2022 Airstream Flying Cloud 28RB Walkthrough Southaven RV

2022 Airstream Flying Cloud 28RB Walkthrough Southaven RV

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@missreg333 - 28.10.2021 19:14

Beautiful Airstream!

@raybonvini1748 - 28.10.2021 19:51

Nice layout and finishes, although not a fan of curtains or the folding door dividers. Are blinds/shades and pocket doors an option.

@EVENSOAMEN - 29.10.2021 05:07

This is nice!!! Would love to get one!!

@TheWanderingQuails - 01.11.2021 08:13

Thank you for making this video! There are very very few 28' RB videos out. I am looking to see one of the 28' RBT. Love this model! Can't wait for ours to get here!

@MRHEAT20 - 06.11.2021 06:43

We are interested in a 28 RBT - what is the approximate delivery time of a new unit - fortunately we own a 25’ Airstream and don’t mind the wait 🍻

@BeverlyDillon2 - 30.11.2021 07:38

I would like the oven with the microwave

@jacobgonzalez1254 - 11.12.2021 03:26

Loved the speed of this review! Quickly covers everything. Well done!

@sarahperkins2108 - 31.12.2021 01:10

Plenty of storage with this one ☺

@roberthepburn7461 - 02.05.2022 13:15

Airstream used to be a premier trailer before thor bought them now just another Thor cheap trailer 😢
Too bad!

@Master-Blaster-4x4 - 02.06.2022 11:18

what is that black shakey thing on the right side of the video….

@ldrider755 - 14.10.2022 02:10

TY for showing your hand in every single second of this video. Nobody would know what that big rectangular thing was (refridge) without you pointing it out. Same with the microwave. Thought it was a dishwasher. Pointing out the Fantastic Fan was an eye-opener....thought it was a shower.

@2021-j2d - 01.11.2022 22:53

Owner of 3 Airstreams and it seems every year they cheap out a little more on quality and usability compared to models from several years ago. That might be Airstreams worst model. The square sink, large door that has to be opened into the aisle to access the silverware drawers, bath layout w two cheap mirrors and no window and tiny storage, poorly accessible under queen bed storage and the cheesy room divider curtains are just few things that immediately jump out. Put 2 or more adults and their belongings in this model and the whole usability game changes. Glad to have the slightly older models.

@sbmartin-2.0 - 29.01.2023 02:51

The 28 ft are nicely designed. Wish they were still offering that bedroom option in other airstreams. -the dual closet design.
