Best would be no muslim in non muslim country.
ОтветитьFrance isn't a Muslim state, don't expect them to administer their land according to Muslim laws
ОтветитьLet them wear what they want. In muslim countries foreigners do wear bikinis. Have you been to Morocco, UAE, Bahrain, or Qatar? Stop with this nationalistic nonsense, we should all be able to live together no matter the nationality or beliefs. Learn to accept one another, by segregating them you’re discriminating as well. They don’t discriminate you in their countries. Be respectful to those muslim minorities in your countries. Trust me, your country was not their first choice. Ask yourself if the roles were reversed how would you like to be treated?
ОтветитьThe comment section supporting this is appalling. You're basically saying that it's wrong when Muslim countries force people to wear certain clothing, but it's great when they ban Muslims from wearing clothing associated with THEIR faith? Hypocrisy!
ОтветитьGood rules!
Ответитьjust get back to your country, not to stay in Europe.
Poland is free free from this cancer.
ОтветитьGo back home with your diabolic culture
ОтветитьWell done France. In the UK we are backward on this issue.
ОтветитьWell done 🇫🇷, now the 🇬🇧 should follow.
ОтветитьThe message is simple: Assimilate or find someplace else to live.
ОтветитьKick'em out of europe
Rise up Europe
Ma che stiamo scherzando?Fanni ste manifestazioni?Se nn gli piace se ne tornano ai loro paesi islamici!!!Basta!!!Ma come si permettono?Se sono in Francia accettano i nostri costumi Europei!!
ОтветитьThat has nothing to do with islamophobia, those rules apply to every religious signs
ОтветитьTheir house their rules. If you disagree then just leave!
ОтветитьJust take that sh.t off, forget religion, and be a normal 21th century citizen
ОтветитьGood for France
ОтветитьSuch European societies are modelled around the most sexually degenerate and non-self sufficient models of any society in history. Birthrates of an all-time low, rampant selfish sexual behaviours, and broken family model system, and long term sufficiency balanced around stealing the cream of other countries in the false pretense of freedom and equality. And when they do come seeking a better life, living with values, discipline, and morals, doing the jobs and maintaining your infrastructure which native Europeans fail to do so themselves, they show their true colours and traits of their ancestors. Traits that of the colonizer, enslaver, and supremacist that think they are better than others but yet would use those same people to get their societies functioning. A leacher, who has the audacity to tell people what values and culture are superior, when nowhere in the constitution it states otherwise. A leacher who has the audacity to tell women to strip naked against their wishes when going to the beach because apparently that is what is right in their values and culture. No thank you, not everyone wants to adapt to such degenerate values and culture.
Ответить저런 사이비 종교가 없는 나라에 태어나서 다행
Ответитьالحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام اللهم احفظ اخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان اخوكم من اليمن
ОтветитьIt's correct... If I go to some Islamic Republic, I have to follow the rules. Girls can't go to some religious places without being covered, and I have to adapt myself to the rules of that country. And that's fair because I respect their traditions and culture... So if they come to France, why don't they goddamn follow the rules of France? If you go to France, you have to do what the French 🥖 do. Please don't impose your rules...
ОтветитьGET OUT!!!!!!!
ОтветитьSorry what are non muslims not allowed to do in Muslim countries if this is balanced we need to weigh these things against each other to see who the real tirants are???? This wont be done in this video though it can't because it would make islamic regimes look so bad in comparison to even the worst western regime for muslims!
ОтветитьI was slapped by a Muslim girl for she said i wasnt covered up. I demand justice.
ОтветитьNever can protest in their own countries huh?
ОтветитьIt's their country, if muslims don't like it they can pack their bags and head to Saudi Arabia.
ОтветитьSo, if westerners go to Muslim majority countries, they don't have to follow sharia? Muslims think they have the right to be aggrieved
ОтветитьGet out
ОтветитьI agree with France
ОтветитьThey should migrate to the dirty middle east.
ОтветитьIslam is not welcomed in Europe,
Don't like it?
Leave and go to an Islamic country. 😂😂😂
Islam go home !
You are NOT wecom in France.
Chickens is defending KFC
ОтветитьEurope belongs to Europeans they will respect our laws and traditions and stop forcing us to accept theirs if they don't like it to leave simply.
ОтветитьThey are those who are trying to force us with hijab sharia law and all these things by growing in numbers and then to make the country Islamic Europe belongs to Europeans we have the right to exist they will respect our law and traditions otherwise deportation..
ОтветитьGo back to ur country then
ОтветитьAllah = Baal ... look it up
ОтветитьYou guys are going to find out reality of islam guys .
ОтветитьThey do not belong here and they should be expelled
Ответитьthats why everyone hates france :)
ОтветитьThis entire comment section proves being brainwashed, being rascist and dead internet theory
ОтветитьWhy are muslim women fighting for islamic rights when Sharia law insures that women have no rights, no freedom of speech or choice?
Forget the burqua, muslim women won't have the right to education, work, or to even walk alone.
Do they really want Sharia?
France leading by example
ОтветитьStill France will be a Muslim nation 😂
Ответитьlooool yeah they demand the whole world to serve their culture while leading every criminal satistic all over europe. there are enough countries where they can live how they want go there. on the other hand if a non muslim moves to a muslim country he or she has to lose every cultural difference and act to the laws of that country.
ОтветитьWhat nonmuslim are not allowed to do in Muslim countries?
ОтветитьMuslims play both Victim card and oppression card at the same time. Muslims oppress people and if those people react strongly then muslims play victim card
ОтветитьRemove their citizenships. If they can vote they can change society
ОтветитьWhen "what frenchs can't do in Muslims counties"