英語で学ぶ世界の料理『チキンとトマトのガーリック炒め』Learn English while you cook "Stir-fried chicken and tomato with garlic"

英語で学ぶ世界の料理『チキンとトマトのガーリック炒め』Learn English while you cook "Stir-fried chicken and tomato with garlic"

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鶏モモ肉 1枚
ズッキーニ 1本
トマト 大1個
赤唐辛子 1本
にんにく 1片
コンソメ(顆粒) 小さじ1/2
こしょう 適量
黒こしょう 適量
塩 適量
オリーブオイル 大さじ1


Today, I’m going to show you how to cook “Stir-fried chicken and tomato with garlic”, that is easy to cook and looks great. This dish is easy to cook and looks great, so it's perfect for home parties! Also, it goes well with fruity white wine, so please try it.

Ingredients (2 servings)
Chicken thigh meat: 1 piece
Zucchini: 1
Tomato: 1 large
Red chili pepper: 1
Garlic: 1 clove
Soup stock (granule): 1/2 tsp.
Pepper: To taste
Black pepper: To taste
Salt: To taste
Olive oil: 1 tbsp.

1.Sprinkle salt and pepper on the bite-sized chicken.
2.Cut the zucchini into round slices, and mince the garlic.
3.Cut the tomato into wedges.
4.Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add the garlic and red chili pepper, bring out the aroma, add the chicken, and cook.
5.When the chicken is cooked through, add the zucchini.
6.Add the tomato, soup stock and salt to the chicken, stir fry, and sprinkle with black pepper to finish.


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