Your seeding rates are awfully heavy, particularly with peas and rye. Peas are only 50lbs to the acre for a pure stand and rye is 100lbs to the acre for a pure stand. Other than that, lots of good knowledge here. I plant food plots as a business and I have to talk a lot of people out of soybeans. I'll also challenge the clover comment, just because here in Pennsylvania the deer will hit the clover year round.
ОтветитьJeff, there is a huge difference between turf-type perennial ryegrass and forage type ryegrasses, and in the world of forage ryegrasses you can have annual types, bi annuals are also known as Italian ryegrass, intermediate type (live about 3 to 4 years) and perennial forage types. there are diploid and tetraploids in the forage ryegrasses as well. I can also tell you this when it comes to feed value forage ryegrass make a lot of protein and are very high in sugar if you chose the right ones. They are not cheap. the most important thing when it comes to using ryegrass is getting it planted at the right time. the rest of your video I agree with and really agree with the higher planting rates.
ОтветитьAnother great video going to make my dad watch it, we go round and round on this subject I buy 95 percent of my seed from John komp Northwoods whitetails and have lost count the number of bucks killed of my plots sweet feast brasica blends are deer magnets in bow season, my dad's plot look like a weedy lawn that hasn't been mowed in 4 years but he saved 50 bucks tho hahaha
ОтветитьI ordered a blend through Crooked Bend seed that has a mix of Radish + Purple Top Turnip + Cereal Rye + Wheat + Crimson Clover. Is Cereal Rye the same as the rye you’re talking about in the video? It’s a 25lbs bag and says it can plant around 2 acres. Just looking for opinions! Thanks!
ОтветитьI love your videos i do but you give mix messages all the time plant rye grass dont plant rye grass rye grass is good this video rye grass is bad the next video i mean come on dude get your stuff together bro LOVE YOU VIDEOS i just be confused some time
ОтветитьIve been planting soybeans for years and never had a plot fail. They are a great plot base to add in other seed after your post spray. If your not using them in your plots you just missing out.
ОтветитьHow do you feel about cowpeas in heavy blend. Trying to draw in more deer to my green field but having to deal with wild hogs as well
ОтветитьI used rye grass not for them to eat but to fertilize and weed control where my brassicas and such wouldn't grow. Makes a nice nurse grass. Make sure you kill it with some strong glyphosphate
ОтветитьYoure just talking Rye and not Winter Rye correct?
ОтветитьI have heard that for over 20 years. I think different locations it could be very true. In south Mississippi I’ve seen the deer eat rye grass as well as non rye grass plots. As far as brassicas the deer aren’t touching them in our plots this year, however in the past I’ve seen them eat to the ground and same thing 2 miles away was knee high. Simply soil and fertilizer quality and location.
ОтветитьWhat’s your opinion on hairy vetch? I was given a bag at a local coop that had gotten wet, 95% of the seed was still good, I planted it with my fall blend, wheat, cereal rye, triticale, and oats. Came up really good but I couldn’t tell if they are eating it or not. Plus we’ve had one heck of an acorn drop this year so they are hammering those.
ОтветитьI live in Alabama and Rye grass is the only thing that will grow in our wet soil. We use the cattle variety of rye grass and it works pretty well.
ОтветитьI'm in Central Norhter Michigan By the 2 big lakes. What can I plant in the ground here for food plot. Its Sand
ОтветитьWhat’s your opinion on the “sweet” variety’s of ryegrass being offered in the “sweet spot by sugar seed” mix? They claim it’s a very high sugar ryegrass that deer love.
ОтветитьDeer love the ryegrass I plant in late July. By Oct 1 they are all over it. They’ll eat it right through December. Nothing else grows as well in the shade. I have ag fields all around and they still hit this even before the fields are harvested.
ОтветитьI feel so stupid right now. I just bought 40 lbs of a blend called Hidden Spot, meant for shady areas like forest slopes. It is Ryegrass, red and white clover, balansa clover, forage chicory, and purple top turnip. It wasn't cheap either, I paid a bit over $100 not including shipping. I should have watched this first. I am tempted to use the seed at this point, on into August (site prep for now), but if you think its better to avoid the blend, it can just be a hundred dollar lesson.
My parcel is only 10 acres, of which about 2 acres along the driveway in the woods will be food plot (there is an old logging trail in there).
Winter wheat, buck forage oats, winter rye (the grain) winter pea add alfalfa (red,ladino,white Dutch)clover plant in late august fertilize boom got early-mid-late season and even spring covered with high traffic high quality food for deer...plant it and prove me wrong that it isn’t the best for all hunting season long
ОтветитьIm a born farmer. My folks been farming for over 30yrs. A landowner once told me. His friend has a pet deer. If you give it a banana. It will eat it. But the 2nd banana. It won't eat it. Deer like eating wide variety of foods not just one. Soybeans. Deer feed em in the summer, fall, and late season. Clover. Deer feed em in spring summer and fall to late season depending on how much snow covers it.
ОтветитьIs it ok to use ryegrass by itself? I've heard you using ryegrass in your food plots in other videos. I guess as long as it isn't included in a mix blend.
ОтветитьI have great success with the triploid type ryegrass. It is very high in protein high in sugar highly palatable to deer. I think you might be stuck in 1990 with your thinking on this.
ОтветитьDamn it, I planted Imperial Whitetail Secret Spot there is a certain amount of what they call forage annual ryegrass. You say that ryegrass is a perennial and basically is a weed that will come back. Is there a difference between the two types. Great videos!
ОтветитьI'd not seen this one somehow. Good tip. Ryegrass is the cool-season version of Bermuda grass, so unless you're grazing cattle - it no bueno. Dry weather has us behind schedule, but we're looking to put in a mix of iron clay cowpeas, winter hardy rye and Arrowleaf clover on the ground before the next stormfront....if we get one. But pretty pumped to get the show on the road.
ОтветитьDamn, I remember seeing this video a while ago and I clicked on something else, too late now
ОтветитьAnd I just planted throw and grow.. clover, Brassica, and tetraploid rye grass 🤦🏾♂️
ОтветитьWhen I went to my local feed store. I asked for winter rye. He said ag rye that gets 5 ft tall and I said no winter rye. One was 14$ for 100 lb and the one I got was 35$ for 50lb. New to the rye world I spread the high dollar rye in October. I’m not sure now which one I got. Assuming all rye grows in the winter now. You would think cereal rye would be easy to sell at a feed store. How can I tell which one from growth? I may be 24d before spring ugh
ОтветитьGreat information! Sir you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you. 🦌
ОтветитьWhy do you plant so much denser than a typical cover crop planting?
ОтветитьI don't know but I plant ryegrass and have great luck with it they won't hardly touch cereal ryegrass 🤷🏽♂️🤔
ОтветитьIt's so confusing listening to all you " experts " on what and when to plant . I live in central Mississippi and I am trying to grow BIG bucks . I have watched hours of these videos and now I'm more confused than when i started this journey !
ОтветитьI wish i would have seen your videos before I purchased my millborn seed ranch hand mix, IDK if building a plot for my cows is any different but I have terrible sandy soil and their mix seemed like it worked to build and feed.
ОтветитьI only have a few open areas of maybe 1/2 to 2/3 acres each and I used rye grain, brassica and clover with 2 apple trees in 1 and 2 pear trees in another. The trees are still a few years from producing. What would be a better mix or is what I planted okay?
ОтветитьWhat about the high sugar ryegrass? Is it better? I'm talking Sucra Seed / Sweet Spot
ОтветитьI'm going to try some black eyed peas and pinto beans with some clover just to see what happens this year
ОтветитьDang good video and information, thanks for sharing your knowledge ✅💥✌️
ОтветитьAlmost every big box store , tracktor supply, etc has rye grass seed. Im waiting on my rye cereal to be delivered to the feed store but waiting til almost 3)4 through September to plant it . Im in south east Va, stays wet warm.
I like this guy and show but seems all or most of his recommendations are for northern States
God Ioves you!
ОтветитьI purchased a large amount of Imperial Whitetail Ambush for this year. It’s got a 5% fria annual ryegrass mix. Is 5% an issue?
ОтветитьIts mainly a cover crop for the food plot is why its in there, not there to attract deer or wildlife, rye grass is for cover crop nothing else.
ОтветитьAbsolutely correct! Rye Grass is junk but some people plant it because it's cheep! I would only recommend it where nothing else would grow but also discourage it!
ОтветитьIn your other vid Soybeans was your number 1 food plot! I smell BS!
ОтветитьSo basically you don't like anything
ОтветитьCould i private message you for hekp with my first plot in WV? I really need experienced help.
ОтветитьHad great luck with rye grain in fall and clover in spring. No ag in my area just timber. Going to expand food plots this season do more micro food plots keep deer filtering thru
ОтветитьSome mixes have an annual rye that deer actually like. Italian rye is one type. I have planted winter rye in small plots and the deer wouldn't touch it.
Ответить deer loves any kind of rye.when all your mixes ate down .these rye grasses still popeing up ..this yr all lm planting winter rye astrian peas.
ОтветитьGood stand of fescue,just put. 17-17-17 heavy.oct. just like fields full of deer.
ОтветитьI like deer plenty acron territory.evenings food plots.
ОтветитьDeer is strange.l own a big farm here.l plant 4 food plots every yr ,same plots .sometimes they will eat good on one plot.walk threw the other one to get to the other one .always,always,always,put fertilizer after your seed come up .don't mix it together if you do half of it won't come up .the sweater it is the better they like it.astrian peas just like sugar.
ОтветитьGrate 👍now for the perfect mix fall and winter