Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis | KDT research group | Institution of Structural Engineers talk 2016

Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis | KDT research group | Institution of Structural Engineers talk 2016

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Dr Tsavdaridis (Associate Professor of Structural Engineer at the University of Leeds) has given a Talk at the Institution of Structural Engineers.

Brief: Today, it is estimated that more than 35% of steel-framed buildings incorporate long spans in excess of 12m. In the 1990s the cellular beam, which replaced the castellated beam, gained prominence. Cellular beams are now estimated to have an 80% share of the long span beams in the UK market. There has been a lot of research on perforated beam webs with the geometry of the perforation ranging from circular, elongated, to non-standard shapes. However, very limited research has been found with regards the design limitations of seismic resistant connections when such perforated beams are used. Studies were conducted by FEMA and the SAC Joint Venture with reports ranging from FEMA-350 to 355F with main aim to develop reliable, practical and cost-effective design guidelines and specifications of reduced web opening (RBS) connections while do not include substantial reference to connections with the use of perforated beams (reduced web section – RWS connections).
The presentation discusses the up-to-date research work and propose design recommendations for RWS connections. The use of large isolated as well as periodically spaced perforations will be presented as an effective way of improving the behaviour of connections enhancing their ductility, rotational capacity and energy dissipation capacity.

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#connections #earthquakes #seismic


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