for that price lol
ОтветитьHi! I love your channel and I wanted to also start my own channel. I was wondering if you’d share with me what video editing program you use?
ОтветитьFirst time here. Don’t come for me. I have 6 grands and 3 great grands. Shopping/looking makes me nervous with children.
ОтветитьA school room your might be helpful for my daughter, as she will be a first year homeschooling mom
ОтветитьBtw, the scripture at the end is forever timeless. Thank you ❤
ОтветитьI love all your videos! I don't understand why I don't get notified when a new one comes out.
I'm thinking if you maybe talked more about your outing with the family, the place you are at and what you are looking for, or maybe even waiting to get inspired by something it would help!
I personally would live to know the whys of what you do! How do you get inspired?
I would love to know where you got the copper rod and S hooks in your kitchen!
ОтветитьI love those lil wooden fall Halloweeny pictures!
ОтветитьThat brass pitcher was my favorite and only $14! Loved the bench too. You got the lines perfectly straight that made it look high end. I love your videos and that sweet calming voice!❤❤
ОтветитьYou can easily make little doll furniture . Then you can spend money at Hobby Lobby getting little accessories that you cant make. I just dont know if you have that kind of time though,lol. Wish I lived by you, i would enjoy doing that.❤
ОтветитьThe vintage store prices seemed very reasonable!
ОтветитьNot sure if someone has already mentioned this, but the conch shells all have a hole because that is where they hit the conch and remove the “meat” to make conch fritters, etc. We went to a conch graveyard in the Bahamas and they were stacked waist high around the entire bay. They told us if you found one with no hole, most likely it was taken illegally. So, the hole is actually a good story. I have 8 of them and they are all like that. 😊
ОтветитьI lovedd shopping! I'am brazilian ❤🇧🇷
ОтветитьThat store seemed to have great prices! I loved the floral chair! And I would have snapped up those primitive boxes in a heartbeat😂 Sandals are adorable! Is that basket you got from occupied Japan? I have 2 smaller ones from the same material and they look very similar other than the size, you can tell on mine on the bottom imprinted in the basket. Stool looks cute.
ОтветитьOrchid like filtered light, ice cubes work best for watering weekly I use around 5-6 cubes, they like coffee grounds as well.
ОтветитьI really enjoy your videos
ОтветитьYes love the improved stool . Would like to see homeschool room.
ОтветитьMerci pour cette balade, de belles trouvailles.
ОтветитьNot only can you use widen wine tracks for filling pins also rolled hands towels, magazines or yard.
ОтветитьI have a book of those little pictures I can’t remember the artist but I really like the style especially the wintery pictures .
ОтветитьI only water my orchids once a week I also keep it one a partially sunny window I spray the leaves with water on watering day I only sparsely water . I keep them pot bound before moving them on to a new pot with special orchid compost they do not like being submerged by soil . This is not how they grow in the wild . These things have worked for me but I’m not an expect . Trial and error . Loved the shopping thought the prices were reasonable and the items were interesting .
ОтветитьThose Hummel plaques were something we made in the early 70s.
ОтветитьIt seemed as if you were in someone's home where they had priced all of their belongings. You inspire me Elizabeth. I love what you did with that last bench and the blue and white T-towel. Continued Blessings!
ОтветитьReally nice finds. The pretty sandals I loveeee. Such pretty blue ❤Tyfs
ОтветитьYour home looks beautiful!
ОтветитьI adore the floral armchair at the beginning. Now to watch the rest xx
ОтветитьI love the blue and white plaid makeover on the stool - looks so fresh!
ОтветитьBench would have been with a sewing cabinet.
ОтветитьStool is MUCH improved. I would pick a bolder fabric, but what you chose works and is a billiom times better than than the original striped fabric that. Beautiful home.
ОтветитьYou might could use the rack to roll towles up. Love the little pictures.
ОтветитьI like how the stool makeover turned out! Great finds, as always.
Yes to the homeschool room tour, too!
The flowers on the front porch of the antique shop were gorgeous! The larger white ones looked like begonias.. those were always some of my fav ones to plant for my front porch area. I would get some of each color & the different types, and different coleus' and mix them with some fillers to make my own pots. They both grow pretty fast & easy to care for. I've never had any luck with geraniums 🤷♀️ Beautifully curated on the inside, so many beautiful pieces! The phone was pretty cool😊 I love the Victorian doll houses, so pretty! The sewing room was really cool!I love collecting old lamps.. the one with the angel was beautiful & what a great price! That set of Desert Rose dishes that was under the conch shells you were looking at, we had that same set in the thrift store we owned in TN. I love copper, the pitcher Is really cute😊 I love all your pieces & how you have them styled! When we find a house here & If I have good counter space,i want to find one of the accordian wine racks & pot my rolling pins in it.. I've seen several people doing that & i really like the way it looks! The little pictures on the wood plaque's are so cute😊 I have several pieces made that way. One in particular is a very old painting of a man in uniform in the civil war era.. mid 1800's. Its so old I have to be very careful with it, tiny little pieces chip off the edges very easily. The stool/ottoman is very pretty, looks nice with that chair! I haven't started really collecting the transfer ware, i just have several pieces. But they really have some of the prettiest scenes on them. I want to start collecting them, in all the different colors, the purple & the teal are my fav's & of course hardest to find🥴 The frame is beautiful❤ I love ornate frames, the oval ones are my fav! The brass match holder is really cool, looks like an older piece. The topiary is beautiful! Love the colors & the vine going down the stem piece. When we lived in NC, my husband, my son & myself we in a hunt club. We had a smaller upright freezer we kept mostly just meats in. We stocked up every deer season & would have plenty throughout the year. We took our deer to a processer so it was cured & vacuumed sealed. We had ground, cubed steak, stew meat, roast, sausage, chops, deer steaks, pretty much everything! I miss hunting, but i miss having that meat, much healthier than beef or pork. In off season we would walk thru different wooded areas & look for the sheds, or antlers. That was always fun for my son! The little gingham shades are precious😊 Oh I love those sandals, so pretty💙 The stool turned out so pretty, love the material you used! You really found some great pieces! The prices at that shop looked to be pretty reasonable too! Hope You & your family have a blessed weekend!😊 TFS!
ОтветитьNice of your husband to corale the kids with him so you could shop....I didn't care for the door knobs with no centers either 😮...looks like a nice clean store
ОтветитьMy daughter had a pod home schooling during COVID where a group of 4-6 sets of parents putting their money together & hired a couple of teachers to teach , one, the K gardener kids & the second one a first grade teacher to teach the other group of kids. My grand kids shot up in their grade level advancing beyond what was state requirement! I think it’s a great way to teach! Last, love your treasures!
ОтветитьI would like to see the school room
ОтветитьHello from NC. I just stumbled upon your channel and subscribed. Now I'm binge watching your videos on this Saturday afternoon.❤
Ответить👋 came out beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьThe faux onions, would look great displayed in a basket in a porch area or kitchen 🙂