Extended Fasting & Longevity: Prioritize This

Extended Fasting & Longevity: Prioritize This

High Intensity Health

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@ivanandreevich8568 - 22.06.2024 07:59

Bryan Johnson is fairly strong. He benched like 245 lb.

@ironmaidenfitness654 - 22.06.2024 08:12

I think Bryan looks great. He is naturally pale and stays out of the sun.

@ironmaidenfitness654 - 22.06.2024 08:16

You also need fibre to lower cholesterol so instead of low carb, carbs should be fibre dense like vegetables.

@MostAlpha - 22.06.2024 10:36

Bryan Johnson is a killer. You should do a collab with him.

@ivormcfadzean325 - 22.06.2024 11:46

Aye good video, 100% agree about keeping your strength.

@boossersgarage3239 - 22.06.2024 15:22

creepy, Brian J is....

@33Crazydude - 22.06.2024 17:25

I completely agree that exercise, diet, sleep, and current supplements won't enable us to live to 130.

However, if we do reach that age and beyond, it will be due to medical breakthroughs and advancing AI technology.

@noahlovotti7722 - 22.06.2024 17:35

Any current supplement is not gonna work in achieving 130+ life. The longevity is not one simple treatment. It would need to be gradually treated through breakthroughs. The longevity research is growing fast. More info on r/longevity

@markmoore1042 - 22.06.2024 19:19

You can just movie Your eating window according to when Dinner Plans! Sometimes I can eat for 2 to 3 hours when having friends over, You can eat 2,000 to 3,000 calories, So as far as OMAD being hard to do long term, I disagree, Your Wife who I believe was doing OMAD, was incredibly Muscular and Ripped, So You can mold it to Your Goals like a Powerful lever, Oh maybe YOU are loosing to much weight well just incorporate another meal until You gain the weight you want back, or Maybe getting to Ripped just and more Calories or a meal or shorten Your eating window, Once your are Metabolically Flexible and You are happy the sky is Your limit, Pulling different Levers when Your preferred desire is REACHED, So I love this Concept.

@markmoore1042 - 22.06.2024 19:25

Mike Your times should change around depending on activities, Some days I eat after fasting 20 hours next day we have and earlier dinner with friends so I only fast 16 hours , then next day may fast 22 hours , Just depending on what activities You have going on, I think You forgot that Your fasting times can Vary daily to Incorporate family &. Friends.

@markmoore1042 - 22.06.2024 19:29

Mike, when Your Metabolism is not working Properly you will have to be stricter on maybe your fasting window or low carbs, But when YOU have healed Your Metabolism like being Metabolically Flexible then You can change a whole bunch of Variables, like how long to fast what You can eat and on and on.

@theancientsancients1769 - 22.06.2024 19:53

With long COVID I lost so much muscle mass .. do you recommend strength weights training for that?

@Mau365PP - 22.06.2024 21:02

It doesn't matter, covid ruined everything

@matthewpirtle8318 - 22.06.2024 21:16

I like how you provide info that focuses on practical health vs radical extremes designed to sell programs/products.

@howiesfunware - 22.06.2024 22:04

I would say the No. 1 thing for health and life span is to get the seed/bean oils out of your diet. Read those ingredient labels.

@MichaelAmen316 - 23.06.2024 01:56

Good video MYOXCIENCE man.

@eatmeatandliftweights5754 - 23.06.2024 02:58

I m fkn tired of hearing about longevity, QUALITY of life is more important imo.

@eatmeatandliftweights5754 - 23.06.2024 03:02

Triglicerides are not addressed because high catb diets cause high Triglicerides!!

@michaelvan-vn9ku - 23.06.2024 09:25

Great vid ! But .... eventually...we will be able to live for hundreds of years, can't believe you don't see that.
Eventually we will....true, not on MNM and spermadine and not right now......but science will come up with something

@user-lr5ju5fm5e - 23.06.2024 15:52

If I had 2 choices live to whatever age that freak Bryan Johnson thinks he will .Look like him and follow his protocols , I’ll take my dirt nap at 60 or so . Guy is a tool .

@LiamLoves - 23.06.2024 17:35

I can't wait for the gene therapies for further enhancement.

@bobbynir2893 - 23.06.2024 19:43

bryan johnson..is doing a vegan way of healthy diet…he does look better ..may be we dont agree with his vegan way..but he’s successful in what ever hes doing…

@bobbynir2893 - 23.06.2024 19:44

bryan johnson..is doing a vegan way of healthy diet…he does look better ..may be we dont agree with his vegan way..but he’s successful in what ever hes doing…

@JeffreyFate - 23.06.2024 21:17

Is it strength or muscle mass that is important?

@TheKiltedGerman - 24.06.2024 15:46

Glad you didn't just gush over the longevity nuts.

@albertcamus5970 - 25.06.2024 02:22

People who believe they are going to live to 180 are counting on significant advancements vs. aging in the next 50 years or so. Sooner or later - they will be right, IMHO. That is to say there will come a time when humans can end aging and will only die from accidents/murder. The trick is trying to hold on into then.

@richardbreeze7898 - 25.06.2024 09:30

Yea thats the trade mark thing that you associate with aging. Frailty and a granny walker.

@OpenContactAwaits - 25.06.2024 13:11

There's humans older than 180 on the planet.. you just don't know about them

@seanstreck3226 - 25.06.2024 16:20

The last time I started a stricter IF regimen to reset some habits, I made the edict ti myself that my meals had to be intentional. I.e. no eating in the car, no eating in front of the TV/computer, minimum 15 minutes to complete a meal, sat down at a place where eating is supposed to be had, among other things. It really helped with compartimentalizing eating but also not snacking because I simply wasn't allowed to consume in those environments of mindlessness.

@thartwig26 - 25.06.2024 17:17

My mom is 74. I’ve been working on my squat form for about a year and I’ve improved so much. I asked her to do a squat and wow! She can squat low and looks so strong. At 74!!!

@beatrize.alvarez3059 - 25.06.2024 18:20

At 76 I walk at least 10,000 steps a day, to feel good. I've had 2 falls this year and have had no injuries thanks to my lifestyle of exercise and good nutrition. Balance is the key to longevity. Thanks for the inspiration and good advise.

@onerider808 - 26.06.2024 16:58

Working the gluteus is not for show; it is for continued stabilization and a spring in your step. Skipping leg day is the path to a wheelchair. Avoiding carbs, fruits, sugar, and other poisons is also key.

@HowlingFantods - 26.06.2024 18:30

Missing the forest FOR the trees

@edge2991 - 27.06.2024 15:37

I've been eating the same thing since I was.26 every day , being thought of as a looser by other people and now I'm 40 😊😊😊 , and it looks like most people I train in their mid 20s, mid 30s , mid 40s , Jesus these people are defeated physically

@leiladasha - 29.06.2024 05:31

change the paradigm start de- aging process reverse age tech up- grade DNA

@leiladasha - 29.06.2024 05:43

juicing raw food frutarian diet raise frequency activate DNA

@melaniewalker260 - 29.06.2024 15:19

Drop me a message when the book is out and about - do a podcast? (ZA based… but exercise is medicine all over the world)

@russellclark4447 - 04.07.2024 21:23

Wait what? You and your wife have been internets largest proponents of one meal a day. The problem with following fads!

@DanielAlvarez-sl6yh - 05.07.2024 17:38

Life-saving information. Thanks again brother 🙏🇺🇸💣🇺🇸💣🇺🇸💣🇺🇸🙏

@BigPictureYT - 06.07.2024 22:27

Great points! Looking forward to reading your book.

@BigPictureYT - 07.07.2024 17:11

Bryan Johnson choses to be a vegan. That is why he has to take 60 pills a day.

@KathrynGunderson - 08.07.2024 22:27

You seem petty and super jealous

@rpolee9035 - 10.07.2024 00:28

letting you re body think it is still young by stimulating muscle growth and pushing for recovery by doing this. Does stemcell release rate play a role and the level of bone marrow you have ?

@carnicavegirl7214 - 10.07.2024 18:17

I suffer from Chrome / colitis, ME, fibro, arthritis,frozen shoulder , interstitial cystitis, anxiety, depression,...my mind and body are two different entities 😅 i got tired of not being able to live( i cant keep a job) ive lived in 23 different places in 10 years because i keep ending up in the hospital every year...i cut out all sugar, most carbs , dont drink alcohol anymore, and after awhile i found that i could go for walks, ride my motorcycle, now ive been lifting weights ❤now all that stuff will put me out for days but its better than nothing, they said i was gonna die from falling one day and i refuse to be that person...i also started taking vitamins and minerals ( big difference) if i had income i would be doing so much more,,, but unfortunately my 75 year old mother takes care if me...

@catsamazing338 - 11.07.2024 02:49

Look, all these studies are just innate self knowledge. If you can disregard the mind saying “no”, the body knows what’s best for it. Follow that and nothing else and it’s pretty much what you’re speaking of.
The only caveat is that it takes effort and people are just not good at that. Most people would rather take a pharmaceutical product than make a lifestyle change.
It’s all part and parcel of waking up.
This body is indeed God’s temple. How much do you realize that ?

@dnash2131 - 17.07.2024 16:32

That man formed a cult and now you can’t comment on his adverts

@thelastninja4825 - 18.07.2024 14:35

The guy creeps me out! i dont know why the fuss is all about, HE LOOKS 40 not 18

@niklanu - 13.08.2024 07:34

To retain some functional muscles in old age is ok, but too much muscle mass is a con. Indeed, it adds weight to the skeletal structure that inexorably get weaker with time.
The proof is given by watching who gets over 110 years of age.... almost exclusively, are short women who have little muscle mass and low weight.
So, I infer that the best way to get supercentenarian is to have some little good muscle, some little fat (protective reserve for very old people) and short bones (less leverage that can cause fractures).

@Afrobomination - 27.10.2024 20:34

I mean...we gotta do what works best for our bloodwork right?

@truthful2293 - 29.11.2024 23:13

Longevity doctors don’t look so good. They look unhealthy like vegans look. They look weak and frail.
