What's in my Backpack for Georgia? 1 month Trip  in 28L

What's in my Backpack for Georgia? 1 month Trip in 28L

Backpacking Bananas

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@evraalexandrite3770 - 02.09.2024 15:46

I never pack shampoo and body wash because i can find them in every hostel/hotel. For deodorant i use sachet size, for moisturizer i use a refill one (it can lay flat in my bag). For backpacking i always pack under 7kg, because i use LCC and that's the weight that i'm comfortable to bring everywhere

@thepandaknows - 02.09.2024 19:40

Matador makes awesome teeny dry bags for bar shampoo/conditioner - they let the bars dry without leaking into your bag! Magical!

@jonnyb4271 - 03.09.2024 02:04

I’m not sure you’ll fit all of that in there 🤣

@renegaderese - 03.09.2024 05:47

Hi! I hope your trip is going well. What’s your camera setup for this trip? What camera, tripod, mic etc. Thanks 😊

@seandesmond5560 - 03.09.2024 06:47

Have a fantastic time in Georgia, wonderful Christie!!! ❤

@hannahschrempf6970 - 03.09.2024 12:07

Planning a six month trip to South America with carry on only and love your minimalist packing videos!! But how do you deal with all the extra stuff you have to buy at the airport that doesn't fit in anymore? 😄

@Jajaturbanada - 03.09.2024 14:16

Let us know if its comfortable to carry around while traveling

@mytamle - 03.09.2024 18:08

Bee wax wraps are the best for solid bars. You can just wrap the bar and chuck it in the toiletry bag. They allow the bar to dry and not get mushy.

@AllyMay - 04.09.2024 05:35

I’m currently backpacking with my 65L hiking pack. I’m going to multiple countries/climates so it’s been hard to pack but it’s not until I’m out in the world that I realise how much I don’t need! I’m going to try sending some things home with my sister in a few days lol 😂

@paigedickson8810 - 04.09.2024 06:10

At this rate one day it’ll just be you and your bum bag

@amandant - 04.09.2024 08:42

I love that you put the video of you wearing the clothes!

@ThatGirl-cs1gt - 04.09.2024 18:51

I'm moving to Europe and want to do weekend trips cause of the awesome flight deals, definitely getting this!

@TheShauNanigans - 05.09.2024 01:59

Why not put the deodorant in your bum bag? It looked like there was room, and it seems like something that isn't a bad idea to have easily accessible as well?
I also highly recommend getting those little hair brushes that fold out and have a brush on one side and a mirror on the other. My hair is about the same length and is also just as straight. These work for me, and they fold up to be really small and save space. You can get them for like $2.

@kf7901 - 05.09.2024 03:58

Very impressive

@RareBoom - 05.09.2024 05:18

just came back from 3 months europe/Quebec and agree w u on the shampoo bar and soap bar i bought, to annoying to deal with, will just do lil shampoo/cond bottle next time

@savannah1529 - 06.09.2024 04:01

Wow this was pretty cool seeing you pack in a 28 liter bag! But I'm surprised that they let you also bring a bum bag. Here in the states that would count as a personal item, too.

@ryandragunat4066 - 06.09.2024 06:32

Fellow nomad minimalist here. Getting Lasik surgery was a huge game changer for me in terms of not needing to carry around contacts, solution, or glasses

@tatiaa7206 - 06.09.2024 19:30

OMG I'm so excited you're going to my countryyy. Never thought I'd see it.

@Sandra4ka246810 - 09.09.2024 12:02

Hi, I really liked the video! I've got a question though - which airline do you fly to Georgia? Cuz for the most budget airlines like Ryanair, Wizzair, etc. this backpack is too big to be considered as a personal item bag 😞 or you intentionally brought a slightly bigger bag? If so, did you have any problems at the airport? How strict they are with the personal bag measurements?

@velyvely6479 - 11.09.2024 17:28

you could have placed the ag1 packets flat under your clothes, also shoe bag :O I have those sandals in black but never travelled with them because the shape but would be perfect for many occasions.

@VTK72 - 12.09.2024 14:08


@TheKelly1951 - 16.09.2024 16:26

I've been going to Europe for a couple of times a year since 1997
I use a backpack that is an equivalent to the 28 l Cotopaxi in size

I also tote a travel size CPAP That takes up about 20% of the volume

Besides basic toiletries and an umbrella, a cap, a fleece and charging cable - plug....
I pack two of everything
Two bottoms
Two tops
Two socks
Two underwear
And laundry detergent

@thismightbedolly - 18.09.2024 10:12

i was under the impression that contact lenses don't count as liquids when travelling :o

@WuanderTomasi - 24.09.2024 04:07

I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.

@sris.5699 - 24.09.2024 10:13

1-month😆 trip?? --> i need my 24 inch suitcase

@BentlyBerstler - 26.09.2024 02:13

My mom bought one kislux and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.

@VictoctorTironi - 27.09.2024 09:02

But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a luxrul fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.

@alexschoonmaker8577 - 28.09.2024 08:57

Its 1:50 am wear I am. I'm drinking my emtional support cocoa- after having spent almost 2 hours STRUGGLING to get my items to fit in this bag. Whilst packing I kept thinking back on this video and saying to myself "How did she do it?! Sorcery! Whitch craft! Black Magic!" Came back to watch the video again after I finally made all the necessary sacrifices and got my bag to zip up. I do think she is using witch craft. This bag threw a full on tantrum when I tried to pack up my sneakers, and raincoat. She just gets ir all to fit!

Smol difference though:
I'm going to Ireland and it gets chilly and damp in the fall, had to pack thicker layers, which is the true source of my grief.

@georginawelsh3740 - 29.09.2024 02:34


@Jessica-ms4wr - 30.09.2024 12:47

I tried bringing shampoo bars and conditioner bars and it was a complete fail. The conditioner bar did not hold up well at all and got crushed after a couple weeks. I will stick to bottles next time

@AzizzKhirallah - 06.10.2024 21:51

kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the kislux book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations

@bernardrobertgilbride603 - 20.10.2024 01:40

I just bought a 28 L because the 35 L is a great big but I don’t need it right now is to be the 28l is ideal for me I believe it’s the 2022 model I don’t care

@ChalermchaiWattanawongpi-lt9uw - 28.10.2024 18:59

Hot Bras..No Black Bras?😊😊😊❤❤❤

@rufflesnuffle - 29.10.2024 11:03

Great video - love the tips! Where did you get your harem pants from? -they look great.

@pinatajuju4471 - 04.11.2024 01:54

New to your channel, I really enjoy your content. 😊

@NikonF5user - 12.11.2024 01:37

I'm surprised that fits as a personal item when fully loaded like that!

@heatburg - 16.11.2024 06:58

How do you carry the stuff that you buy at the airport that you can't fit in your backpack? Not just in the airport/onto the airplane, but on your trip in general?

@BuyBBStonk - 27.11.2024 00:55

My first time backpacking for 4 months starting next week and I've coincidentally purchased most of the same items as you haha

@MNP208 - 28.11.2024 18:42

AG1 is a scam. Just pack some tiny multivitamins. 😊

@Heytno - 26.12.2024 04:11

Are you 100% sure this will fit under the seat of low-cost airlines such as Ryanair, Easyjet etc? Even when stuffed which means bigger/heavier. They seem to be cracking down on baggage allowance these days, I am wondering if that will catch their attention, when packed full I mean… If it works it surely is a great investment. I might give it a try as I am fed up with these fees too.

@filibusterfirework74 - 04.01.2025 01:29

So glad you were able to get the updated version of the bag ❤

@teona4279 - 04.01.2025 04:44

What brand are your pants (trousers)? They're fantastic! I'd love to see if I can find similar for my summer trip

@truthmatters7997 - 05.01.2025 21:42

Am curious if after you packed it all in , if it fit within the measurements restrictions.
I have been wanting a 28L Cotopaxi pack for my personal item so that's why I wondered if it still met the requirements. Thank you!

@lovealwaysjasmine - 11.01.2025 03:06

Is it heavy packed?

@ricardomontes6309 - 25.01.2025 03:13

Leaving behind a ‘maybe’ item is no big deal. As long as you’re not going to the middle of nowhere you can purchase that item at your destination for use on the trip. You can gift or leave behind for someone else to use.

@lexiev2766 - 28.01.2025 18:43

Claim the contacts and contact solutions is medical and they can’t touch it

@Akyomi - 29.01.2025 15:32

What are those trousers you have on for the plane, they are lovely

@kashfiaehsan1136 - 11.02.2025 12:09

Where do you carry your content creation tools? Just the bum bag?

@elbuenfer - 13.02.2025 09:53

Could you someday make a video showing how that backpack fits inside the personal item sizer at airports?😊😊😊😊😊
