Author! Shadows in this video are so funny primitive...
ОтветитьThis is a video game, snipers don’t do what this guy is doing this is just a one-man ambush.
ОтветитьWhat a terrible shot this guy wasted a lot of ammo, and had a hard time hitting anything lmao
ОтветитьAll you hear: zip💀
Ответитьthis looks like one of those old flash games on websites
Ответитьlove the way the bipod is floating above the surface its supposed to be on
ОтветитьYeah, I'm thinking less 'sniper' and more 'school shooter with a bigger gun'. A scenario were the shooter goes to rapid-fire just to get a few rounds on target does not say good things about that shooter's training or dedication to improving their skills.
Annoyingly, one of the best things about ARMA - and which certainly keeps bringing me back - is the ability to train in-game to improve your field and marksmanship skills. Equally, however, you do need to train in order to develop those skills, and LEARN the lessons that crop up along the way. Not setting up in plain sight, for example. This idiot was taking fire within minutes of opening the action!
You need to put GAME of the front of the title!!😡
ОтветитьShould be "How not to be a sniper with a sniper rifle.
truly stupid
SO realistic (not).
Ответитьhe just wear a pvs in day operation , my SO will kill me if i do that.
Ответитьbullets whizzing past ur head and ur head still up? in real world 1 single whizz is enuf to keep ur head down for quite sometime maybe occasional peeks to locate fire direction and confirm targets but nothing like staying in the same spot and continuing engagement unless you've got some 50 cal mounted machine gun to hammer known enemy location hahahah
ОтветитьYou shoot like a child with parkinsons
ОтветитьThese are all animated not real time.
ОтветитьNo wind, so I’m guessing The ACE mod isn’t enabled. But in his defense the AI in arma is really stupid most of the time, they won’t seek cover from an ambush and (sometimes) will be able to headshot you from about 600m out with iron sights with more than flawless aim of accuracy. But uhh, that was more of a shooting gallery than a sniping mission. Should really change the name of that vid bud.
ОтветитьHe is like rambo, or even better 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьWhat is the point of this?.
ОтветитьAlthough it's a game, but don't expect everyone to believe that a sniper can take out that many people at that distance and not able to be reached by any of the hostiles, and that the hostiles all are being taken within yards of each other, like none of them taking cover in any of the surrounding buildings? The game is waaay to predictable.
ОтветитьTerrible aim
can't hit a non moving target
Someone doesn't know how to use a fucking sniper rifle...
Ответитьthis looks like delta force black hawn down - the game...
ОтветитьDude maybe american soldier gran mother shoot this way....
ОтветитьAnimation gets better every day.
ОтветитьWhat a waste of time ! Minute and a half of looking around with terrible shooting
ОтветитьI'm glad this is a game and not real because you wouldn't make it as a real sniper a sniper knows not to waste their ammo
ОтветитьIs this real? Or game
ОтветитьThese appear, to me, to be computerized clips.
ОтветитьНе. Срелйте. Пожалуста. Несрейле. Охрайте. Колуну.
ОтветитьНестрелейте. Пожалуста нестрейлте. Преюм. Несрелейте. От. Никиты. От. Никиты.
ОтветитьNice animated game, fake world
Ответитьbro what is even your pc specs...
ОтветитьQue pena como mueren los soldados rusos y Ucranianos la ambicion puede mas ante el desequilibrio de unos cuantos poseidos o mal llamados seres humanos .Solo nuestro señor de los cielos los pondra en su lugar.
Ответить🇧🇷🌻bom dia o mundo precisa de paz de amor de carinho e dizer sempre não para a guerra para as violência para as descriminação para as doenças para a fome para as miséria para as pobresas para os desempregos e dizer sempre sim para a paz mundial para a saúde mundial para a ONU para as nações unidas para as confraternização para a solieratidade se Deus quiser amém Jesus boa noite🙏🌹
ОтветитьThumbs up if you miss ARMA 2: OPERATION ARROWEHEAD!!!
ОтветитьHay un culpable el que manda a matar y que los maten.
ОтветитьI like how they lay down after they're shot
ОтветитьIs he killing ai or other players?
Ответитьclearly the most oblivious sniper ever.. kids trying to be cool.. betas.. no idea how to hide.. its a sniper rifle not a MG. wow this guy just sucks..
Ответитьdisgusting sniping video, your spot and gameplay with semi auto rifle is cheaty ! without any spotter, no deplacement after shoot process.. so boring
ОтветитьThe daring warriors of Iranistan were harassed by an incredible sniper the likes of which has never been encountered in the history of man. He was able to kill his prey with maddening accuracy, killing the brave heroes of Iranistan with deadly fire. He fired thousands of rounds and hit only every other Tuesday until finally the video was over and he went on to more important things like watching reruns of Friends with customary bag of chips and cola
ОтветитьI don`t think a military sniper would be taking stupid shots like him trying to shoot through a armored vehicle driver
Ответить"Guys i swear im just like chris kyle"
ОтветитьOne of THE WORSE military animated videos that I have seen! It sucks!
ОтветитьBro sucks
ОтветитьU don’t deserve to have this game go back to fortnite
Ответитьhey bullets are expensive man!😡😡😭
ОтветитьGood old "Spray and Pray"
Ответитьalot of bullets used when they be movin lol