31 MIND-BLOWING Ways To Use Echoes (Echoes of Wisdom)

31 MIND-BLOWING Ways To Use Echoes (Echoes of Wisdom)


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@spontoergio - 26.02.2025 19:03

primeiro dublagem sintetizada realmente boa

@moyee4211 - 24.02.2025 02:30

Homing deku baba

@TheTato1999 - 12.02.2025 01:47

Me just realizing Philly beatz yt is Majinphil 😂

@Miso_Pepper - 08.02.2025 02:40

Black widow is the real mvp. Crawled up walls and explored the whole map before I even got the horse lol

@ninjatoitles - 01.02.2025 08:23

Dude. Great video and awesome tips & tricks!!!

@JasperOtto-q8j - 25.01.2025 22:05


@Historicutuber - 23.01.2025 20:18

great tips man! This has got to be one of my favorite zelda games!

@EarselBill-bi4xr - 21.01.2025 14:10

I’ll never understand why that fiery slug and the Poe’s flames can hurt Zelda, yet she can pick up an electrified enemy no problem…..I love this game so far but they really made some strange decisions with how echo interactions work lol

@kaykyneter - 14.01.2025 15:55

Interesting, with the tables/trampolines. I created two on top of each other. Than bound to the top one from a small distance and moved forward half a grid/block to create the offset. It is somewhat faster than the push animation and you don't have to walk around and position yourself correctly. For the speedrunners it might be interesting.

@tonyastorlie1947 - 08.01.2025 05:51


@Pilferingthepilferer93781 - 04.01.2025 12:14

I have a special underwater buzzblob attack where i summon and keep resummoning buzzblobs underwater and they supercharge and hit the enemy before they drown and it has a good range as well because most if not all underwater monsters have no ranged abilities

@Madcat221 - 03.01.2025 06:12

Zelda goes from being the perennial non-playable damsel in distress in the series to being a lil' sadistic psycho once she becomes the player character.

@stefanalinioeatonowski7732 - 29.12.2024 21:17

Bro it's broach not brooch...and it's not auto-mation it's pronounced automata (automaton)

@Haruo-6768 - 27.12.2024 01:55

Zelda is packing heat and alot of power

@lavosier2 - 17.12.2024 23:15

muito bom esse jogo. gostei muito.

@prophetofash - 04.12.2024 14:50

I beat most of the game using crows and the bed

@MII2o90 - 27.11.2024 14:10

this would be cool if there was a point to do it. traveling is easy and fast without the gimicks. mobs are weak and rarely do you need to change strategy. there are enough rupees to buy everything and the some, no need for cheese. I wish the game was more challenging than this.

@fert0murillo410 - 25.11.2024 07:47

el minuto 1.39 del video, a mi me aparece un tipo que dice que por fin encontro el agua del manantial pero que esta muy cansado para disfrutarla, saben que hacer con el? ya intente darle jugos, arrastrarlo al charco, hacer llover con la rana para ver si el agua crecia y lo mojaba y nada. hay algo que hacer con el o es un NPC que no tiene sentido, a y tambien en gerudo hay una tipa que esta sentada afuera de una casa y cuando hablas con ella solo pone (...) y la otra dice que antes era una bailarina, y que se quedo sin hacer nada, ya intente muchas cosas para que reaccione y haga algo pero no pasa nada, no se si hay que hacer algo con estos personajes o no

@xiongray - 25.11.2024 05:23

Big fan of Gustmaster & bind with swimming with the Zora Flippers & Swim buff. Had to explore the waters quickly.

@thebladeitself - 21.11.2024 01:53

nice video. super helpful. i almost sold this game back to GameStop because it was disappointing to go from ToTK to this. but thinking of the mechanics this way opens the game up to a bit more fun.

not the best Zelda game. certainly not the worst.

@1958Leslye - 15.11.2024 06:36

Ughhh, I can’t get that Flying Tile travel correct. Any tips?

@SourceOfTheRightArm - 13.11.2024 21:56

To bad there isn't 31 ways to play the game . Id like to just be able to play it 1 way instead of being a filthy summoner who watches

@coponemte20 - 07.11.2024 08:17

que incrivel

@marcblair3781 - 05.11.2024 21:07

for the last one...u can bind the ball and just run around touching enemies with it. It's like a stronger version of the urchin

@9791mij - 03.11.2024 22:56

Ghirro has a good effect when you hold it blows behind giving a jet engine boost, it a great help for small areas

@Novarcharesk - 02.11.2024 12:38

"A lot more larger."


@treybrzezowski3259 - 30.10.2024 17:19

That is not how you pronounce Broach. You said "brooch" when it should be said like "Roach" (as in cockroach)

@MidniteMoogle - 30.10.2024 10:54

Is there a way to get rid of echoes? I do not like having to go through tons of echoes it gets really annoying plus I am legally blind so it takes me longer to look through them

@Frooti.loopz23 - 29.10.2024 07:30

I just recently got the game and this is extremely helpful

@njnjhjh8918 - 28.10.2024 09:10

They have tracks in the sand when she gets dragged along!

@newjumpcityjosh9333 - 26.10.2024 23:19

Water block changed the game

@Burgermeisterz - 25.10.2024 15:02

FYI, brooch is pronounced “broach”.

@pedrorosas2541 - 25.10.2024 13:23

Pro tip: Create a water block, bind an enemy and drag it to the water block. Watch as they drown. The developers are aware of this and they programmed a lot of enemies to destroy the water blocks, but there is always a way to drown them

@TheBreadPirate - 25.10.2024 01:37

So many cool echoes, and yet no Hoodless Zelda.

@SimonGoldberger - 23.10.2024 17:58

How do you defeat the wind cannon to make it an echo ?

@ReoAard - 23.10.2024 14:53


@popper6050 - 22.10.2024 20:27

This video is old. Everyone already completed the game

@davidmead5872 - 22.10.2024 04:29

Actually you don't have to get in and out of the bed to make your hearts go faster all you have to do is get Zelda's bed as an echo and you recover three hearts at once

@selenopheria - 21.10.2024 23:34

I kearned to use the platboom to counter the downward current, which is also great, and used clouds to cross Hyrule by air.

Until i misstepped and fell off, but y'know.

@jchorkeyify - 20.10.2024 06:23

Tockarocks are broken

@4dojo - 19.10.2024 20:39

You’re a mad genius.

@Wheeler18 - 19.10.2024 17:31

Breaking the game by cheesing everything is exactly what tarnished totk/botw. This game is like Minecraft but worse

@michaelclaybourn1335 - 19.10.2024 16:37

The clouds are much easier to use than the tiles for climbing high

@MyDigitalHub - 18.10.2024 23:56

Legend of Zelda games never disappoint

@alexandrawilson1893 - 15.10.2024 19:38

How you said "brooch" just set me off completely, couldn't take in the information from the vid after that :') jk great vid

@xaviermcknight1510 - 14.10.2024 23:50

Zelda in the next smash 👀👀👀

@tubetoc9626 - 14.10.2024 06:31

Finished Faron without getting the Spark echo. Went back to Faron and can't find it. Does anyone know here is it?

@graysonpeddie - 12.10.2024 19:52

Echoes of Wind is so much better than Tears of the Kingdom. Man that is crazy. Now to farm for lots of rupees...

Now to be honest, I don't like Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. I have a strong dislike for weapons durability system in Zelda games. Sure, I don't mind a broken Goron sword as it encourages me to do a sidequest that allows me to get a non-breaking Goron sword in Ocarina of Time, my all-time favorite game, along with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.

Still, as a retro-gamer folk I do miss hookshots and any key items in order to progress through the game. And you know what I actually miss? A magic meter. I love magic meters in A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Wind Waker.

@Adventureruler - 12.10.2024 13:32

Sea Urchin Turret 😅
