Twins sisters, Don't get me wrong. Are women supposed to run the office of the pastors. Are women allowed to be pastors in the church? Where is it written in the Bible?
ОтветитьPowerful Pastor
I love the spying part and how you explain that we are watchmen and most Christians overlook that weapon of being a watchman.may God bless you Mighty Woman of God❤❤❤
Get yourself a cooy of the book, THE WORLD WILL BURN - Author Renato Cardoso
Based on the scripture Revelation, what the Pastor spoke about regarding dragons. I was struggling to read this scripture with understanding untill I read this book ❤
Sound like u were wrong about this bird inkonjane cis inkonjane is so small it's same size like a bait. I think you will find the rights name for that bird u saw
ОтветитьPlease bring her back because I think she has more to say 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьI carry the spirit of Christ
ОтветитьI need lots of deliverance as it is.
ОтветитьGod is great we are dependent on Him
ОтветитьBring her over again she is an eye opener, men ought to pray always
ОтветитьShout out to Cent twins may God continue protecting you and giving you the strength to continue, we all know this is not easy and not for the faint hearted but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us
ОтветитьThis is a powerful story ,all this is biblically supported and it’s so true .God has been exposing the kingdom of darkness this year
ОтветитьThe moment She say 500 to help people i stoped listening because i know that if things is for real God all is free
ОтветитьI'm following you beautiful sisters , with your shows it's previrage to listen to your shows.... 🎧 Life is spiritual indeed ❣️❣️❣️.
ОтветитьWe need part two please 😊
ОтветитьDear cent twins.....your doing a very very good job guys, we ❤😂love 😅you so much.
ОтветитьWell I have just followed you yesterday but this episode I have learned a lot even aware of the life we're living thank you so much this episode opened my eyes am sitting here taking a reflection about my life Glory be To God🙏
ОтветитьI love how she uses the bible for reference ❤
ОтветитьWhat does it mean when a Prophet says by thunder , by force and by fire? Where did that saying come from? Can anyone tell me ?
ОтветитьGood lesson 🔥🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьI had a dream i had a triangle on my forehead , what could it mean??
ОтветитьWe need more time with this Lady,she has got a lot to say ,and I'm really opened spiritually
ОтветитьYou scare me yazi, I once saw a two headed black snake as a child. Is it really physical?
ОтветитьThe first time I hesrd about Bermuda Triange, I never asdociated it with the things of darkness. But I am always thinking too much about it. Asking myself what on earth would be pulling Planes passing above that place and make them disappear forever. Thank you woman of God for that expkanation.
Ответитьalot of ambiguity is what I can say . she explans nothing
ОтветитьWe have the Anti christ in the trinity of satan aswell !
Ответитьis leviathan part of the trinity?
ОтветитьBut you are putting on the slay queen uniform!
ОтветитьI love the content but find background music being destructive.
ОтветитьPastor Makhele is a true servant of God, i know her personally...she also has prayers every month and deliverance sessions.
I love her...she's very sensitive to the things of God and picks up devils very easy. Her level of discernment is on another level.
I will be hosting her by God's grace...people do need to be delivered from these things 🙏
so true life is more to spiritual than physical. i remember i had a vision. it started when i was a sleep. it was about a war in the white country that took a long time affecting the whole world. the dream was scary that i walk up screaming. my mom came to me walk me up put the dream still continued even when i was awake i cried the whole night . my mom prayed to God to stop the vision and it only stop every early at dawn. shortly after that Russia started the battle and when i heard it, the voice said "the battle has started" the was calm but assertive that i quickly remembered that scary vision
Ответитьthe moment i watched the first episode, looked at the time of uploading, i started hunting for the second one and am glad i found it . thanks alot
ОтветитьShuuu this was so real, I've been asking so many questions and seeking answers and this right here really enlighten me. I've been living in both worlds through my mother and my father's lives. In the kingdom of God and in the Kingdom of darkness. Both exit but they cannot co-exist. One is more powerful ‼️‼️ Thank God for the blood of Jesus
ОтветитьTell us who are the president's from anc or what talk. Speak truth dont hide
ОтветитьAll facts but Jesus aint god. God is God. Jesus is a white guy on a created model. Spirit animals, elements, astrology, numerology,alchemy and hermetics are more of God than jesus. The universe is vast so is the spirit. Jesus is one story in many.
ОтветитьRead chronicles chapter 10 verse 10 the mermaids are marine spirits ruled by underworld God of the darkness Gilboa that killed Solomon and Samson God worship by the philistines
ОтветитьIn every kingdom there’s a trinity. Uyakopa u Satan shame
ОтветитьWhat about the false hair nails and makeup coz I heard they come from that evil queen spirit waters? Tell us more please
Ответитьbackground music is to much .
couldn't watch because of background music
The way you cut her off,, i felt hurt.. you should give your guests more time to finish their stories
ОтветитьPlease bring this lady back we want more
People gain access to the invisible realm through THE LAW OF AGREEMENT
According to 1 John 5:6-8 the code for people to get access to the spiritual realm the following elements must agree "the spirit, the water and the blood"
Even if you want to get your spirit out from the spiritual prisons you must follow the law of agreement.
For us christians to get access to the realms, we must do the following:
1. Washing each other's feet according to John 13:4-17
2. Drinking the blood of Jesus and eating the flesh of Jesus according to John 6:53-58
3. Praying in the spirit which can be in three forms Praying in tongues, meditation and praying with wordless groans according to Romans 8:26
I had to watch this video more than once because I have been instructed by the Holy Spirit to watch it.
ОтветитьPart two please... watching all the way of Tanzania 🇹🇿🇹🇿
ОтветитьTrinity on earth: The Spirit, water and the blood
ОтветитьLies lies lies😂😂😂
ОтветитьLies lies lies 😂
ОтветитьOne day I will tell my story.
ОтветитьYess thats a calling