A Day in the Life: Navigating autism into adulthood

A Day in the Life: Navigating autism into adulthood

Autism Speaks

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@neomiroberts6252 - 23.08.2023 07:11

My 2 year old got autism diagnosis she’s non verbal and watching this make me hopeful because I believe she’s going to be great person

@normalcomic4768 - 22.09.2023 20:32

I was diagnosed with "Mild" autism when I was little, I was just enough autistic on the scale where I had to go to a special edd room for 1 period, but still smart enough to go to regular classes throughout the rest of the day. In my very last year of high school they just straight up removed me from the special edd room and I attended classes like everyone else.

Frankly I thought for maybe most of my life I might have been miss diagnosed, but now 19 and in the adult world I think I might see it now.

Specifically my autism is "Slow to learn/pick up on things". I am book smart, but when it comes to physical things, I hesitate and overthink things all the time. When someone is being sarcastic in the workplace I take it to seriously and think I might get in trouble. When I'm given a job I know I've done several times before I seem to forget or not think beyond the surface layer of what they tell me to do. "Move the hose over there!", and I just move it to the obvious wrong place in the direction he pointed. Being an introvert and keeping to myself most of the time. It even gets worse when I have to take charge of a group of youngsters and organize them.

I don't know if I'm using my early diagnosis as an excuse for my problems or what, but I know I have to change somehow, but I don't know if I can.

@RynaxAlien - 05.10.2023 16:23

Go vegan

@Felicity851 - 10.10.2023 12:24

I'm 16, turning 17 . Not long ago, I realized something was seriously wrong with me , always anxious, confused, forgetful, absent-minded, poorly concentrated, and always tired. Still don't know why .Just started realizing that kids would always ignore me ,friends or people I thought of as friends would always run away from me .I'm struggling with school, I keep avoiding it, worst part there's no one to help me because I can't even explain the problem, I have. What do I even say to my psychologist ?

@purity4all - 12.10.2023 03:49

His gastric issues may have caused his autism. I’m learning about different people who were diagnosed autistic but cured their gut issues and were no longer autistic.

@youngkey3051 - 17.10.2023 18:39

Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so sad but it gives us hope….

@Keenan-qp2fo - 30.10.2023 18:33

I've it since birth. But with a impulse control disorder. ICD. I'm 19 now and i watched this video as a recommendation from my Dad. Working on a GED to become a technician.

@Epic-so3ek - 03.11.2023 03:21

I have autism and can say that most peoples autisim story isn't as dark as the peoples in this comments section (ofc everyone has dark parts though). I certainly haven't had a perfect life but I'm feeling pretty decent about myself and my future right now.

@CJ-xg6ii - 07.11.2023 10:26


@littlebirdlane - 10.11.2023 02:53

My heart breaks for you. Im married to ASD husband and so much of what you say is relatable. My number one piece of advice is always try to grow. Alarms on the phone helps my husband like "Check in on your kids" It works for him. Also, the photography sounds awesome! Both my husband and I are interested on photography. I LOVE YOUR STORY!

@michael30797 - 10.11.2023 11:32

I feel the same way . .I cry .. I was married...I love children

@michael30797 - 10.11.2023 11:32

I love working

@michael30797 - 10.11.2023 11:33

I want to marry a woman

@np100 - 12.11.2023 02:50

If you were profoundly autistic, you would be grateful for the skills you have and the life you have. My son will never be self sufficient, is still in diapers at night and cannot toilet himself properly or bathe, shave, etc.
While I wish all those who are higher functioning respectable employment, but be careful who you tell about your diagnosis(es).

@lostandlooking - 18.11.2023 11:25

I am confused... so what if you are autistic or just discovered it? Is it the "knowing" and being able to justify how "weird" you are? I am autistic, recently discovered, but I'm sitting here thinking, "It's not like there's a treatment, so what difference does it make?" I do not know, I guess for me I've always known I am different, but having a name for it has not made me feel any different.

@danielolivera2618 - 17.12.2023 08:30

what level of autism?

@carrollkinkade2329 - 19.12.2023 14:57

When I was coordinating an after school project in FCS my students on the autism spectrum showed terrific photography skills

@RickCarroll-j5n - 07.01.2024 08:23

Angry person warning:

So where's the remaining percent of donations you receive to help us why is only 14 to 22 percent used on helping my community why was a CEO paid one million dollars after retirement and why was autism speaks caught laundering money then released a horrible article that stated autism will empty your bank leave you broken autism is relentless monster you can't defeat it will destroy your family and you went on this rant recently you are not here to help us your self serving pr!CKS your organization needs to be dissolved and everyone involved needs to be banned from none profit jobs I've been begging you for help for over NINE YEARS but you don't help the adults like you claim only kids and people with autism that have living family other wise you don't help them or you only help them if it fits your agenda

@Severussnape09 - 11.01.2024 18:33

I salute you 👌👌👌👌.
You give hope to so many people 🙏

@Leny321 - 22.01.2024 08:16

This video means so much to me I feel so understood this is how I feel but I couldn’t put it into words.

@randydub6868 - 31.01.2024 22:35

Thank you for sharing

@Crayolapup - 22.02.2024 09:40

Kind of unfortunate that black kids go ignored because of stereotypes.

@allme813 - 24.02.2024 08:09

This helps me understand my son so much. Thank you!! ❤❤❤

@BrownStain_Silver - 27.02.2024 08:03

You blew me away when you said you rode trains for 3 years. I live around DC and there have been many days where I didn't want to get off at my metro stop. I can understand that.

@idontcheckmynotifications7138 - 02.03.2024 21:16

I'm in my 30s now and was diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago. Now I'm being tested for autism a couple years later. My story is very similar to this person's. I just didn't have people around me to care back then to get me the help I needed. I struggle so bad everyday from it.

@DASHI61 - 16.03.2024 23:20

This was beautiful and was definitely needed for me today, it helped me feel a lot better about myself. I love and greatly appreciate the work Phil has done for the autism community and I wish him all the love and happiness he can possibly get.

@urmommabear5monthsago - 10.04.2024 09:56

They need to stop calling Asperger’s Autism and put it in its own category. You are NOT autistic!!!

@blackbeard6423 - 19.04.2024 22:07

I was diagnosed aged 32...I missed A LOT of high school. Was expelled from one as well. As life gets more complex, it becomes tough.

@nataliecorbin1111 - 20.04.2024 00:30

Thank you so much for sharing your life. I learned so much from this video
May the Lord give you grace to continue to grow. Patience is a big key as you stated and I know that Jesus is able to give you His peace as you go through life.

@unraveledultimatefate - 09.05.2024 18:45

One of the most commonly believed myths not yet debunked : #1 I don't see anything wrong with you.

@HailDarkseid - 19.05.2024 03:54

First couple seconds of the video I was already relieved, I pray to god that my son is like this

@collectionoftheinternets6873 - 31.05.2024 04:17

Basic electromagnetic field conflicts. Should be in MIL-STD-1472 Rev current... but..... surprise... it's not. Omg lols. Hilarious. So much many laughs. !NOT!

@collectionoftheinternets6873 - 31.05.2024 04:17

U good. Thanks 4 your datum.

@collectionoftheinternets6873 - 31.05.2024 04:19

Okay thank you sir. My next stop is literally a military office, sir.

@KyloZach - 04.06.2024 00:43

I'm a graduate for 4 years now since early 2020 thanks to my summer class for extra credits, and I never knew i was autistic until my first visit to the counselor with my parents during 2015. I'm luckily high functioning with plenty of responsibilities, just have struggle with communication and following instructions. I know i'm not alone in this fight, We all are. I have a few friends and family members i still keep in contact and love with, and we'll do everything it takes for this world to hear our voices. I'm writing my first novel and gonna take online digital design classes to help me get a full time job one day. It's disgusting to see people fake autism for clout on social media and lose a lot of trust in us. This world has gone darker. May god help us.

@thenewguy01omni27 - 17.06.2024 02:11

Thank you.

@AGENTXLR-l8h - 21.06.2024 04:09

i am living with autism i find it very hard being autistic without knowing anyone who also has what i have here in nj. I wish there was someone i can talk too besides my therapist.who can help me and guide me thru my everyday to day life!! please help me

@Funnyguy992 - 25.06.2024 01:41

Damn bro went to my high school..I thought my high school was the best school experience of my life

@rossmurrayfam1568 - 17.07.2024 00:40

as someone who is 26 and suffered with autism for life, being autistic doesnt make someone any less human ❤

@PeterMcDermott-g7l - 26.07.2024 13:04

You are a real Ledgend buddy from someone similar to you in Australia. Keep going

@joshwilley3173 - 28.07.2024 06:14

Always felt different so I'm looking into it. Never could look people in the eyes. Major anxiety just trying to hold normal conversations.

@IB.MID115 - 31.07.2024 16:17

I was diagnosed with Asperger’s at 18 after my mental health started to decline. I tried to do it all on my own, I ended up becoming someone I wasn’t and caused a lot of psychological damage to myself in highschool because of it. This man made the right decision to get help. If you can, please get help. We will never be like the neurotypicals we will always have that extra societal pressure to be “normal” . I have lost so much of myself and am struggling to pick up the pieces. I am 22 years old. One of my only passions is videogames and Nature. Music used to be one of my passions too but now it comes and goes. Remember to always be yourself, being yourself may make people uncomfortable but it’s not worth losing yourself over the acceptance of others.

@FresnoBoy6star - 02.08.2024 03:00

My son who is turning 3 next month just got diagnosed with level 2 autism. He's having trouble talking but can point and show us what he wants. He just can't communicate it. He's smart so here I am seeing if he will have a normal life as adult.

@couchpotato498 - 15.08.2024 10:20

So proud of this man. He did everything he could as best as he could. Much respect. ❤

@ABritishGuyAndAFilipina - 22.08.2024 10:01

I am 53 and just been referred for an Autism assessment, I am an alcoholic in recovery over 2 years now, so I have masking my issues with alcohol for 32 years, now I am sober I am noticing all the issues I have more, The biggest one is interreacting with other people and socialising, I hate socialising to a degree I can not explain, I am always analysing everything and over thinking, and also get it wrong what other people are thinking. the biggest problem is other people not understanding, they think I am just being an unsociable assh**e and just being horrible or awkward. I have been using avoidance tactics for so long now I don't know any other way to live. All I want is a diagnosis so I can tell people this is why I am like I am and nothing personal to any individual , whether that is Autism or another condition. Good video dude.
Talking of school, that's when I started having troubles and in high school I would skip school for days than I was there, I hated being at school, its all starting to make sense why now.

@Joh-fi8ci - 01.09.2024 19:34

This guy is real. Great interview brother🙌

@novo_ephemera - 03.09.2024 18:49

I was physically and emotionally bullied for it. I also have Schizoaffective Disorder now. I have a few friends but I was deeply isolated in school and struggled with it. I also had speech impairment and I am mixed race I have so much to share. Now I am 27 and I feel more alone than ever. I laughed a lot for no reasons but I would talk to myself and create imaginary friends and get bullied for it. I even had my peers call me psychopath, weirdo, stupid, and evil I never was any of those things. : (

@novo_ephemera - 03.09.2024 19:05

Don't you hate when people deny it and invalidate it

@Isaiahavernon - 03.09.2024 21:43

I am happy for you. You still had consistency going through difficult times. You rock and I wish you and your family are well.
