One thing I'm caught up on is the difference between "able to produce music period" and "able to produce music that sounds perfectly normal like a radio tune" - and what's truly needed to to achieve the ladder. Everyone talks about digital workflow being sort of mainstream now, and yet, I see studios with all these grandiose consoles and modules - giant mixer consoles, tall racks stacked with effects modules, patch bays, and a bunch of other fancy shit I can't identify - like it's MGM studios in the '90s. But then when I try to research what I need for PROFESSIONAL quality sound, all that's out there is the same cliche answer - DAW, an interface, studio monitors, headphones, mics, and whatever instruments you want. So... if I can "make songs" on my kitchen table with my little laptop, my cute little red Focusrite Scarlet box next to it and my mic and guitar (or whatever) hooked into that - a totally amateur, toyish looking contraption - why do all these studios look like the cockpit of a spaceship? Like, everywhere on the internet (where I do all my research) you're told "This is what you need", but when you see all these big, beautiful studios with all this hardware stacked together, what's the real difference between that and my consumer setup - DAW/interface/instrument? How much of that is essential to make truly professional sounding music? (Asking those experienced)
And btw, it's not a rhetorical question to bash studios or people that have invested in them; I'm asking because I want to get a professional sound on my first alternarive hip hop album and wanna know if what I have is sufficient for what I'm trying to achieve - and how high I should set my sights for the "dream studio" I want to build over the years in my new house.
Dude- u r a great communicator! Thank you for your perspective and helpful info.
ОтветитьFunny, I got back to this video after a year and found that I pretty much upgraded every one of the ten things you mentioned: 1) I use the Samson Patchbays which also have N/T/HN switches on the front but accept 6.3mm plugs, I also invested heavily in snakes and got some XLR to Ethernet converters as I wanted tl reduce the roughly 300 cables in my studio desk. 2) I bought a Wavenature StudioDesk as it has rackspace in the "legs" that I use for drawers for all of my cables 3) I got a bunch of synths now that are always connected (and go to a bunch of effect pedals through my patchbays), I love the Nord Wave 2 as a versatile do everything synth and the Prophet 6 and Roland JP8080 for weirder sounds, along with some 909 and 303 clones 4) I tried a bunch of rental mikes and will probably get some Extinct Audio BM9 ribbons; the Lauten 308 also works really well for me 5) I sold my Neve 511 pre-amps and got the AEA RPQ 500s instead, they're so awesome 6) I have the Speck.Xsum now - also 32 channels, but TRS in, volume/pan controls on the front and 2 outputs - more versatile than the Burl B32 if you ask me as I don't need a PC to control them and can seperate "voice" and "bass/drum" in the summing mixer, e.g. to apply a sidechain later. 7+8) No monitor controllers or heavy duty stands yet 😅 as I 9) use the Dynaudio BM5 which aren't that huge or heavy (but were recommended by Christian Henson from Spitfire Audio for their clarity and transparency), together with a Dynaudio 18s sub and 10) I'm really happy with the Cranborne 500R8, handles everything I throw at it, has a million hardware inputs and outputs in addition to 32 digital USB channels and C.A.S.T. over ET, awesome interface.
That said, your list was really useful and comprehensive to check whether I addressed the most important things, thanks! 😘
warning don't play in front of your pastor or small children may contain gangster smiling
Ответитьmaybe i will send you the vocals and you can see what you think
ОтветитьI am getting ready to try out the Lewitt 441. It's supposed to be very 414 ish... 9 polar patterns 7 dba self noise at 349.99 on sale give one a try? maybe? let us know what you think.
ОтветитьI was looking here for the SSD drives and/or all your storage options that you use. It would be great if you could add them to your list. Thx.
Ответить110% Advertisement video.
went through it but man.... what a waste of time.
Normally I enjoy watching your videos a lot but it gets out of hand now. Product placement over Product placement.
This is an amazing video. I have a question of why you added the summing mixer? People have done test and there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference going into summing mixers. Can you tell a huge difference in your sound? I'm looking at getting one for my studio as well. I'm looking at the Burl b32, Neve 5059, or neve 5057. Any feedback is welcome.
I learned in an analog enviornment and then took 12 years off to chase a different dream. Trying to get back into audio and set up a private/public studio and I am just lost with what to get. This video helps but I don't completely understand the need for all the ins/outs plus the summing.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing this, I'm 1 year deep into creating my own home studio just for pleasure use, and to hopefully branch it out for private use. Could we have a video of you doing the cable routing iv amps all over mics randomly set up cables all over. Ahaha
Ответитьlooking for a dope 1 dope mic pre and 1 dope outboard compressor. What should I get?
ОтветитьYes, Andrew, please teach us what you've learned about UA Console!
Ответитьgood video ---- well done ---- nice to see your ventillation between pieces of rack hardware
ОтветитьAndrew, this was excellent. My goal is tracking focused as well with similar multi tracking but maybe about half the scale. Your setup is really not ostentatious to me either, and it seems you have found good value sweet spots for your studio. I have a good setup but my holes are (1) power conditioning, (2) interface (somewhat), (3) mic pres particularly. That Revv G20 is a great option. I A/B’d it with the Synergy head and Morgan AC module which is what I went with which is also a fantastic option. Love those Supro’s too!
ОтветитьHello Andrew! My name is Abel Barrientos, Love the channel! I just wanted to put a studio for you to checkout and maybe consider for your channel! Direct Resonance Recording Studio in waco Texas!
Ответитьhi andy, you should make a video on what to do with all the empty boxes of gear! greetings from argentina!
ОтветитьI love your “ready to roll” approach. 👍🏻
ОтветитьHey Player, you can get the JHS color box in the 500 series! They don't make them anymore but you can find lots of JHS circuits/pedals in the 500 series format from reverb
ОтветитьYou have the coffee maker ... now the upgrade... the actual coffee and sugar & cream ect 👊🤣👍 (my latest affordable upgrade for 2022).
ОтветитьGreat video!!
ОтветитьNo love for your CAPI Pres??
ОтветитьAwesome video, thanks Andrew!
ОтветитьI would love to see how you have Console setup with your Behringer Headphone distribution system. I have it setup with the ADAT out of my Apollo going into the P16-I, but the output routing in Console for cue mixes in this fashion is kind of confusing.
ОтветитьYour studio looks brilliant already
ОтветитьWhat is that bass amp called again? Seems like exactly what I’m looking for atm
ОтветитьI have learned over the decades that time isn't money, money is time. Debt crushes creativity. As always, great video.
Ответить+1 for Console deep dive Andrew. I'd LOVE to see your workflow using it. Inc headphone mixes and routing if you could too? Cheers
ОтветитьJust came here from the Neve on the room mics short. Instant subscribe
ОтветитьSoyuz the best Mic! From Russia With Love!!!
ОтветитьHey Andrew, Thanks man! This video is a HUGE help for me! I'm actually getting my home project/hobby/music production studio up and going, got my mac studio computer couple weeks ago lol! Got some Yamaha HS5 monitors and some other small stuff to get me started. But this helps on what else I need to get to where I wanna be with my studio setup great video and channel love the studio tours!
ОтветитьAndrew You're completely out of your mind and it's fabulous. Great video
ОтветитьSpot on! How informative. Thank you Andrew!
ОтветитьYes, on an in depth video on all the features of Console!! Please!
ОтветитьHey man thanks for the vid, great stuff. As far as your monitoring do you feel like getting the the trio6 with a sub suit you better than getting the trio11 without a sub? I feel like a 19 x 19 room could get away with the 11’s and no sub. I’m asking because my room is roughly 17 x 17 w 12’ ceilings. I was looking at the trio11 w no sub. Do you think that may be overkill for my size room. Thanks.
ОтветитьThat's a great video and summary.
ОтветитьPlease do the Console runthrough! I’m always wondering how much more value I can get out of gear I’m using and I know my Apollo system is one of those things I’m not fully taking advantage of
ОтветитьGuy posts a lot of vids, does he ever actually do any recording and mixing?. A fortune worth of gear. Is this just a disguised promo vid for Sweetwater and their affiliated businesses?. Rhetorical question, of course it is,.
Ответитьi bet everything you used to have braces. thanks for sick vids
Ответитьhey andrew since you think about investing in another apollo: what are your current thoughts about Luna?
Do you still use it or have you left it again - and why?
Hey Drew, Curious! why the CLA-10’s logos are taped over and no mention of them? Are you starting to have sponsorship issues?
ОтветитьLove the Apollo hardware and plugins! Great list.
ОтветитьBuild your own speaker stands!
-Build to a custom height, angle etc
-Screw & seal with glue, fill with sand
-Decouple with MLV or gym mats and *Herbie's fat dots* on top
I've custom designed my own stands and sub platform to perform in unison with my room and monitors. Better than any speaker stand on the market.
If you could only choose one 2-channel mic pre for your studio, would you go with the WA273 or the Rupert Neve 5211?
ОтветитьHey Andrew, could you speak on the conversion improvement between MKII and X apollos? I've been on MKII for a while and considering upgrading for improved conversion. To me, the apollos do not sound as good as any of the Apogees that I've had. But the plug ins... so I switched. Thanks! and thanks for so many awesome videos.
ОтветитьHey Andrew, love your channel. Please do the tutorial on Console. Thanks, Lee
ОтветитьYou know the JHS Colorbox comes in a 500 format, right?
ОтветитьI have a Post Sound set up for mixing.. its a bit different so heres; my list for fun
10. Don't need routing in my studio
9. Furnite.. got it covered
8. don't need instruments
7. Preamps.. only need 1 for talkback.. have a vintage Focusrite ISA 215 from the 80s.. its two channel
6. Only need a talkback mic.. Have an AKG C414b-uls
5. Summing mix.. totally not needed for post sound
4. Monitor controller.. Have the SPL 2control.. Mix out+computer out.. 2 sets of monitors, plus headphone amp.. has mute/dim and standard controller features
3. Speaker stands.. I use Neumann KH120s and the are raised up on Iso Acoustics stand on my 6 foot desk
2. KH120s and HD650s..
1. Interface.. I use a Lavry Blue converter into a MOTU 8D... 2 channels in 2 channels out.. easy peasy AES