The first Question asked when someone DIES  | The Master of EXORCISMS Part 14, The First Question

The first Question asked when someone DIES | The Master of EXORCISMS Part 14, The First Question

King David Kabbalah

55 лет назад

367 Просмотров

Rabbi Yehuda Petayah (1859-1942) was a great kabbalist from last generation. He was an expert on performing kosher exorcisms and help troubled souls. He was one of the best students of the Ben Ish Chai. He is mainly known for his works on spirits, possessions and exorcisms. Hashem gave him the gift on how to perform all these esoteric arts with Hashem's names and help a lot of people. He was a master of esoteric significance of names, incantations, amulet writing and healing.

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