Nuclear Watch: Fukushima accepts to build storage facilities for highly radioactive waste (9/1/2014)

Nuclear Watch: Fukushima accepts to build storage facilities for highly radioactive waste (9/1/2014)

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Fukushima accepts storage facilities
Nuclear & Energy Sep. 1, 2014 - Updated 06:28 UTC+2
The governor of Fukushima Prefecture has informed the central government of his approval of the plan to build intermediate storage facilities for highly radioactive waste in 2 towns within the prefecture.

Yuhei Sato informed Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara and Reconstruction Minister Takumi Nemoto about the decision at a meeting on Monday.

The meeting was also attended by the mayors of the 2 towns -- Futaba and Okuma -- near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Sato said the construction of the facilities will be a heavy burden on local communities, but he wants to restore the environment as soon as possible.

The governor urged the central government to quickly enact legislation to stipulate that the stored waste will be moved out of Fukushima Prefecture within 30 years.

The mayors of Futaba and Okuma towns said they take Sato's decision seriously. They called on the central government to thoroughly explain its plan to landowners to win their support.

Environment Minister Ishihara said the government will do all it can to build the facilities and decontaminate and rebuild Fukushima.


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