Sean OMara, MD JD, Health & Performance Optimizing is live!

Sean OMara, MD JD, Health & Performance Optimizing is live!

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@arzusurucu - 08.05.2024 15:54

Thank you Dr.Sean O’Mara❤️🙏💐🌟
and to John for the questions

@barbaraferron7994 - 08.05.2024 16:07

I read that breastfed babies develop attractive facial muscles.

@Mareike-aka-Mary-1337 - 08.05.2024 16:21

Does Apple cider vinegar count as fermented fruits? I don't know any other forms that might be fermented fruit. Can anymore tell me?

@chitrabalakrishnan2725 - 08.05.2024 16:29

Good evening Dr.Sean!

@WilliamFluery - 08.05.2024 17:04

I’m here…I’m here….oh wait…live was 2 hours ago

@WilliamFluery - 08.05.2024 17:27

I’ve heard doctors say when you get old, you want extra fat so if you get sick, you will have fat to burn rather than losing muscle

@john99776 - 08.05.2024 18:00

Thanks, Sean. Great, interesting point about adiponectin. It explains that subcutaneous fat is important in more ways than just as an energy reserve, which I hadn't thought about.

@WilliamFluery - 08.05.2024 18:14

Great live Dr. O’Mara!!! Do you have a set time each week when you will be doing your live sessions?

@elinino5275 - 08.05.2024 18:52

Ive read that agave syrup has more health benefits than honey. Less sugar also. Anyone else read this?

@lcasale - 08.05.2024 19:05

This was great Dr. Sean! Thank you SO very much for being such a clear voice with your research and experience!

@Stigmochelys - 08.05.2024 19:31

Great live, thanks! Are you able to show some before and after slides with a consistent dimension scale? It would be interesting to get a visual comparison of how much a person’s circumference shrinks when they start taking care of themselves properly. Thanks again for all that you do to help people.

@dougloring4897 - 08.05.2024 20:58

Before going carnivore I started doing homemade fermented foods I witnessed a much improved digestive system. For me a little fermented food is beneficial while doing this version of carnivore. Much relieved to find Dr..Sean.While many are saying just meat he gives me confirmation iam on the right track.Still believe iam dumping oxalate and someday I might eventually clear all

@lindaterzic9617 - 08.05.2024 21:17

When requesting an MRI, what specifically do I ask for? I would like to get a baseline MRI as soon as possible.

@jmwaldabe - 08.05.2024 21:20

I am not clear why a visible six pack is not optimal. I am under the impression that even at 10% bf you will have both quite visible abs and plenty of fat to have subcutaneous fat. So your solution is to have enough calories to carry some subcutaneous fat to blur highly defined muscles.

@mwdayani1212 - 08.05.2024 22:04

I had to add fruit and honey on carnivore because of sleep issues.
This is why a lot of carnivores do it and Paul mentions it also as one of the main reasons for him.

@annahelgesson1671 - 08.05.2024 22:40

I think it´s kind of missleading many people when you show the picture of the model with lots of subcutanious healthy fat. Just saying.
Thanx for all your information. You are such an inspiration for a healthy and manageble lifestyle .-)

@rsalehi6568 - 08.05.2024 23:14

Dr Omara is so affable and impressive.
I wish he would do MRI's on a few people who are clean WFPB (no oils) dietary adherents for the benefit of expanding knowledge in this area of research that he is an expert in.

@robyn3349 - 09.05.2024 00:13

Thank you! I am so happy you are calling so many to health!

@reneesherman1385 - 09.05.2024 00:55

No one is smarter than Dr. O'Mara :)

@athomas897 - 09.05.2024 04:45

Sorry i missed the live,

@JennifertxCarnivore - 09.05.2024 05:52

Carnivore has healed so much for me! I started off carnivore in hopes to reverse my fibrocystic breast masses that have built up over 6 years eating half a dry skinless chicken breast piece a day with half cup of broccoli and little bit of wheat noodles. We are told don’t eat very much meat- so the world is almost vegan just about. I would eat red canbbage too- cooked it and ate cabbage about 3 times a week. That was about it. So I was mainly chicken, broccoli, and little wheat noodles. So from age 40-46 I started getting all that “aging” health issue mess- and the fibrocystic breast “disease” started and kept building up! When I hit age 46 I was done with it! The fibrocystic masses were getting me scares- and I started getting huge painful breast cysts too! One was around 2” long and 1” wide! Docs would say, “we don’t know what causes fibrocystic breasts disease” and “fibrocystic breasts is now normal because everyone is getting it” and “fibrocystic breast could turn into cancer” and “there is nothing you can do for fibrocystic breasts” and “diet doesn’t cause fibrocystic breasts!” I was gaining weight too and by summer of 2022 I hit perimenopause at age 46 and got every symptom you could think of. My joints were hurting too, no sleep at night, dizzy at times, it was ridiculous! I know it had to be diet! Little did I know that all the other health issues I had all my life, in addition to this mess listed above, was all due to diet!

I went searching online and found the truth of my fibrocystic problem! Found out cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and asparagus) are all cruciferous veggies that block natural iodine absorption found in foods! And if you become depleted in iodine it messes up your thyroid which controls all- even hormones! And all organs need iodine including breasts! They swell if you are deficient! And I read these cruciferous veggies can cause cancer due to lack of iodine in body since they block absorption! Bingo! We are all being told to eat cruciferous veggies, that they can prevent cancer, and to eat lots of it including broccoli!! But in fact they are causing cancer and I truly feel it is causing all the fibrocystic breast cases that have been escalating lately that we are seeing! When I post about this and ladies write back saying they too had fibrocystic breasts, I ask, “do you eat cruciferous veggies, especially broccoli” and they all have said, “YES!”

I did more research and found carnivore! I Jumped right in! In 6-8 weeks I lost 45 pounds! My perimenopause reversed! In fact don’t even get PMS symptoms and my cycle is perfectly paced! And so much more reversed that I started writing it down! And yes, my fibrocystic breast masses shrank!

I share my progress because I want people to see how carnivore can heal so much and most of these things are commonly healed for many, not just me! I want to help and this is how I do- by sharing. No I am not paid to do this, I just want to help people see and be aware of what carnivore can do!

I do update this list as I have been on carnivore (more lion diet version) for 1 year and 8 months now. I feel this has helped so many decide if they should try carnivore. I always say go watch Dr. Baker, Dr. Chaffee, and Dr. Berry- my three most favorite doctors. They are truly amazing! I call them my carnivore doctors! ☺️

* No more perimenopause- completely reversed!

*Period cycles all timed perfect with 4 week intervals.And no PMS symptoms, but only the actual menstrual cycle itself!

*No more night sweats

*No more waking every 2 hours at night!

*It used to take me 20 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night when I would first go to bed at night- before carnivore. Now it takes like a minute or less. Haven’t noticed since I am out fast!

*No more life long eczema

*No more cold hands (may have been Reynold’s disease, never diagnosed.)

*No more cold body temp in general! Used to feel like a reptile - only warm in texas sun. (may have been Raynaud’s disease, never diagnosed.)

*No more IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea)

*No more feeling low energy by 12pm and zombie by 4pm

*No more purple looking hands in winter (may have been Raynaud’s disease, never diagnosed.)

*No more brain fog

*No more arthritis that I felt in hands, knees, and hips- or elbows

*used to have sore hips when sleeping on my side. No more!

*Lost 45+ pounds from former baby weight and peri menopause weight.

*Always had 20/20 vision with slight stigmatism- but in March doctor said my stigmatism is reversing!

*Don’t sunburn as easily anymore and tan well.

*Wrinkles around eyes seem to be much less. I am 47 and look like I am in early 30’s.

*Gums look super healthy. Dentist seems irritated as my teeth are not dirty when cleaning every six months. Think they know they won’t make money off me.

*No more sore chest from monthly periods- no swelling feeling of fullness or discomfort that prevented me from sleeping on my stomach. Now I sleep every night on my stomach!

*Fibrocystic Breast issues reversing! Almost all gone after 6 years of buildup!

*no cravings unless they are for meat

*no more angina symptoms before a period- which started about 3 years ago.

*No more feeling weak like almost passing out and dizzy around ovulation and periods when walking around.

* no more fingers swelling- that started a few years ago- rings kept being tight- is pattern I noticed. One ring I had resized larger and it’s super loose now. Will have to resize smaller.

*feel stronger- now lifting barbells not just hands weights. Dr. Baker said since I am 46, and 5’7” at 122lbs- need more resistance training to add more muscle weight. . So bought a 47lb barbell off Amazon and have 90 extra pounds added to it. Will continue to progress with that.

*Before carnivore- i had started growing grey hairs in one of my eyebrows, few hairs at a time, but no grey in my blonde hair yet - but assumed it was coming. Now on carnivore I have had no new grey hairs growing in eye brows and still no grey hair in my natural blonde hair. And in the sun it gets super light highlights.

* no more body odor!

* I used to get a little anxiety with large crowds- like if attending special events- but since on carnivore I don’t get it that much.

*I was a bit OCD before carnivore, but so much more relaxed so barely like that.

* I was a relaxed person before, but somehow am even more relaxed and never stress about things.

*Since I was a young child my sense of smell has been terrible. But not even a month in on carnivore my sense of smell has gone crazy! I smell things even far away! Amazing!

*no more allergies! I was allergic to cedar and oak pollens- and mold- but since carnivore I am no longer reacting to those outdoor pollens which is amazing!

* I have had no more issues from ear wax build up. Had it twice after having kids and docs would say it was a hormonal problem. Carnivore cured that too!

*Veins in my arms look healthier. They were almost invisible before.

*Legs no longer hurt on longer road trips or plane rides!

*I used to get a popping sounds in my right shoulder when lifting weights. Was probably a pulled ligament. That is now gone!

*I have been lactose intolerant since I was a kid, and I feel my nails are a bit stronger than before. They do break if I catch them on things but I feel they are getting stronger on carnivore.

*My teeth look more white on carnivore.

*My blood pressure has improved on carnivore. 6 years before carnivore up to starting carnivore my blood pressure was increasing. Now on carnivore it is back to normal like when I was younger. Last reading it was 100/75 which is awesome!

*i used to get eye twitches in my eye lids, but that is gone.

* at times when trying to fall asleep I would close my eyes and at times felt dizzy like falling feeling or spinning. But haven’t has that since I have been on carnivore for 12 months.

*the skin on the heals of my feet are no longer cracked and dry!

*little leak from sneezing or coughing that ladies get from estrogen dominance is gone on carnivore! Hormones balanced so no more estrogen dominance!

*The top inner corner of both my larger toes have felt a little numb for years. Never had it diagnosed. But being 1 year on carnivore I no longer feel that numbness! My nerves have healed in that spot on both toes! Crazy!

*My slightly receding gums behind my center bottom front teeth have rebuilt so gums all over are super healthy! I have flossed daily for years, but gums look even healthier!

*my skin on my face isn’t as oily as it used to be.

*My hair used to be super oily if not washed daily, but carnivore has regulated my hair so I can now go days without having to wash it- doesn’t get oily after one day like before! (Newest update added!)

Want to mention if you start to get any allergy symptoms further into carnivore you may have histamine intolerance. Happened to me if I ate smoked meats daily for months straight. Went back to baking my meats and all the symptoms went away! Look into histamine intolerance when starting carnivore to make sure you know symptoms and not to eat smoked aged meats daily like I did if you get symptoms. Eat smoked meats less often.

I do go outside daily for at least an hour a day during week and several hours on weekends if possible! I try to stay on consistent sleeping schedule of 6-8 hours of sleep and sleep like a bear!☺️

So there you go! ☺️ I hope this helps people on their journey to fins out what works for them! Carnivore is working for everyone that tries. Go watch Dr. Baker, Dr. Chaffee, and Dr. Berry! And go visit Kerry’s channel at Homesteadhow! We love him too! ☺️

@JennifertxCarnivore - 09.05.2024 06:59

Great video Dr. O’Mara! Thank you. ☺️👍🏻

@Burgermullo - 09.05.2024 15:58

Thank you for this tutorial. Very interesting point that adiponectine. I love this content. I hope to transform into a healthy male. Lost 44pound allready. Stil have some love handles. Working on it. No mri available. In de Netherland there is no opportunity. Thanks anyway. ❤

@donaldmcpherson3226 - 09.05.2024 16:15

One of several reasons i follow you is that one does not need a medical background or deep understanding of biochemistry to understand what you teach. You give us some practical, understandable information we can APPLY. THANKS FOR THE TOOLS!

@gilrose12345 - 09.05.2024 17:42

"What is honey and fruit doing to you"? So if you do what he says you will not get sarcopenia? A real clown show.

@ALLINPEACE - 09.05.2024 21:17

How can superficial subcutaneous fat be increased?
Is there a limit to how much fermented dairy (kefir from milk or cream) we should have on a daily basis?

@andiebrit65 - 10.05.2024 00:25

I am 10 days on Carnivore. Mainly I eat mostly red meat but I'm not losing much yet. Maybe I'm eating too much or not enough?
I'm starting to feel pretty good but suffered waking up with real bad headaches and verrrrry sore neck (I do have chronic neck pain). I think that has passed now. I take magnesium and electrolytes. Hopefully I'm doing it right.

@tinamutler1565 - 10.05.2024 14:55

You have to be pretty and skinny to have a good scan lol

@TheTamrock2007 - 10.05.2024 18:12

Keto naturopath on yt started placing the idea in my mind the importance of combining a high intensity burst workout, combined with carnivore. And Dr Ken Berry has been such a wealth of knowledge. Dr Sean O'Mara you've completed the puzzle for me.
I was struggling getting started with HIIT. So complicated that I've never got going at all. Sprints, simple. Well simple in do that one thing 😂. Now to quit being scared of falling, and do the thing! New subscriber. Please keep educating. ❤

@miazagora - 12.05.2024 03:31

So, how do you get superficial subcu fat and not get deep subcu fat?

@slingshot8219 - 15.05.2024 05:35

Can I just drink the fermented juice without eating the cabbage? The only carbs I get is the fiber from macadamian nuts.

@EsseQuamVideriSe7en - 19.05.2024 05:25

Dr. Sean, I am a 56 year-old, what you would call, high achiever. I have weight trained for 39 years and have been doing all the healthy things such as eating healthy, fasting, concentrating on sleep, hot and cold therapy etc for decades. I have always shopped around the outside of the grocery store but admit I bought the lie on eating lots of vegetables and nuts.

28 months ago I went Carnivore. I was pure Carnivore for 18 months. In that time I was suffering from terrible cramping in muscles that had never cramped before. I'd had typical cramps over the years in calves and quads but during that time I was getting them in every muscle in my body. Lats, shoulders, traps, pecs and the list goes on. I also had a lot of heart palpitations. Got my heart looked at and it came through with flying colors

I added electrolytes after about a year and there was little to no change.

I so wanted pure carnivore to work, because, to be honest, I've always loved eating meat and this way of eating seemed right and the insane benefits I got were so awesome.

But I finally had to try something different. So I added in 2-4 serving of fruit, mostly frozen berries in a smoothie with my 2 main meals, especially after training. Since adding fruit all my negative symptoms went away and all the good ones (a long list of them) stayed.

I workout 4-5 days a week for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I do it because I love it. I train very hard and have been doing HIT training (not HIIT) for a few years. This means max effort. I also now play pickleball 4-5 times a week for 2+ hours.

I have a theory of why people like me and Paul Saladino need some carbs, which also explains why people who do less, like you, don't.

It has to do with muscle glycogen and electrolytes. I believe that when you are as active as I am I use up all my muscle glycogen. When I am carb free there is no carb (glycogen) loading after training. I believe the carbs work as a carrier mechanism to deliver electrolytes to the muscle, so if there is no carbs my muscles become electrolyte deficient.

I'd sure love to talk to you about this given the chance.

@Fatfearless - 19.05.2024 18:55

Carnivore one year. This is so true about the face. A year ago when i would smile my eyes would actually close. Now i can fully smile eyes wide open. Thank you Dr Sean. Looking forward to my next MRI for comparison. Sauerkraut kimshi and kifir are my only non meat foods.

@DanAlexiandria - 19.05.2024 21:07

Jacksonville, Florida!!! Pls

@silverbug2155 - 20.05.2024 19:38

Great information

@freightking1757 - 21.05.2024 19:24

What are your thoughts on nasal vs mouth breathing?

@90daydifference - 19.06.2024 15:26

Do I need to bother eating fermented plants? What if I just eat fermented dairy like kefir and blue cheese + meat?
