Customized John Deere 4R Commercial Snow Removal Tractor Packages from RDO Equipment Co.

Customized John Deere 4R Commercial Snow Removal Tractor Packages from RDO Equipment Co.

RDO Equipment Co.

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@jamespetrich5610 - 20.12.2023 04:25

Saw them outside the other week and there is definitely alot going on. I appreciate all the info you give cuz no other dealers have a clue on this winter stuff and I have to explain it to them

@jacobsonbros - 20.12.2023 05:02

Nice technical vid Alex and we need to see actual footage of them in snow.

@rlawn - 20.12.2023 06:11

I was looking at one in action in another video... Very nice set up would love to see more of them in action in the residential area on small driveways and front lawn

@richardmeyer7018 - 27.08.2024 16:19

Why not just order a 5m with factory 3pt and pto? It has to be around the same money after adding all of this to make it work.
