The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Realm of The Mad God! - ROTMG Beginner Guide

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Realm of The Mad God! - ROTMG Beginner Guide


2 года назад

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Roastt_Beef - 28.03.2022 05:28

I forgot to mention, holding CTRL and clicking a chat message lets you tp or whisper players easily. Also if you want to call a dungeon, CTRL click the portal when you are standing near it! Hope this helps!

Evans Evans
Evans Evans - 10.11.2023 05:29

get to vacuuming lazy boy!

Outdated Gamer
Outdated Gamer - 09.11.2023 20:11

Thanks for the info. Started playing recently and was enjoying the game. Got to 20 and said now what? Thanks to you now I have a better understanding of how to move forward.

Hax Prodz
Hax Prodz - 18.10.2023 06:16

Sick guide and can you got your life together with the “vacuum house alert!” Good to see people with organisation in their lives keep it up

Chavapa - 03.09.2023 23:01

Thanks fot the tutorial, I know the video was publicated a year ago, but if the creator of someone can tell me how to obtain gold, I will be so thankfull

William P
William P - 02.08.2023 18:24

I really tried to get into this game but the perma-death mechanics just don't fit into an MMORPG in my opinion. After grinding in the main world for an hour until level 20, I walked up to a new enemy, which had no indication of being strong I thought would be an easy miniboss like all of the other simular enemies I had encountered so far, and started to attack it. it then two shot me before I could even realise I should get out of there and made me start again. I wanted to atleast clear a dungeon above one and a half graves, so I restarted and grinded for another hour to get back up to level 20. I meandered along again, and saw a skull boss marked near me on the map. I was a lot more cautious approaching it this time. I took one step in the arena and immediately got slowwed while taking half of my healthbar in damage from seemingly nothing. I tried to run but I only really had a couple seconds to react and died again. Now I just don't feel as if theres a point to putting in anymore effort, when all I get for it is a slap in the face and my progress erased

Zekkozen - 09.06.2023 22:48

The effort put into this video is amazing, thanks a lot! BTW, instead of reading off of a set script, its easier for both you and the viewers if you simply talk freely from your head

SonicSpeedy0 - 30.05.2023 13:09

I know im posting this super late, but if anyone knows please reply, if I drink a potion like a potion of dexterity for an example, will i keep that +1 dexterity on any character even if i die? or does it go away if i die, if it goes away, how should i manage my potions since i am trying to get characters like the summoner

Pigeon - 09.04.2023 23:06

banger of a guide my dude! thank you kindly

Nam Anh Nguyễn
Nam Anh Nguyễn - 15.03.2023 02:13

Hi , are there any other ways to get gold ( currency in game ) ?

Yitzhak / Isaac
Yitzhak / Isaac - 05.03.2023 14:27

I feel like some of my data got removed, i havent played for years but theres only 2history of deaths, one at level 7 and 9. and both wizards and its impossible as i remember being high level+knight did something happened between the years?

Jonathan Martin
Jonathan Martin - 04.01.2023 08:22

I’m here after taking a break for like seven years lol

RobotSnot - 31.12.2022 11:49

HP pots? Health pot pots?

waxei - 12.11.2022 10:19

ii have several 100 hours and have not unlocked the 3rd pet skill

Flashback Frank
Flashback Frank - 21.10.2022 07:55

Alternatively, Pay real money and get fucked over because all of the dlc is 1 time use but not marked as such....

jason senter
jason senter - 16.06.2022 22:55

Anyone remember when after you completed the tutorial it would bring you straight to the realm instead of the nexus? I miss this. This simple change would fix a lot making it so players don’t get instantly distracted with the nexus bull crap.

I know one of the games companies changed it because people were exploiting the tutorial to get into full realms. But whoever saw this problem and decided to sever the connection completely was pretty stupid. Instead they should’ve coded it to be impossible to enter a full realm by using the tutorial instead of having you enter the nexus instantly after the tutorial.

Josh Strife Hayes makes it pretty clear how stupid the game is after the tutorial so this definitely needs to get reverted back so new players don’t instantly see a cash shop and quit. Hell you could even get rid of the cash shop nexus entirely because there is a grand bazaar devoted to it. That would be another solution.

mrowczyk - 13.05.2022 17:16

Why would any beginners start playing this shit game

Juke45 - 10.05.2022 23:10

Did you vacuum the house?

Cody Chen
Cody Chen - 06.04.2022 07:49

Nothing you said was necessarily wrong, but I didn't like the video from the perspective of getting a new player started. For a 15min video, the content feels lacking and the way you speak has absolutely no casualness at all. It sounds like a school presentation more than it does a guide. For an ultimate guide there is so much important info glossed over too. There's no discussion of how to max efficiently, the forge, stat priority, class playstyles, or how to get fame.

SodaZone RotMG
SodaZone RotMG - 28.03.2022 01:18

good video man! (wish i had this video when i started playing lol)

Rocket - 27.03.2022 23:13

Thanks for making this. I think this will be much a much more approachable resource, compared to linking realmeye's wiki and expecting new players to read everything.

Cube rotmg
Cube rotmg - 27.03.2022 22:18

actually a good tutorial. I would send this to my friends if they started playing the game
