ОтветитьExcelente universidad la mejor ❤
ОтветитьThis is my dream country, city and school.
I'll be there soon, i promise to myself...
ОтветитьMe gusta
Ответить🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮This Institution is full of 💩
ОтветитьI can’t wait to attend a school that promoted a professor to dean after he was caught with his student.
Ответитьhope i get in one day🤞🏾🤞🏾
ОтветитьUgh. Just another Ameri can,t narrow education hotbed.
ОтветитьSodomaceous jew school
ОтветитьGoing here would make my life, I cannot wait to hopefully join class of 2028 !!
ОтветитьIdeal place for a Jew hating education. The Profs are on board and the kids are into trends. Break out the armbands.
ОтветитьIf Allah say iwill go American and then go to University Colombia branch accounting❤❤❤❤ I have lunch. Degree and master❤If Allah say🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲 it's may dream
ОтветитьThe concubine by chinua Achebe
ОтветитьI hope to see these scenes on my application portal in 2025:)))
ОтветитьThis school is so racist and they dox people if you arent white
ОтветитьSo now you can't say nothing about the Jews like the nazis. Because if you do, you can get into trouble... Fascism right there.. The Jews are no better than anybody Everybody's equal.
ОтветитьDid you ask yourself why Benjamin Franklin refused to allow the grandfathers of the powerful bankers, the owners of Hollywood, insurance companies, news media, TV corporations, ....etc to come to America. Google it. Spread it. By the way.. the sons and the grandsons of these people control and owns all giant farmlands, medicine companies and all the most profitable companies.
ОтветитьColumbia University, the new center of Jewish hatred! Truly pathetic!
ОтветитьFree Palestine.
ОтветитьHow can I join u r university
ОтветитьWäre schön wenn ihr aufhört und mich besser mal unterstützt dann können wir wirklich was verändern... So ändert sich doch nix!
ОтветитьDoesn’t seem like it has any magic left in 2024.
Ответить'There is a peaceful oasis' Personal experiences may vary depending on when you just happen to apply for it. Circa 1950 yes. Circa 1967 eh. And so on.
ОтветитьHahaha…contrast this against the current state of the protests…what a farce
Ответитьnot a single white male. definitely not a place id like to get an education.
ОтветитьHitler had safardic jewish blood in his dna.
ОтветитьA prime example of a school feeding off of its location..
ОтветитьWatching this while sitting in a third-world country, this is like a completely different world from the one I inhabit.
Well, there is a reason dreams are called dreams.
Dream to study in Columbia university from Bangladesh
ОтветитьMASS BOYCOTT this RACIST institution of Ignorance. How Pathetic.
ОтветитьBefore columbia became an embarrassment
Ответить😮😢 all India date khemchand Lala tribe😮😢
ОтветитьyaAllah mudah mudahan besok bisa kuliah disini, prodi ini. Aamiin...
ОтветитьIf you want to learn and actually be able to think critically, don't spend your time here at Columbia!! It has lost its elite status,and you just pay to be indoctrinated!! Demons fill the halls and follow George Soros!!! Americans back Jews and Israel!!!!
ОтветитьBR Ambedkar 🙏
ОтветитьPeople seeing this in 2013: 😄
Me seeing in 2024: 😔
Columbia no longer accepts Jewish students in their fight for Palestine
ОтветитьMihajlo Pupin.
ОтветитьI love Columbia University ❤❤❤
ОтветитьColumbia University is a joke. Tuition fees are crazy. Considering the actual level of education, it should be at least 10 times cheaper.
ОтветитьGraduated from Columbia in 2022 and the obstacles that it took for me to graduate was a lot but it was worth it at the end!
ОтветитьMore than $500.000 to get in?! Poorer famliies won't even be able to save up for their newborn child over 18 years!
ОтветитьI fantasize about studying a PhD degree at Columbia
ОтветитьI am waiting for you
ОтветитьColumbia University❤❤❤❤.