4th International Meeting on Zoo Research, Conservation and Biodiversity (2024) – Workshop Part 1 and 2 by Dr. Joeke Nijboer and Tjalling Huisman
From April 3 to 6, 2024, the Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen held its 4th International Meeting on Zoo Research, Conservation and Biodiversity (IMZRCB) as a hybrid event. Please see timeline below for the presentation of your interest.
0:00:00 Designing appropriate diets for great apes: still a challenging task (Part 1) – Dr. Joeke Nijboer (Invited speaker, Nijboer Consultancy, Netherlands) and Tjalling Huisman (Invited Speaker, Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands).
1:20:18 Designing appropriate diets for great apes: still a challenging task (Part 2) – Dr. Joeke Nijboer (Invited speaker, Nijboer Consultancy, Netherlands) and Tjalling Huisman (Invited Speaker, Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands).
#Serengeti-Park #Hodenhagen #Freizeitpark #Tierpark #Zoo