Hey Pastor Bryant, I know what fixin means! I’m from Southern Illinois and we talk like Miss Leslie does. So it is all good!
ОтветитьI should have said I’m from Southern Illinois, the Carbondale area, but I have lived in Iowa for over 30 years.
ОтветитьMs Leslie what video was that you bought the sweater dress at Belk
ОтветитьY’all must be behind…. According to my Chocolate Advent Calendar, there are only 2 days left til Christmas! 😂
ОтветитьI lit the candle and our pastor also spoke of the hope we have in Christ
ОтветитьHello dear friends! I am asking you both to pray for my husband, John. He finished his 6 months of chemotherapy at the end of October. He has gone to get his blood tested 3 times a week since he had his last cycle of high dose chemo. He is now down to once a week for bloodwork at our local cancer center here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Last Tuesday his Platelets were finally normal. His red and white blood cells were up but still pretty low. We go again tomorrow, Tuesday morning (December 3rd) for another blood tested. Please pray he will have near normal to normal red and white blood cells and normal hemoglobin so he can have the MRD test. The MRD test is a Minimal Residual Disease test. Please pray he can have that this week so we have the test results back by December 18th when we meet with his team of doctors in Rochester, MN. We leave December 16th to get settled into the hotel before he has a bone marrow biopsy and another PET Scan on Tuesday, December 17th. Please pray all of these tests will be negative for Mantle Cell Lymphoma cancer so that he does not have to go through a stem cell transplant. If they turn out positive for cancer he will have to go through a stem cell transplant which will have us in Rochester for 40 days or more. He would have to have a bunch of tests on his organs to make sure his body can handle the extreme high dose chemo they will prepare his body for the transplant. He would have 5 days of 4 different kinds of the chemo every 12 hours for those 5 days. After that he would have the frozen stem cells they would have taken from him before all the chemo. Taking the stem cells from him could last a week before the intense chemo happens. Even if he doesn’t have the stem cells transplant they plan on taking the stem cells for future use if needed. Your prayers mean so much to us. We appreciate it more than you will ever know.
ОтветитьHey from Susan the Georgia Lady👋. We know what fixen is here in Ga.
ОтветитьAre you all not doing an advent calendar this year.
ОтветитьGreat sermon, Pastor! Amen!
ОтветитьI mean I knew he would be, but that baby is so cute!! Just precious ❤
ОтветитьI liked the jelly y'all did last year!!!
ОтветитьEnjoyed the first day of advent calendars!
ОтветитьGood evening you’ll have a beautiful family keep enjoying your blessings from God ✝️🙏🏿💜
ОтветитьThank you Carrie-Ann
ОтветитьI loved last year’s jellies…and the year before candies…oh and coffees
Ответить❤im not a hot tea drinker......sweet cold tea yes
ОтветитьI think Leslie needs a Vlogmas calendar! Just like her countdown one, but starting at 1 on Thanksgiving. You know PB is going to beg about it. He already did in this one…lol…and said day 4 then later day 5! ~Merry Christmas ~
ОтветитьI say fixing in my sentences a lot😂
ОтветитьWhat happened to the sausage balls
ОтветитьAwesome video, Leslie, Pastor Bryant, and family! Oh Leslie, we have been in that same situation with the lights! Things could get a bit dramatic when it came to the Christmas tree when I was growing up lol Dad used to tell Mom, “Next year you’re picking out the tree!” lol because she always found a problem with it lol oh I love that expression, “fixin to do something” lol I adore the southern accent. I wish I had one! My Mom’s family has a Southern drawl, because they live in the country part of Maryland. We are just outside the city of Baltimore. Such a beautiful message at couchtime, Pastor Bryant. Yes, Jesus is always with us and He knows what’s best, even if we can’t see it. We have to trust His plan. Your message is beautiful too, Leslie! We all need Jesus. I love you guys, God bless you all ❤️🤗🙏🕊️🎄
ОтветитьYou can keep those sausage balls outside temps being low
ОтветитьI say fixin’ too, lol. Enjoy your new grandbaby!
ОтветитьGreat content. You’re pretty funny, Leslie! There’s a first time for anything! Ha ha ha!!🤣 I laughed out loud right along with you. That was so funny. The look on PB’s face.😮
Benji is so sweet. Uncle Isaac looks pretty comfy with a baby in his arms. 👍👍
Love your tree. 🎄🎄🎄❤️
The word "pukka" was often used by Jamie Oliver when he was an upcoming young chef, it means really, really good!
ОтветитьLeslie I have to say watching you cook I always think you have beautiful hands. You should be a hand model. 😁
ОтветитьI love Vlogmus and Advent and Lessons and carols which for us in two weeks for us i love seeing your family do the things you do like the tree shopping and the tree decorating
ОтветитьLeslie, I was born and raised in Indiana and I say "I'm fixin to go do something."
Ответить"Sugar Spun Run" on YT just put out a super yummy Brown Sugar Maple Cookies recipe...they are easy, normal ingredients, soft, and chewy and awesome! I just made a batch...Highly recommend!
ОтветитьPraise the LORD, pastor ✝️
Ответить✍Hello Leslie and Bryant...Leslie I love your Santa Claus🎅 count down wall hanging. I've been looking for one as cute as yours but not with much luck. That's something everyone makes "sausage balls" but I've not ever made them, so maybe I might try this holiday season. I want to thank you for commenting that you would pray for me🙏 and I deeply appreciate it more than you know. Leslie you're looking so pretty. Thanks for sharing your holiday recipes with us. Good Night😴 God Bless LuvYa! Bye from NE Ohio🌹
ОтветитьEnjoyed the video 😎
ОтветитьYou guys are such a cute couple. ❤
ОтветитьI know what vixen victory.!
ОтветитьYou should have filled the cup full.!
ОтветитьI’m afraid Bryant is correct. I have lived in 4 states and everyone I ever heard pronounced Siren the way Bryant does. Now Sweetie, if I heard you say Siren the way you said it I would not know what you were saying. But you are still the best and I watch you and I love yall.
ОтветитьDoes anyone know how Leslie has lost weight? I've tried to look back at videos but I can't find it. Thank you, she looks wonderful.
ОтветитьI'm fix'n to tell you that this was a wonderful vlog and I'm so glad vlogmas has started. If i lived nearer ya'll, I'd join your church. I have a wonderful church presently but it's so similar to yours that I'd feel at home. Great sermon recap today. I enjoyed being with ya'll today and haven't missed an episode this season yet. Thank you doing this and sharing it with us.
ОтветитьI love the whole lights thing. I have had years like that. It made me giggle. I ask this community to pray for our daughter. She lives in Asheville and went through the hurricane. In June the organization she worked for shut down and then the storm. She has been without a steady job since and wants to get back into her field. She also has a state test she needs to take and pass. Please help me pray for her to pass her test and to find a job that she would be able to support herself. We have been helping and am so thantkful for we are able to help. We will be going up in a couple of weeks for the holidays to be with her. I would love to come visit your town and church on one of the Sundays we are there Y'all have a blessed day. I also love it when y'all check on the cattle. I love that ride.
ОтветитьLeslie, you're looking good, honey! ❤😊
Ответить"Tickled", "fixin'"...I'm fluent in southernese...NC native.
ОтветитьBorn and raised in California and “fixin to” has always been in my vocabulary. 😁
ОтветитьI love molasses cookies I’m planning on making these, but I’m laid up with my broken femur it. I broke it 2 1/2 weeks ago and had to have a five hour surgery to fix it so as you can imagine I’m in pain and laid up for a while.
ОтветитьThe baby is so beautiful, happy, healthy &/checking out all his many loved ones. He is a blessed little baby.♥️. I know what the word “ fixin” means but did not hear it growing up.But I love it, other words I love would be tators in stead of potatoes. But love you’re channel & everyone in you’re family. Got a good bunch there & you & PB are wonderful,role models.
ОтветитьFixing to do anything means going to do it but southern language you fixin. Pastor is fixin' to burn his tongue lol. Yes it was funny
ОтветитьAs the song says..."what the world needs love sweet Love! ...insert Jesus for the word love!
ОтветитьI live in Oklahoma and I know exactly what fixin' I say it alot!!!
ОтветитьWe know what "Fixin" means in Tennessee. When I lived up North (Washington DC, 🤣) I got teased a lot for saying "fixin." All in good fun!
ОтветитьLeslie, thank you SO much for the cookie recipe! They turned out just like yours. I've never baked with molasses before and was pleasantly surprised. Because my hubby was sleeping, I just stirred up the batter by hand and it seemed to work okay. I can't wait for my daughter to try them. I added some Christmas sprinkles on top and that worked out well. Thank you again and bless you and your family!!❤