90% of Home Buyers REGRET Buying Their Home

90% of Home Buyers REGRET Buying Their Home

Jackie Baker

1 год назад

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@franktartan6808 - 02.03.2025 07:59

Hijack, thanks for the video I live in Florida. I’m from New York. You sound familiar if a realtor represents people selling houses and buying houses there’s no way that they can represent a buyer fairly. That’s just a fact and it’s a joke because they have an interest in hysterical for their work. The only could be you pay them today to show me that house and then go on after a fee for service. I’m thinking about it how else could it be fair? Really appreciate your video and I’m not giving you a hard time. I’m just telling your reality. I’m here in Florida about to sell my house. Well, I mean I’m about to list my house. Hopefully I’ll be selling it soon and the whole thing is set up where people make money realtors make money on the money that someone is going to pay me for my house so basically I’m paying all the fees just like it has always been. I think they can play games with who pays who and all this other stuff, but the fact is the buyer can only pay so much which means that it all comes out of the seller five years ago, not selling most likely percent of which 2 1/2 or 3% go to the buyer you tell me that in anyway he’s not he wants to get him to buy so you can get paid the only way this process can be be fair to both parties is if there are only buyers agents and sellers agents and they are in competition with each other. That’s it again thanks for the video.

@nts3208 - 21.02.2025 00:26

I dont regret buying mine yet.. but its definitely taking its toll on my bank account. 😮‍💨

@justinstone4476 - 20.02.2025 05:05

Cool channel. Subscribed

@krackenup - 16.02.2025 20:57

I just started watching your channel a couple of weeks ago. I don't know who is doing the production on this particular video, but they need to drop the use of FILTERS running over the top of the content. It's stupid. it does zero to improve your channel, and frankly it's a BIG turn off. I sub'd to your channel, please don't make me REGRET that. Thank you

@chakishajohnson6921 - 14.02.2025 20:00

I LIOVE your little video clips. Too hilarious!

@geministar6167 - 12.02.2025 03:59

You didn’t say anything about the hundreds of ppl who regret buying their home because it’s haunted.

@JoannaSnyder-n8j - 11.02.2025 18:07

Zero regret. I've been home shopping for years though. And finally an amazing little house came up. It had 3 offers in a matter of hours. I was able to offer cash, the cost of the house was what I had saved for a down payment elsewhere. It's perfect and has zero issues. Now I have a fund for anything that comes up. Renting was great for a season.

@carollynt - 07.02.2025 00:48

This is not true at all. 90 percent of home buyers do not regret the purchase. Ridiculous title.

@forge5825 - 06.02.2025 22:15

I'm a millennial. Even though I am very done with my cramped one bedroom condo, I will sit and wait as long as it takes for houses to be affordable in a decent area.

@catsandmountains - 31.01.2025 00:24

The realtors and mortgage lenders were BLOODTHIRSTY in 2020. The heavy unsolicited phone calls and pressure to go get pre-approval on both sides put me off of wanting to make any moves on top of uncertainty with my family situation.

It's reassuring I've made the right move to not jump into it.

@largol33t1 - 29.01.2025 09:06

I feel little sympathy for a few of these people. THEY wanted obscene prices for houses. 11 years ago, I could buy a 1,000 sq ft house with 2 car garage for under $190,000 AND it wasn't ancient. Today, I can't buy ANYTHING with that much. $240,000 gets you a 40-year-old 800 sq ft house with NO garage, it's in a despicable HOA that costs $3,000 a year, needs the driveway repaved and the ceiling, carpet and kitchen will all have to be ripped out and replaced. I truly worry that one day I'll be homeless. I see so many videos of people living out of their cars even though they have HALF A MILLION bucks in savings. Just look on any real estate search engine. Not a single house with a garage is under $300,000. A couple in a co-workers neighborhood put their house up for sale and actually asked for a reasonable market price. The block was surrounded by cars for a WEEK. Why? NOBODY else in the whole city offered a price that is more or less fitting for the house's features/age/condition. They all wanted $50-100K over what the house was just 2 years ago.

@susank6382 - 26.01.2025 20:53

Thank you Jacky for honesty and willing to educate

@TheCatsanddogs2222 - 25.01.2025 19:31

Location location location , When we bought our house 30 years ago , our POS realtor showed us nothing but bad location houses , it was getting so frustrating we actually were looking at another house, when we were upstairs of the house and my husband saw a neighbor putting a for sale sign in their yard and we ran down and looked at it and we said we wanted it, and I will be damned if our POS realtor didnt try and talk us out of buying it , it was in the perfect spot , had a flat yard and big enough for everyone , to top it off that same realtor lied and talked us into an ARM mortgage , never do an ARM this was back when the housing market fell like a bomb we learned from it, but what a nightmare for a first time home buyer had we not found this house ourselves .

@irenekluskarealtor - 21.01.2025 03:03

I totally get it that it would make more sense for millennials to put 20% down, but here’s the thing I want millennial has 20%? Unless they’ve inherited money?
FYI, I’m coming from British Columbia Canada and we may have a worse problem than you do there.

@brandielyn21 - 17.01.2025 18:05

I don’t necessarily regret my purchase . The biggest issue I have is the parking situation at my townhome. They’re building many of them on top of each other with limited parking outside of our one car garages. People have more than one car and it’s a headache when I try to back out of my driveway there’s people parked opposite my driveway and makes it extremely difficult to back out.

Location: is great close to shopping and the highway

House itself: it’s wonderful for just me and my two cats - 3 bed 2.5 bath

@Badmemphisurbanism - 16.01.2025 20:58

My wife and I bought in 2022. First home. We went from 2,300 rent to 3,075 for a mortgage and taxes every month.

We’ve spent around 14,000 on the home changing out fixtures, landscaping, and pool maintenance.

I also want to leave my job, but this house is tethering us here. It will take a bit more work and money before I can rent it out for a number where we aren’t losing hundreds a month.

So please renters, don’t be emotional. Don’t let a pool or hip neighborhood get you to buy a home.

UNLESS you are firmly rooted and plan on living in the home for at least 5 years.

@tonymilitant - 13.01.2025 02:25

We never own the house anyways so it's not a loss. Stop paying the taxes and see how much you own it.

@del5629 - 06.01.2025 20:31

Don’t ever buy a house over 33% of your income.!

@NewCurrencyClub - 04.01.2025 18:02

Buying a home sight unseen is scary 🫣.

@NewCurrencyClub - 04.01.2025 17:47

“Marry the house and date the rate”. 💡

@theelastog1580 - 04.01.2025 05:28

This is easy for a boomer to say

@veronicamdissues - 02.01.2025 08:54

LOVE your videos, Jackie. I once owned a beautiful home in Rockland County, but "divorce" changed all that. Now, I happily RENT a 1br on Manhattan's UWS. Is it my dream Manhattan apartment? Certainly not. But since I hit 65 last year, I am SO glad for my situation, as I can reasonably predict my needs and cash flow. And I have improved my kitchen and bathroom (I know, totally taboo for most renters) because I don't expect to get my money back. But I'm able to use each day kitchen/bath faucets that are well-designed and beautiful to the touch, and modern cabinets that help me ENJOY my daily cooking and other routines. Well worth it!! Plus, I'm not responsible if pipes break or trees fall through the roof. I have lucked into a damn good situation, with a desirable Manhattan address. If I tell strangers my address, I get looked up and down and told, "Wow, what a wonderful neighborhood."

@moneymagnet7735 - 02.01.2025 02:30

Yes location is my reason

@se2664 - 30.12.2024 00:48

How about you teach us how to make enough money so we don’t regret the mortgage payment?

@TerriSchetne-rt7ft - 29.12.2024 03:37

Buyers also need to consider property taxes, homeowners insurance, and HOA fee increases.

@s_cutt - 28.12.2024 08:58

i regret buying my home in the town i live in smh

@clean_rene - 21.12.2024 19:17

I feel this lady is tone deaf. alot of these things we dont have a choice on. We dont have lots of money to pay for the best of options. Ppl have to live somewhere. We just have to deal with crap because these are our options. Homes are either brand new and super expensive or very old and ugly and nasty with lots of issues. Then we get blamed for having to live somewhere. We're getting shamed for paying more for something nice. Then shamed for accepting something bad like mold and being willing to fix it. What r we supposed to do? Live under a bridge? Not watching her vids anymore.

@AllanCurtis-b8i - 18.12.2024 03:25

They moving next door to you is the problem?

@AllanCurtis-b8i - 18.12.2024 03:24

They listen to you?

@AllanCurtis-b8i - 18.12.2024 03:24

I thought being born white is all it's cracked up to be?

@AllanCurtis-b8i - 18.12.2024 03:22

You got the best deal for buying a home you white? In the real world anyone not white pays 20% more off the top?

@aeerjordan4994 - 17.12.2024 00:07

I hope nobody take offense to this but I get worried when people make too much money we tend to make dumb decisions. To pay $100,000 more did the asking cause to me is a little on the mentally handicapped

@DanR-kc1yt - 16.12.2024 12:13

The invention of the mortgage-backed security by Kevin O'Leary and the financialization of a house has proven to be one of the biggest disasters for average Americans just trying to live. The big Banks should have never been bailed out in 08 and financial institutions like BlackRock shouldn't be allowed to own single-family homes.

@jamesharper8373 - 15.12.2024 21:59

Just gonna buy land and build a house from logs with my bare hands.

@shepard1711 - 15.12.2024 08:01

Zero surprise when it's mostly millennials that regret buying their house. I wouldn't be surprised if most millennials remember when houses and interest rates were far less expensive than they are now. My niece doesn't regret buying the house she did because these prices are all she's ever known.Meanwhile, I'm 41 and my parents have been pressuring me into buying a house for 5 years. This is the first time I've been in a good spot financially to buy a house, but I don't have 20% saved for a down payment for average home price in my area (~$60k down). That amount seems ridiculous to me when I could just keep renting. By the time I saved $60k for a down payment, home prices would just be out of reach again and I'd have to save more. Why bother?

@poopywelder - 14.12.2024 16:54

I regret buying my home ..but I had no choice I was paying just as much in rent ..I hate coming home everyday ..good times

@CAdams93 - 13.12.2024 04:30

Rule #1 is buy something that you can afford. People tend to buy too much house and too expensive house. Don't buy at the top of your budget , trying to impress your peers because you won't have any wiggle room financially.

@ka6459 - 11.12.2024 08:32

I think everyone feels house poor for the first 10 years. Mainly because these are the years where you first really learn to budget and face the real costs of owning a home. Usually, you take on one or two new bills in the form of children. Just keep your head up. Kids start out expensive (Daycare) and then cost less for a good long time and then get expensive again (College). In the middle there, you figure out how to save some money and you start to feel better. You're going to feel great when you get older, pay your house of and only have property taxes and insurance.

@joseCalderon1976 - 10.12.2024 21:59

It's the biggest purchase you will make in your life. You have to do your homework, research, run the numbers and see what happens. It's better to to have a whole bunch of money in retirement and savings than being house poor. That's a fact. I personally had to move from California to Texas for home ownership to make sense with my budget. That was back in 2012 where things were not so insane. Now things are even harder, but not impossible. I have no regrets. $1200 per month mortgage at 3.5% interest. I only have about $93k left since I pay more towards the interest each month plus I pay by weekly, to reduce interest even more. Those two actions has cut my 30 year mortgage to about 18 years. My house was only $170k. 1556sq ft 3b 2b here in San Antonio TX. Good luck everyone, and I hope prices come down some day.

@keytothegate68 - 05.12.2024 11:31

90% buyers regret sounds astonishing ! Some of the problems are predictable and even correctable. For ex. The neighbors can be researched. You will see many signs about their lifestyle if you look. Bad mortgage rates can -maybe be corrected. Sometimes bad n-hoods turn out to be good or even profitable. So just plan ahead as much as possible

@Starfish2145 - 04.12.2024 19:16

This is utter BS! Probably 90% of people are happy they bought a home maybe 10% or not because they paid too much spent too much or bought at the wrong time. Stop with this negative BS.

@stephanielefebvre4306 - 02.12.2024 22:57

Thanks Jackie, good content ❤️👍

@OvertheGarage-wv1wn - 01.12.2024 20:22

Yeah, no way. Not me not ever. Unless you are hopelessly rich, I cannot EVER see paying 100k over the ask. If someone who is not wealthy does that, they need to see a neurologist.

@Madison-qd9qt - 30.11.2024 02:49

A few other things to consider: home owners dues and dealing with HOA’s in general. I bought a condo and the dues were $100 a month. A few months later, it went to $350. Later they decided we needed a new roof - the cost was split evenly among every resident. It was an extra $3000 I didn’t have. I lived in my place for less than a year before the economy crashed in 2008. I was unemployed for 6 months with zero savings. I took the first job offer i could get - a daily 4 hour commute done with my V6 engine gas guzzler (Commute before was less than a mile). I had previously been earning $42k. New job was $29k. I fought hard to pay my mortgage and car for 3 years, but had to give up the fight. That was over a decade ago and I’m financially at my best ever, earning 6-digits, and not a penny of debt. But I never want to buy a home again. Too unpredictable for me, especially in our current (American)political environment. Chaos is knocking for 2025. If you do buy, make sure you live in area where jobs are more readily available if something goes wrong with your current employer. If you’re not in a union or otherwise protected, a company can let you go with zero notice. You can show up for work one day and 2 minutes later be told to permanently leave due to budget cuts. Meanwhile the executives get big bonuses for freeing up the budget. Fact.

@Truthtime3359 - 29.11.2024 19:12

Jackie, why is the comparison millennial’s and boomers? Why does everyone forget GenX????? 😢 It’s like we never existed.

@aspyn.j_ - 28.11.2024 00:16

ugh so i guess renting is going to be the way to go. at least if you end up hating it, you can just leave, even if moving is annoying.

@zouaher15 - 25.11.2024 22:01

We bought our first home in Oklahoma and don't know which area is good. Our realtor did not tell us much. I am so glad we decided with the ugly house. Our neighbors are sooooo nice. We got welcome chocolate. Now, we're trading veggies and eggs. They always check on us and help out. One time our we have heavy wind and knocked down our tree. We were out of town and they helped us take the tree and dump it. My husband bought a used broken car and my next door neighbor come over to help him fix it. We never regret buying the ugly house. I don't think we can ever move out.

@monke4070 - 25.11.2024 16:06

People dont outgrow their homes. Theit possesions do. And itll never end because when you buy a bigger home you'll just buy more things to fill the space and youre back to square one.

@chs665 - 25.11.2024 04:35

Hey, thanks for the video, I'm looking to move for over a year now, to get closer to family, but stuck because prices are too high! I put down $10,000 and cancelled it and got money back. My new mortgage would be $3000.00 a month , with $125,000 down (20)%. I still waiting , and waiting , for housing prices to go down some.
