I give zero cares for a group of criminals, who've stolen resources from lawful citizens and legal immigrants. These people may have been brought to America as children, so sure they didn't have a choice. I get that, though they shouldn't of been here to start with - this is an example of BAD PARENTING visiting their crimes on to their children. It sucks but that is how it works, DON'T DO THE CRIME IF YOU CANNOT PAY THE PRICE.
ОтветитьAs much as I'm against illegal immigration, I realize also that it's just not that simple at times. What makes me so angry is when America , as a whole, has to turn on those who fall in between the cracks such as the first guy that said he served in the military. Seriously? Why deport him? If he served, by golly then he should be allowed to stay. Unfortunately, because of decades spent ignoring this issue, we now are having to crack down and that means those who have earned the right to stay short of becoming an actual citizen are also caught in the crossbars. They too will pay the price for all those who have come here for whatever reason. The past 4 years have especially forced this issue to the forefront and must be dealt with. There is no easy answers as the problem has grown beyond our ability to address the issue fairly.
ОтветитьHow you go to a country and can’t speak the language,,.. we ask the same question. …, doesn’t stop yall from coming
ОтветитьSo you have to know Spanish to go to Mexico you have to learn it pretty fast so why can't it be the same way for the u.s. you should have to learn English right away
ОтветитьThis skrate up boring. I tryt to wachit an fell skrate up asleep
ОтветитьIf your DACA, take advantage of any resources you can. That will help you make moneys. Then leave go back, build something. Apply that there. And few years immigrate to another country. If you want
ОтветитьBeing undocumented in a foreign country like USA is braking the law . It’s not injustice
ОтветитьIt's horrible that someone that has been in the U S for so many years and sent back knew day one they were illegal.
ОтветитьWhy doesn’t the wife join him if she misses him so much?
ОтветитьWondering how Mexico deals with illegal immigrants ? Do they give free stuff ?
ОтветитьI have to call bullshit on the first guy.the US had a program if you spent 4 years in the military you received your passport . Maybe he got a BCD
ОтветитьTwice I visited husbands who had been deported to Tijuana for beating their wives. They were crying and saying, "I can´t see my wife and my kids! It`s just not right!" I pointed out that they knew the laws in the U.S. were different from Mexico, and both had beaten their wives bloody, but, they still said it was not just. They thought they should spend a night or two in jail, but, to them, deportation for just repeatedly beating your wife wasn`t right.
Ответить...Stay Gone!!
ОтветитьDoes anyone else see something very wrong that people expelled from the United States now work for call centerr outside the US? This giuys have access to personal information!
ОтветитьThis is sad. The comments are horrible. God mad this land for EVERYONE... man decided to try and take over and divide the land. People should be able to live where ever they want. Why it's sad that we all follow the rules of man more then we follow our father the reason why we have land to put our feet on. I will never understand. First it was black and white ..... Now it's american vs Mexican when will it end.....they say it's because they don't want "bad" people over here. Hell america has bad people already everywhere and over half of them are people that are from the US. There will always be bad people. Blocking mexico isn't going to change anything. This is all just ridiculous and is just another reason to divide the people in the world. The only rules we need to follow is the rules of our father above. Because they are the only rules that matter. "You shall have no other gods before me"
"You shall not make for yourselves an idol"
"You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God"
"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy"
"Honor your father and your mother"
"You shall not murder"
"You shall not commit adultery"
"You shall not steal"
"You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor"
"You shall not covet your neighbor's house or anything that belongs to your neighbor
Living illegally for these people is a lifestyle. That needs to be understood.
ОтветитьThe guy at the start asks “How are they going to repatriate to a country you’ve never lived in?!”
Answer: His parents never lived in the U.S. and they came as adults! He can do the same - the other way!!!
Why doesn’t the wife go to Mexico?
ОтветитьShe chose to sneak into the United States illegally. When you break the law, you pay a consequence.
ОтветитьWhat a sad position to be in
Ответить🤣 I love this
ОтветитьPoor criminals being deported! Sad
ОтветитьThat was 2 yrs ago.
ОтветитьHow is that possible that you are going a military veteran and the military didn't fix your papers to obtain a green card. I know veterans that the actual military fixed their papers for green card status immediately. Why didn't they do that for you? I really don't understand 🤔🤔
ОтветитьUndocumented means your not a United States citizen. Deport.
Ответитьice ice baby!
Ответитьit,s so sad guys i'm sorry about You for real
ОтветитьThey need to blame their parents.
ОтветитьGo to and stay in your country of citizenship until you have a LEGAL way to live elsewhere. Don’t like that, too damned bad
ОтветитьLet's start off with es la la which is translated to it's the law
ОтветитьIf it was a priority to stay, live, thrive in America after so many years, why would you not attempt to become a legal resident?
ОтветитьPrime cartel recruits
Ответить😂pure comedy gold
ОтветитьAlot of american retired in mexico why can't mexican live better in your own country.
ОтветитьIt's not true that they can't speak Spanish - their parents can't speak English so they always communicate with them in Spanish. It's an excuse they use for not wanting to go back to Mexico.
ОтветитьThat was fascinating! I had no idea there were call centers in Tijuana. That call center looks cold, as if this was filmed in the middle of the winter and the building has no heat. I do however applaud the companies that have set up call centers in Tijuana. They are providing jobs to these displaced individuals, and teaching them new skills (and getting cheap labor in return.) It's strange that many Mexicans prioritize having their cell phones over having hot showers with running water. You can easily argue that there are many fringe benefits of having an American neighbor (jobs & access to high tech), but this video instead seems to focus on the huge differences between the two countries. How about you guys producing a video showing how much Mexico benefits from its relationship to the USA, instead of showing the problems? The truth is that Mexico and the USA need each other.
ОтветитьThat mother gave a soilder to ,gave her son that must account for something.
ОтветитьI don't blame anyone here but the corrupts country of Mexico. Mexicans need to take back their own country!
ОтветитьThis documentary sucks. The first 3 min are just painfully boring with no momentum. I’m moving on
ОтветитьGood! Now please stay there!
ОтветитьSame way u came to a country you never lived 8n
ОтветитьShouldn't you fall under DACA
ОтветитьI dont understand why people dont come in the legal way but choose to enter illegally
ОтветитьBless each and everyone of you ,
But know, Accept Jesus Christ for your real savior and Eternity will be magnificent❤🛐
I think I would choose death over working in a call center in Tijuana
ОтветитьThey did it to themselves
ОтветитьAlso until you’ve been in an extremely dangerous, severe poverty situation, and then have kids and a family on top of that that you love and want to support Support and you would do anything to give them a better life, including and crossing illegally which people don’t even know how many thousands of dollars that cost that can cost like $20,000 to cross legally and in places like Mexico it would take like 30 years to come up with that money or more and it would be even harder than 30 years because there’s not really much money to spare and good luck not getting robbed for that money, even if you did come up with it, so I don’t wanna hear anybody talking about anybody crossing illegally, unless you were born in a foreign country severely in poverty where they don’t have government programs like the US does to help those in poverty, and that are struggling, literally shut your mouth especially if you’re white because unless you’re 100% Native American this isn’t even your ancestors land so shut your mouth. (I’m a born American)
ОтветитьIf I wanted to move to another country I cannot imagine my moving without first seeing that I complied with that country’s laws on residency. If I moved without doing this, I would know who to blame if problems resulted.