Northern Brewer All Grain Cooler System

Northern Brewer All Grain Cooler System


14 лет назад

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@hypnolobster - 07.10.2010 19:31

You fly sparging heathens.

@donosborn - 07.10.2010 19:42

Nice work fellas. Keep edamacatin' the masses.

@afmonroe - 12.02.2011 04:40

It looks like you use 2 washers, but the assembly instructions say to use just one. Who is correct?

@NorthernBrewerTV - 14.02.2011 21:36

@afmonroe How many washers you need to use is determined by the wall thickness of your cooler. Please visit our website and search "cooler valve kit" to see a pdf of the instructions, or shoot us an email - info at northern brewer dot com.

@lawbraka - 24.05.2011 05:12

if you have the chance to buy brewing supplies online give them a look, i bought off of them and it was a pretty good deal. shipping took a bit longer than normal fedex but only by a day or two, best of all the brew saver shipping is only 7.99! wicked cheap if you buy large orders like me. overall a great company in my opinion

@DanielBrownsan - 18.10.2011 11:45

Okay, apart from the actual process, I gotta say, WHAT A DIFFERENCE using a lav mic makes in a video. It doesn't sound like you filmed this in your kitchen. And not bad work on the video side either. I hadn't considered using a "cooler" approach, but based on this video, I just might... Well done! (and I don't say that often).

@ARDrumr - 18.02.2012 22:52

what would I need to do to change my extract kit to an all grain? would I need a new boil kettle with a spiggot?

@ChutesBrewing - 16.04.2012 22:52

For an all grain batch, the only kettle requirement is that it needs to be big enough for a full volume boil. Most folks will recommend a pot in with at least an 8gal capacity. A boil kettle with a ball valve is not a requirement. If you have a counterflow chiller, it is convenient to drain the wort via the ball valve, through the CFC, and flow directly into your fermentor. If no ball value, just pour it in your fermentor the old school way. Cheers!

@marzenamartin - 02.09.2012 02:16

hello sir, could you just use only one stock pot, and one coolbox instead of two?

@NorthernBrewerTV - 06.09.2012 17:22

It's not a problem to pour boiling water into cooler. The plastic may distress slightly, but it will hold up just fine. Can't comment on Igloo coolers, we don't sell them. Perhaps you can contact Igloo directly. Cheers!

@trulysick86 - 09.01.2013 08:35

Is it ok to cook the mash with the water like you are doing there? I was instructed to pour the water(which will become the wort) over a strainer full of mash... If it doesnt matter then I will definitely be doing it your way

@mickeyricketts6987 - 17.01.2013 13:09

That is not how you apply teflon tape!

@redrumm101 - 19.01.2013 17:28

DO you need to pickle the brass componets before you use them?

@markcarlso - 25.04.2013 12:12

What size brew kettle is best for the ten gallon kit? I want to buy a kettle large enough to handle the largest brew the kit can make. Thanks.... great vid.

@Mieowman - 25.05.2013 07:16

I have one and it's 12"

@AndrewduToit - 30.06.2013 14:12

Hi would love to get a 10 gallon but you guys don't want to ship to South Africa. Found a 5 Gal. after a long search. But I have bigger pots and I would love to get a bigger mash tun, o with a false bottom would be nice. But no one in SA sells those ones. Wouldn't you consider expanding your client base?

@jasondavies6043 - 09.07.2013 03:05

liked cheer's

@TheNESbro - 11.07.2013 06:22

So I bought the 10 gallon version - should i be using 10 gallon batches if I want larger volume?

@arcampbell81 - 28.07.2013 01:14

you put the tape on backwards

@DieselRamcharger - 20.02.2014 20:14

Brewing a non polar solvent in plastic. All the money you guys spend to cheap out right at the end. Just dont get it. Real breweries and distilleries dont use plastic. For a reason.

@DieselRamcharger - 20.02.2014 20:20

Endless trying to sell crap. Everything on the table is available at home depot. Why pay some jackass to up charge you? You dont need an oring on the outside, at all. Teflon tape doesnt seal, its a thread lubricant. The taper on the threads of the two pieces is what creates the seal. Freaking hacks and idiots trying so hard to get your dollar. USE FUCKING STAINLESS! i guess they dont tell you unless the brass and copper fittings SPECIFICALLY SAY safe for drinking water use MAY CONTAIN LEAD! Dont even get me started on all the nooks and crannies that would never pass FDA inspection for a sanitary connection. That little bulkhead unless removed and cleaned with every use is a bacteria petri dish.

@davidhall4140 - 19.03.2014 05:29

Looks like brewing awesomeness !

@richcourtemanche8713 - 05.10.2014 22:17

The new 10 gallon all grain system from Northern Brewer does not have graduations.  The great price has to have you overlook the lack of this convenience.

@levicastle8553 - 20.11.2015 03:41

Lol the price these guys charge is insane. Every thing you see in this "brewing system" depicted in this vid, can easily be purchased for around $100. Would take maybe 30 min of your time to buy all this and retrofit it at your home. Save yourself a substantial amount of money and just make a trip to home depot....just like these guys did. Lol geez.

@boatbuilder1954 - 19.07.2017 03:39

I appreciate the video. Some of the posters on here think that NB is pushing this and they are not. There are some people that literally do not know which end of a hammer to use and they are the ones that will purchase this equipment that is basically ready to go. Sure most of us have the knowledge to build this ourselves and enjoy doing so but for others they can buy it online besides this was not a selling video it was an information video on what you will need to get started. Thanks NB!

@FoodiePunk - 09.09.2017 10:55

I made a three-gallon mash tun for my one gallon batches. Aside from the silicone O-rings, it's the exact same, with just a smaller cooler. Not sure what their asking price is, but mine came to under $50. After a few batches made, I've never noticed an off flavor or problem with the plastic inside. Though, I did use steel instead. There's my two cents, and no nonsensical ranting required!

@triethylborane777f7 - 29.10.2017 07:12

d e l u x e

sure guys

@glenna3434 - 21.01.2018 06:54

Dear NB,
I appreciate you showing how to videos in a kitchen. Videos made in your big classroom/brewing room is fine, but it isn't comparable to what most of us home brewers have access to. Showing a home kitchen set up gives me confidence in being able to duplicate what you demonstrate without needing to convert my home into a brewery. Cheers!

@DetroitCrow - 24.01.2018 23:46

Teflon tape tip : Put it on the threads in the opposite direction that the item you're screwing on goes will turn. most times put the tape on the threads in a counterclockwise direction..

@georgeschlaline6057 - 02.01.2020 08:38

This is BS right

@campdavidsonfunctionaltrai8583 - 25.09.2020 15:41

where did you buy the diverter tip? can't find it online

@tazsnuts99 - 01.09.2021 10:12

Best home brew store . All product's are very high quality
