Airgun Capital Moderator Kit for the Hatsan Jet II PCP Pistol - Unboxing and Product Overview

Airgun Capital Moderator Kit for the Hatsan Jet II PCP Pistol - Unboxing and Product Overview

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@arsenelupiniii8040 - 18.06.2024 18:13

I have my Jet 1 moderated as well, I used the Buck Rail 3D printed and their barrel adapter. This one seems a lil longer than 5 inches, but much narrower.

@blackgen6770 - 13.05.2024 09:50

Does your Jet leak air

@zombieapocalypsecherokee9224 - 01.05.2024 20:08

Wow that is wierd im about to check-out with this kit for my Jet 2 but i wanted to hear the quality and how well it works first and came across this premier. Guess im waiting till this airs 😁👍
