Ohio residents targeted by evolving jury duty scam, including Local 12 anchor

Ohio residents targeted by evolving jury duty scam, including Local 12 anchor


4 дня назад

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@Vincent67337 - 29.11.2024 17:25

People still answer unknown phone callers? Why?

@jsumusicmom8244 - 29.11.2024 17:30

This has been going on for years and years. I got a call in Georgia about 8 years ago about my son missing jury duty. Yeah, they get real mad when you start asking questions. I called my sheriff’s office on another line, and they were so mad I caught them.

@patricksanders858 - 29.11.2024 19:05

Cops don't enforce jury duty.

@johnnyfreedom3437 - 29.11.2024 19:40

When I retired in Oklahoma from a life in construction in New Jersey I never changed my cell phone number! I get a half a dozen scam calls every day but even more so now! I know their scams because they keep going to the Jersey number, I haven't been there in a decade!

@unbreakable7633 - 29.11.2024 22:14

The government doesn't call you without a letter first and most of the time the letter asks you to call them if calling is ever necessary. I was called for jury duty by getting a postcard from the court. Recently go a call claiming the caller was from Medicare and I said, the government doesn't cold call people -- they hung up.

@your_royal_highness - 30.11.2024 08:00

I’ve asked them how much they get paid. Or what do they do this? There is often some shame

@Elleffante - 30.11.2024 08:42

Most people wouldn't fall for this ridiculous scam.

@gwenniegirl50 - 30.11.2024 13:22


@akita96th - 30.11.2024 17:26

Most people who fall for these scams are MAGATS they are so stupid they will believe anything so they get scammed. No cure for stupids.

@Ivan-cr3vc - 01.12.2024 06:12

this is the sheriff, you have been indicted for arms smuggling. We know you have 20 machine guns at home right now. We'll be there to arrest you in about 20 minutes. If you would rather pay the fine with gift cards let us know, it'll save time and labor.
