17 Things to Do in Lake Tahoe in the Summer

17 Things to Do in Lake Tahoe in the Summer

California Through My Lens

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@johndoiron9615 - 02.05.2022 06:18

Going there this year. This is very helpful!

@jonedmondo8806 - 13.05.2022 02:06

Here are 17 more suggestions. 1) don't litter 2) don't litter 3) don't litter .........

@jonedmondo8806 - 13.05.2022 02:09

Don't forget the drive and hikes up Mt Rose Highway. Both Tahoe Meadows to Chickadee Ridge, where you can feed the birds and the hike up to the Mt Rose Summit. And Mountain Biking on the Flume Trail! (Lot's of other incredible Mountain Biking Trails around the lake.

@donreed - 14.06.2022 08:26

The 18th thing to do: Stare at the empty lake.

@s3walker711 - 19.06.2022 18:52

Please everyone who come to visit, pack it in and pack it out! Leave no trace!

@日本の自然 - 20.06.2022 16:08

I have been there in 2019. Unforgettable trip in my life!

@TeamP1ckle - 20.06.2022 17:38

This is awesome now I know what to do in Lake Tahoe

@SarafromtheCity - 22.06.2022 03:56

Thank you for all these awsome recomendations!!!!

@bwaynesilva - 24.06.2022 00:32

Thanks for your video. My friends and I will be going up there in September so this should be a good resource.

@joywimer4281 - 03.07.2022 18:10

Lived in Tahoe 16 years missing it!! Thank you for this 😊😍

@emmaswan2304 - 13.07.2022 07:38

One of my favorite places in Lake Tahoe is kings beach also tree top adventure

@Amtran727 - 16.07.2022 15:18

Great video! Looks like an awesome place, its on my list. I want to try the Alpine Slide!

@torreyswan1109 - 23.07.2022 16:35

That seems fun this fall break me and my family are going to Lake Tahoe

@rustyshackleford330 - 28.07.2022 20:59

stay out of Tahoe. Tourists are like locust. They trash our beaches, congest our neighborhoods, act rude and entitled af. Its a small town that cant handle the zombie hordes that flood our town every freaking weekend. vacation somewhere else because you are absolutely not wanted or welcomed.

@broakland2 - 30.07.2022 10:55

Just came back from Tahoe and wished I saw your video first. Next time I’m going to check out all your recommendations. Thank you.

@patty2256 - 01.08.2022 00:28

Awesome video!!

@jesuslopez5069 - 01.08.2022 01:44

Great video 👌🏖

@nishantthegreat - 13.08.2022 20:28

So informative!! Thanks so much !!

@truth9758 - 14.08.2022 02:33

Wow, a great video. Thanks.

@randysmith8524 - 17.08.2022 06:29

Nice pics. And pick s .

@wyattcitizenzap4539 - 18.08.2022 17:52

i cant believe how populated it is up there already im regretting deciding to move up there.

@Lindasromperroom - 11.10.2022 07:13

Are there great paved paths or trails to ride bikes?

@michellewood899 - 26.10.2022 20:04


@Zane929 - 09.11.2022 06:05

Truckee I love it

@Myopinionvdo - 13.11.2022 19:43

I would love to see things to do in Lake Tahoe in winter.

@kismetfast4674 - 10.01.2023 23:04

Love Tahoe, some places I've never been to and went there many years so thanks for showing us more places to check out!

@youssefzegari1618 - 16.02.2023 23:50

I have dreamed about this lake this week even i have never know this place before it's weird

@robertminot5870 - 09.05.2023 22:28

Don’t miss the visitor’s center and stream profile chamber at Taylor Creek if/when it’s open!

@zanejackson8532 - 15.05.2023 17:47

I can find very little definitive info about the heavenly gondola and roller coaster, how can we buy tickets for either of those activities?

@ellahdk6826 - 23.06.2023 21:01

This is the best video ❤❤❤thank you so much

@GentleGiantCompanionsOfOrlando - 26.06.2023 00:18

This was a great informative video! Thank you. I loved how you kept it short and to the point. I wish everyone made videos this way. My family is headed to Lake Tahoe for the first time and this is super helpful.

@taturpin - 08.07.2023 22:52

Great ideas and very well presented. Thanks for your efforts!

@pergal4 - 17.08.2023 04:09

Good video. Thank you. Everything is expensive in Tahoe though! There is an entry fee to get to the beach!

@SarahStJohns-y5h - 17.08.2023 07:31

Great info, jotted down some notes :)

@SS-ln3dg - 17.08.2023 20:09

Found this video and subscribed immediately. You're amazing at your job! Thank you 🙏🏼

@bretthasnocap - 26.08.2023 18:28

Awesome! Thanks for sharing 🙏

@asimkhan7858 - 27.08.2023 21:26

Proud of you. Wish I could made such kind of videos. But my videos are natural.

@dikelikenike - 28.10.2023 02:59


@gmoney9068 - 08.01.2024 08:00

Dude, you left out Zephyr Cove.

@BowserHasFun - 14.01.2024 04:53

My go-to in this video is the Heavenly Gondola to be honest.

@jkaryn - 13.04.2024 21:03

About how long does it take to walk from your car to Eagle Falls?

@benefitsboss9158 - 30.05.2024 21:06

….. went parasailing in ‘00 an amazed spirience Plz do it @ least once

@akgobears - 11.06.2024 03:25

With todays Electric bikes the Tahoe area paved bike paths all around the lake are another great thing to do....I also recommend taking about an hour ride up to Virginia City NV not far from Carson City...Great way to spend a day...Another little stop not far away is just over the hill in Genoa...If your into BBQ i highly recommend Sonny's BBQ on Hwy 89 not far from Camp Richardson or the Y....I do my hanging out when in Tahoe skiing at Sonny's or a little pub and grill on Hwy 50 south shore called Steamers.....My favorite fine dining experience in Tahoe is Fiores Italian bistro located on Ski Run Blvd in south shore.....If your into Blues, every Tuesday nite i think it is at Harrahs Buddy Emmer Band plays the blues and almost always has a special guest and its usually some pretty good people.....Plus its free !!!

@poguelet - 17.06.2024 02:28

Very informative for a short video!

@eddieonthegotravel - 21.06.2024 22:04

I have a friend who lives next to Nephales restaurant in South Lake. Too bad it’s gone now, the Seafood Cheesecake was most excellent.

@mattn676 - 09.07.2024 04:28

No Desolation Wilderness on the list? It's one of my favorite places to visit in Lake Tahoe.

@rowdymonster1 - 26.08.2024 07:37

@monicapngrbn2867 - 06.09.2024 03:13

Thanks for the video. Is the alpine slide still there?
Any of these on your list you recommend for winter trip?

@2visiondigital - 10.01.2025 03:25

In summer you can experience traffic where there is hardly a place to park your car.

@siriosstar4789 - 04.02.2025 11:18

one of the things missing that may never return is the loss of solitude and depth of stillness that the sierras had back in the fifties when i was a boy.
the 'wildness ' of the california wilderness has all but been lost to too many people and the destruction of habitat .,
without that extreme depth of silence that is palpable , the sierras become a strictly visual experience , which ain't bad but couple that with the above and we have a quantum leap in one's experience of the area .
