Dave Clarke interview "A lot of records offended people in weird ways; how did they get that sound?"

Dave Clarke interview "A lot of records offended people in weird ways; how did they get that sound?"

MusicRadar Tech

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@SeanGCorcoran82 - 27.04.2024 22:09

great interview, does the cameraperson have Parkinsons? The fuck are they shaking it for?

@unc1589 - 28.04.2024 01:37

Wow he looks great for a guy that had hit records in 1964😊

@nym053 - 28.04.2024 02:11

Ooohh that thing with recording a 303 at full res, and than use the filter in the sampler is quite clever! I should remember that trick

@damienconnor8054 - 28.04.2024 04:51

Dave Clarke- OG to the core 🤘🏻
Great interview, especially the early technicals!
Shouldn’t pay so much interest in current fads and trends imho.
Different eras & different expectations from new dance music fans.
The older ravers will always listen to and love DC & techno from back in the day.
(BTW not sure if DC is reading this but I’ve moved on from the disappointment of you not coming to Australia in February 2017 for Babylon festival with a pretty lame excuse! If you just said “fuck that shit, Australia is too far away and I can’t be arsed” that would have been proper punk!)

@RandomnessTube. - 28.04.2024 06:35

He has so much knowledge of the culture seen him play many times in the old shine in Belfast.

@thinkinglikeadesigner7942 - 28.04.2024 09:47

Purity & Humanity

@alexpn_ - 28.04.2024 20:20

Good interview! Always has solid opinions

@farmerfreakeasy - 29.04.2024 10:10

He's a great DJ, but also a BBC programmer. He's played the best of Techno, and the worst of Techno.
And that makes it pretty difficult to commit seeing him DJ live.

@djkaya9558 - 29.04.2024 15:39

Dave so true about the punk influence ❤

@b2466-d8x - 30.04.2024 16:27

Always worthwhile listening to what DC has to say.

@mistercrispy - 01.05.2024 05:11

Listening to Dave in the mid 90s early 2000s was like opening a portal into another dimension. Absolute ledgend

@wanderlusterer442 - 01.05.2024 14:02

Dave Clarke is legendary and being a DJ of the same era as him....I relate to the ashamed side of saying you're a DJ. I'm a passionate man with an ear for music not some tanned up ex model wannabe with her chest hanging out😂

@julesscamell9279 - 01.05.2024 20:04

Spot on about the djing side. Often, back in the day, we couldn't see the dj or even know who was playing at the time unless there was an mc or the style of music been played

@kevincc - 01.05.2024 22:47

Fucking legend.

@Screaming-Trees - 02.05.2024 01:39

Everything Dave says about inspiring technology is echoed in my sentiments as well. The unsexy DAC from Crane Song, the big speakers from ATC (we use PSI but similar style), the ergonomics and microphones...this is the stuff that really makes your life easier/better. The big speakers just are inspiring period. That's what moves the whole thing forward for me. Same with the DAC. You don't think about it but it makes the music thing progress naturally. I have a bunch of hardware synths and stuff but I would be fine to do it all on big speakers with a nice dac and a laptop in a great space/environment. Plants, natural light, radio in the kitchen, ergonomics (super important) etc.

@raznatovicanastasija - 02.05.2024 06:00

Did dave eva sucked up to a horse?

@speedfreakpsycho - 02.05.2024 16:13

All on point. Super cool guy.

@AdamMaekju - 03.05.2024 14:01

I was working in South-West France in 1995 for a company called Eurocamp and had been for several months across summer. It was the end of the season and we were cleaning mobile homes and packing down tents ready for storage. There were always a bunch of loose characters who came out from the UK to specifically help out with this stuff on short contracts. Anyhow there was a crew of us finishing off for the day and in what was known as the kitchen tents where everyone would eat and get pissed at night, basically. We heard something that sounded like a bass drum in the distance and at first thought it was probably from some French dudes set up in his motor. However, as it got dark, the sound didn't disappear, infact it got louder. Someone spotted a couple of lights bouncing around in the sky. We decided to explore thinking that at best it might be a house party or something in the countryside. We walked and we walked..it grew louder, some of the lights got brighter. We continued to walk. As we got closer after about 20 minutes walking down a track, we realised whatever it was, it wasnt a car audio set-up, nor was it a house party. It was much bigger. We all picked up the pace in excitment and literally started jogging down this path in the middle of nowhere, a couple of crap torches between us but luckily it was a clear night and an almost full moon. We eventually got to the perimeter of what was basically a rave. Stage and soundsystem in the middle of a field which was in the bottom of a valley. The tunes were banging. We all got in, and immediately sought out some biscuits from the locals. It wasnt long till we were all sorted and having a belting time. I went over to the stage not thinking that there would be much of a line-up, thinking it would be some locals. There was a piece of paper towards the side of the stage that I clocked. It had a bunch of names and set-times on it. It said Dave Clarke and the timing meant he was playing now. I looked up and lo and behold, there he was. Back home, I was an Orbit regular and had seen him a couple of times. I couldnt believe it. He dropped this tune that blew my mind. I'd never heard anything like it. Being as it was, a pretty small rave, maybe a few hundred folk and a smallish DJ booth on a small rig (great sound-system though!) I went over, said hello, made the UK connection, mentioned the Orbit, big fan blah blah and asked what that last track was. He said it was by Daftpunk and called Da Funk. Easy to remember, which I managed to do when talking about the night with our crew after we got back to the campsite at about 9am and had to literally start work all hammered. Luckliy, I was the gaffer! Yeah, nice story. Dave Clarke, Daft Punk, that summer, all legendary

@samokazem2211 - 03.05.2024 22:22

I like the homeless look.

@BobbyGeneric145 - 03.05.2024 22:29

This Town was EXCELLENT

@bunnybuckypops - 04.05.2024 02:25

Jeez his brain is better than a computer.... I'm 51 now and just get him

@difficultkunt4050 - 04.05.2024 14:07

My only gripe is the nail varnish

@memyselfandher69-75 - 05.05.2024 18:31

Plus je découvre l'artiste, plus j'apprécie l'homme.
Merci Monsieur Clarke, merci pour tout!

@nigelpez5056 - 17.05.2024 23:53

I’m about to sack this off n listen to red5

@pjf2193 - 01.06.2024 18:11

I find most modern techno boring ASF these days (6 mins of hypnotic loops, followed by another 6 mins of the same, repeated for hours) however Dave Clarke always delivers.

@marivsmvsic - 13.06.2024 01:44

Blue spray coat and gold dust on the monitors..can't beat that.

@paulnoupier665 - 21.07.2024 01:33

I didn't know that guy five minutes ago...

@markkilley2683 - 21.07.2024 06:06

The advice isn't stupid, it's very useful.

@fredericoalmeida5473 - 29.07.2024 19:24

Dave, thank you for many nights and days of joy, music and performance.
You are my heart DJ for 25 years, still listen to you and revive each and every night we spent "together".

@jendrikschmidt - 08.08.2024 03:44

He's really a great guy, so surprising.

@sutusmihaly - 08.08.2024 15:48

..you are awesome 🖤 🖤 🤍

@speedyj_8bp - 24.08.2024 14:41

Intelligent man

@smn24mrt - 28.08.2024 22:40

I love techno gent 2008 ❤❤❤❤

@rosspalumbo - 29.08.2024 15:17

Dave Clarke holding it down!
Always here for his spicy attitude and no-nonsense approach on the music world. His social media fires are hilarious and watching people seethe when he calls bs is priceless.

@DaveS-Ace - 01.09.2024 00:53

Fucking hell he’s inspiring 🤘🖤

@carlvalencia2167 - 25.09.2024 01:50

Red two tunnnnne

@ElectronicElements - 26.09.2024 21:57

Great Dj thank you Dave a legend 👏

@marcopoulos3493 - 27.09.2024 03:16

Great producer, amazing DJ. Everything he says here speaks to me. <3 The Red comes from the Focuriste he was using ;-)

@detroitologist - 27.09.2024 07:50

About being a dj... respectable answer

@stephenwatson672 - 09.10.2024 04:52

He's a better DJ than producer/composer IMO, humorous like many Brits. I remember when N-Joi - Mindflux came out people where trying to figure out the EQ, phasing effect on the skizzo synth part.

@TnaLeslie - 24.10.2024 02:37

Great interview with Dave! Especially if your starting out making music.Some invaluable tips there! Thank you Dave for your down to earth honest and no B.S advice. Tina ✌

@keithkaosHarv - 30.10.2024 09:13

He makes a lot of sense and seems like a decent man in this sea of shit.

@zelvia99 - 04.11.2024 22:23

Thank you for the Red 1.
You have opened so many horizons in my music world

@salmonbandi4665 - 10.11.2024 20:52

Dave is not Illuminati he's just throwing the sign because he thinks it makes him cool to niche followers of that club. This man has never been to one of their meetings or lodges and has NEVER received any indoctrination whatsoever. Trust me.

@antoineschillemans - 14.11.2024 18:12

YOU BEAST DAVE!!! GREETZ FROM AMSTERDAM!....ooh wait you live here!!!! I SALUTE YOU!.....

@thesmanbrowne4561 - 15.11.2024 23:55

Looking great Dave these days my old China , I still listen to Southside regularly at random times, keep up the great work mate

@vélociti-001 - 20.11.2024 02:57

Was certain Eric Cantona was going to be interviewed

@danboid - 23.11.2024 22:04

Dave Hill? Wasn't he Slade's guitarist?

@zachoneill2000 - 14.12.2024 11:53

Saw him at Fabric in October absolutely blown away by his set was just amazing and he seems like a down to earth and genuine person in such a money oriented business! I’m glad I was shown him and his music is absolutely wicked! (With or without a pill) 😂😝

@thecookreporting - 13.02.2025 01:27

Like his honestly
